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CLC - Clothworkers' Company Works of Art
AF - Antique Furniture
BB - Designer Bookbindings
CG - Ceramics and glass
CK - Clocks
CT - Coins and Tokens
DR - Drawings
FA - Facsimiles
ME - Medals, decorations, badges, coins
MO - Models
OB - Objets d'Art
PA - Paintings
PH - Photographic Archive of the Clothworkers' Company
PO - Portraits
PR - Prints
ST - Statuary/sculpture
SV - Staffs/Staves
TN - Textiles
VB - Visitors' Books
W - Plate
001 - Circular box
002 - Burnell rosewater dish
003 - Jackson rosewater dish
004 - Waldo salt
005-007 - Chetwynd college cups
008 - Waldo cup
009 - Sweetmeat dish
010 - Williamson rosewater dish
011 - Williamson ewer
012 - Williamson cup
013 - Williamson salt
014 - Davison tankard
015 - Pepys rosewater dish
016 - Pepys ewer
017 - Pepys cup
018-019 - Beckford flagons
020-021 - The Greene salts
022-023 - Burton tankards
024 - Dunster salt
025-026 - The Middlemore waiters
027 - James II tankard
028 - James II tankard
029 - William and Mary silver gilt and wood Beadle's staff
030 - William III tankard
031-032 - Pair of Queen Anne dwarf candlesticks
033 - The King's Inch
034 - Bull monteith
035-040 - George II silver pepper pots
041-042 - Pair of George II silver casters
043-048 - Set of six George II candlesticks
049 - Burnell cup
050 - Cutler cup
051 - Perry salver
052 - George II silver bread or cake basket
053 - Stephenson Clarke silver salver
054 - Hawkins Turner/ Eliza Godfrey salver
055 - Davison cup
056 - George II silver gilt and wooden Beadle's staff
057-058 - Portuguese ewer and rosewater dish
059 - Johnson salver
060 - The Wastfield cup
061 - The Lavers cup
062 - George III toddy ladle
063 - George III silver lemon strainer
064 - George III silver hot water urn
065 - George III Irish silver dish ring
066-067 - Pair of George II silver salvers
068-069 - Pair of George III silver coffee pots
070 - The Barge-Master's badge
071 - George III silver wine funnel
072 - Tipstaff of Langbourne Ward
073 - George III silver pepper pot
074 - George III silver two handled tray
075-076 - Pair of George III silver gilt wine coolers designed by John Flaxman after the Medici Vase
077 - Driver silver gilt cup and cover
078-082 - A set of five candelabra
083 - George III pocket snuff box
084 - George III silver epergne with cut glass dishes
085 - George III double hinged table snuff box
086 - George IV silver hot water urn
087 - George IV silver teapot
088 - George III 18ct gold oblong table snuff box
089 - William IV silver gilt wine jug
090 - Large William IV silver salver
091 - Early Victorian silver meat skewer
092 - Early Victorian silver mounted ram's horn snuff mull
093-094 - Gold badges for Senior Wardens
095-096 - Badges for Junior Wardens
097 - Gold badge for a Senior Warden
098-104 - Badges for Past Masters and Wardens
105 - Bousfield cup
106 - Victorian silver meat skewer
107-108 - Pair of Victorian silver ewers with gilt interiors
109 - Victorian table snuff box modelled as a ram
110 - Portuguese rosewater dish
111 - [South American] rosewater dish
112 - Victorian table snuff box on wheels
113 - Victorian silver gilt helmet shaped ewer in the style of Paul de Lamerie
114 - Victorian silver meat skewer
115 - The Driver cup
116 - The Wheeler cup
117 - Musgrove plateau
118 - Victorian silver rose bowl
119 - Two handled cup and cover
120 - The Master's Travelling/Second badge
121 - The 19th century Burnell rosewater dish
122 - The Wing cup
123 - The Driver rosewater dish
124 - The Neate cup
125 - The Norbury cup
126-128 - The Beachcroft ewer and goblets
129 - Farnan rosewater dish
130 - Gregory rosewater dish
131 - Orton punch bowl
132 - Roberts rosewater dish
133 - Talmadge cup and cover
134 - Gray cup and cover
135-139 - Wing finger bowls
140 - Victorian large shaped circular commemorative salver
141 - Victorian silver standing cup
142 - Victorian silver salver
143 - Phene rose bowl
144 - Victorian semi-fluted silver tea pot
145 - Freshfield rosewater dish in Byzantine style
146 - Kelvin cup
147 - Freshfield beaker for champagne
148 - Roberts cup and cover
149 - Humphery cup and and cover
150 - Victorian silver mounted cut crystal spirit decanter
151 - Edwardian silver swing handle bread basket
152-163 - Twelve graduated silver fruit baskets
164 - Edwardian George III style silver hot water urn
165 - Edwardian silver jug
166 - The Master's Badge
167 - Fitch cup and cover
168 - Edwardian silver quart tankard in the William III style
169 - Edwardian two handled silver cup and cover
170 - Sugg cup and cover
171 - Edwardian large silver two handled plain rectangular tray
172 - Waterlow rosewater dish
173 - Two handled plain rectangular silver tea tray
174 - Japanese silver bowl inlaid with gold
175 - Silver gilt wine cup
176 - Plain oblong cedar lined cigar and cigarette box
177 - Arts and Crafts two handled planished saucer shaped silver dish
178 - Datchelor rose bowl
179 - Silver salt and cover of pyx or hourglass form
180 - Replicas of the Chetwynd cups
181 - The Horne cup
182 - Continental silver nef
183 - Table lighter in the form of a standing bear
184a - Silver gilt table snuff box
184b - Silver gilt table snuff box
185 - Plain slightly tapered beaker in the seventeenth century style
186 - Plain slightly tapered beaker in the seventeenth century style
187 - Silver replicas of the Burton tankards of 1683
188-191 - Set of Treasury inkstands
192 - Plain oblong cedar lined cigarette box
193 - Circular fluted rosewater dish
194 - Continental silver cigarette box
195 - Tudor rose dish
196-202 - Seven Britannia standard silver ashtrays in the form of Armada dishes
203-214 - Past Master's badges
215 - Clerk's badge
216 - Circular silver armada dish
217 - Leslie salt
218-221 - Past Master's badges
222-227 - Pepper grinders
228 - Oval silver fruit dish
229 - Brooch/badge for the Clerk's Lady
230 - Plain circular silver salver
231 - Brooch/badge for the Master's Lady
232-233 - Pair of tazzas
234-235 - Pair of silver and parcel gilt two handled standing cups and covers (Devlin cups)
236 - Silver gilt three handled cup and cover (Benney cup)
237-238 - Pair of silver and parcel gilt speech timers
239 - Granite, glass and silver lectern
240 - Circular salver
241 - Silver gilt and ebony handled mace (Elson mace)
242 - Silver and parcel gilt two handled standing cup and cover (Devlin cup)
243 - The Mathieson tankards
244 - Parcel gilt standing cup and cover (Durbin cup)
245 - Silver and parcel gilt goblet
246 - Silver and parcel gilt goblet
247 - Brooch/badge for the Master's Lady
248-253 - Past Master's badges
255 - Limited edition silver plain cylindrical beaker
256 - Silver gilt rosewater dish (Lawrence dish)
257 - Silver gilt standing cup and cover (Lawrence cup)
258-259 - Pair of silver gilt standing cups and covers (Burton cups)
260 - Slim armada dish
261-262 - Luttman-Johnson silver coasters
263 - Millennium spoon cabinet
264 - Millennium silver and silver gilt commemorative spoons
265-286 - The Millennium candelabra
287 - Silver and parcel gilt place markers
288 - Sir John Hall pepper grinders
289 - Aqua-Poesy vase (Wates/Suzuki vase)
290 - Aqua-Poesy vase (Wates/Suzuki vase)
291 - Silver vase (Wates/Suzuki vase)
292 - Large circular spiral fluted rosewater dish (Brogden dish)
293 - Contemporary silver loving cup and cover (Russell loving cup)
294 - Badge for the Immediate Past Master
295 - Papworth loving cup
296-319 - Shearmen's cruet sets
320 - West election cup
321 - Grand cruet set
322 - Silver, gold leaf and enamelled centrepiece (Jane Short centrepiece)
323 - Kairos (Theresa Nguyen centrepiece)
324 - Booth goblet
325 - Loving cup (Higson loving cup)
326 - Badge for the Clerk
327 - Rosewater dish (Angela Cork dish)
328 - Loving cup (Yusuke Yamamoto Teasel Loving Cup)
329 - Cascade loving cup (Miriam Hanid)
330 - Centrepiece dish (Patrick Davison)
500 - The Common Seal of The Shearmen's Company
501 - Silver plated drinking horn
502-503 - Pair of two handled silver sauce tureens and covers
504 - Silver and ivory plated gavel
505 - German WMF electroplated and cut glass claret jug
506 - Victorian cut glass claret jug with electroplated mounts
509 - George IV Old Sheffield plate breakfast dish and cover
510-511 - Pair of Old Sheffield plate four light candelabra
512-514 - Old Sheffield plate communion set
517 - Hawk of Horus
518 - Model of a Dorset ram
519 - Model of a kangaroo
520 - Electroplated salver
521 - Circular electroplated cylindrical box and cover
522 - Claret jug
600-601 - Nine kidney shaped Hock decanter labels
602 - Crescent shaped Hock decanter labels
603 - Six kidney shaped Lisbon decanter labels
604-605 - Kidney shaped Lisbon decanter labels
606 - Crescent shaped Lisbon decanter label
607-608 - Four kidney shaped Madeira labels
609 - Crescent shaped Madeira decanter labels
610 - Crescent shaped Madeira decanter labels
611 - Crescent shaped Madeira decanter labels
612 - Kidney shaped port decanter labels
613 - Crescent shaped Port decanter labels
614 - Crescent shaped Port decanter labels
615 - Crescent shaped Sherry decanter label
616 - Thirty six crescent shaped Sherry decanter labels
617-618 - Pair of George II silver wine decanter labels
700a - Fiddle pattern table forks
700b - Collection of dessert and table forks
701 - Large old English pattern spoons
701a - Collection of spoons
702a - Old English pattern [soup] spoons
702b - Collection of dessert spoons
702c - Old English pattern soup spoon
704 - Collection of tea spoons
705 - Tea spoons and one egg spoon
708a - George II silver Hanoverian basting/gravy spoons
708b - Victorian silver basting/gravy spoons
709 - Butter knives
710a & 710b - Dessert/fruit knives and forks
711 - Fish forks and knives
713 - Cheese knives
718 - The Leonard Pead spoons
800 - Electroplated bottle stoppers
802 - Fish slices
803 - Old English pattern pie servers
804a - George III salt cellars
804b - George III oval pie crust salt cellars with festoon overlay
804c - George III salt cellars
804d - Oval pie crust salt cellars with festoon overlay
804e - Oval pie crust crested salt cellars with festoon overlay
805 - Silver plated sauce boats
806a - Old English pattern silver sauce ladles
806b - Old English pattern silver sauce ladles
807a - Silver grape scissors
807b - Electroplated grape scissors
809 - William IV and later silver topped cut glass sugar casters
810a - Pair of George III bright cut engraved sugar tongs
810b - Two pairs of George III bright cut engraved sugar tongs
810c - Victorian fiddle, thread and shell pattern sugar tongs
811a, 811b & 811c - Vegetable and entrée dishes
812a - Ten Victorian silver cruet stands
812b - Victorian silver cruet stands
813 - Metalware chandelier light reflectors
814 - Electroplated toast racks
900 - Miniature silver replica of the Burton tankards
901 - Silver and blackbuck horn handled table cigar lighter
902 - Victorian silver rosewater dish
903 - Silver and ivory trowel
904 - Set of six trefid coffee spoons
905 - Pair of seal top spoons
906 - Pair of silver hot milk jugs
907-909 - Three shaped circular silver gadrooned butter dishes and another
910 - Pearl reliquary in the form of a Golden Ram
911 - Badge brooch for a Clerk's Lady
912 - Pair of George I style dwarf silver candlesticks
913 - Coffee pot with wooden handle
914-917 - Edwardian crested silver four piece tea service
918-926 - Set of modern silver butter dishes
929 - William III silver gilt trefid spoon and fork
930 - Octagonal ebony silver tipped yardstick
931 - Gold and carnelian signet ring
932 - Sir Bernard Waley-Cohen's shrieval badge
933 - Silver gilt key
935 - Pair of double panel cufflinks
936 - George III silver goblet
937 - Bronze Past Master's badge for J Burchall, Master excused service 1836-1837
938 - A George III silver gilt two handled cup and cover by Abraham Portal
L002 - Claret jug
L003 - Victorian silver two handled tray
L004 - Clothworkers' Master's badge 1842
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