Organisational Names (reverse date order)
The Children’s Society - Our commonly used name since 1982.
The Church of England Children’s Society - Our official name since 1946 and our commonly used name between 1946 and 1982.
The Waifs and Strays Society - The shortened form of our official name until 1946. Often we were simply
referred to as ‘The Waifs and Strays’.
The Church of England Incorporated Society for Providing Homes for Waifs and Strays - Our official name between 1893 and 1946.
The Church of England Central Society for Providing Homes for Waifs and Strays - Our official name between 1883 and 1893.
The Church of England Central Home for Waifs and Strays - Our official name between 1881 and 1883.
Terms Used in Relation to Case Files
Boarding out - Appears frequently in the case files and refers to the placement of a child in
a foster home.
Discharged - Used in case file catalogue entries to refer to a child leaving our care. This was often to start
work, return to relatives or enter a home run by another organisation.
Domestic service - Working as a servant for a household or institution. Such positions were often, but not
always, residential.
The Society - Used as an abbreviation in catalogue entries to refer to The Children’s Society prior to 1946.