I’ve found an entry on the online catalogue and now I want to visit
Doncaster Archives to see the item. What is the procedure?
For more information about our opening hours, access arrangements, readers'
tickets, and for details of our services and facilities, please check
website. When contacting us to make an appointment, it is helpful to provide
a list of the reference numbers of the records you would like to consult.
Why can’t I see images of the documents in the catalogue?
The catalogue, at present, only contains descriptions for the documents in
our archive and not digitised images from the collection. However, digitised
images of some of the items amongst our collections will be added over time.
Why can’t I find what I'm looking for?
If you want to search for an exact phrase (so the words appear adjacent to
each other in the text), e.g. John Smith, enter the text with double quotation
marks, thus "John Smith".
Searching the database will only find the exact words used in the catalogue,
so if you haven't found what you wanted it's often best to try other related
People's names and place names may also vary in spelling and so you may need
to try searching for alternative spellings in order to find all relevant
records. When making a personal name search, you are advised to search only on
You can also search for part of a word followed, or preceded, by a 'wildcard'
asterisk to broaden your search: e.g. Indi* will retrieve records which include
the words India, Indian, Indies.
How can I find out more information about an entry displayed in the
'search results' hitlist?
To view a full record description, click on any part of the record. If you
then want to browse the record in its hierarchical context (i.e. how it relates
to other records in the collection), click on Finding Number. Use the back
button on your browser to return to the search results overview.
How do I sort the records in the 'search results' hitlist?
You can sort the list of results according to the field of your choice by
clicking on the column heading. By default, records are presented in Finding
Number order. However, you can also sort records by Title or by Date.