
Ref NoBML/1/1/40
TitleBig sheet and bundle, Scotland versus England, Murrayfield, 5 February 1994
DescriptionThe big sheet has brief notes on the reverse, including the comment 'Too far away worst com[men]t[ar]y for identification ever'. It has five sections cut from it comprising most of the information about the players and replacements. It is accompanied by:
- Notes, including an introduction to and description of the match and score.
- Programme with brief annotations.
- Cuttings from The Evening Standard, The Times, The Scotsman, The Sunday Telegraph, The Herald and other unidentified newspapers. One of the cuttings is a profile of Victor Ubogu and another is a report by Bill McLaren entitled 'A worrying failure to make use of Townsend's pace'.
- 'Calcutta Cup Clash' supplement of The Herald, which includes an interview by Bill McLaren with Peter (the Hammer) Brown.
- Issue 3 of press information published by The Famous Grouse The Spirit of Scotland and the Scottish Rugby Union, dated 28 January 1994.
- Letter from Liam McLaughlin, Social Convener of the University of Paisley Alumni Society, to The BBC Commentator, Scottish Rugby Union, pointing out that Gavin Hastings did not captain the Paisley College of Technology's team and so Nigel Starmer-Smith was incorrect to comment that he had captained every team he has ever played for, dated 19 February 1993.
This match was part of the Five Nations Championship. The score was Scotland 14 - 15 England. The big sheet records:

Team: Gavin Hastings, Tony Stanger, Scott Hastings, Douglas Wyllie, Ken Logan, Gregor Townsend, Gary Armstrong, Alan Sharp, Ken Milne, Paul Burnell, Shade Munro, Andrew Reed, Peter Walton, Doddie Weir and Rob Wainwright.
Replacements: Derek Stark, Ian Jardine, Bryan Redpath, Ian Smith, Alan Watt and Kevin McKenzie.
President: J B Steven.
Manager: DSP [Duncan Sinclair Paterson].
Coaches: DWM [Douglas Waugh Morgan] and R. [Richard] Dixon.
Physiotherapist: Dr James Robson.
Medical officer: Clark Sharp.

Team: Jonathan Callard, Tony Underwood, Will Carling, Philip de Glanville, Rory Underwood, Rob Andrew, Kyran Bracken, Jason Leonard, Brian Moore, Victor Ubogu, Martin Johnson, Martin Bayfield, John Hall, Neil Back and Ben Clarke.
Replacements (names and information cut from the big sheet): Mike Catt, Stuart Barnes, Dewi Morris, Graham Rowntree, Graham Dawe and Steve Ojomoh.
President: Ian Beer.
Manager: Geoff Cooke.
Coaches: Dick Best and Mike Slemen.
Physiotherapist: Kevin Murphy.
Medical officer: Terry Chrystal [Crystal].

Referee: Lindsay McLachlan.
Assistant referees / touch judges: Clayton Thomas and Bob Davies.
Surgeon: Donald McLeod.
Groundsman: Bill Ellwood.
Assisting preparation: JWT [Jim Telfer].
Date1993-Feb 1994
TermRugby football
Team sports
RepositoryScottish Borders Archives Collections
Extent1 bundle
Access StatusOpen
DS/UK/201Hastings; Andrew Gavin (b.1962); Scottish rugby union playerb.1962
DS/UK/202Stanger; Anthony George 'Tony' (1968-); Scottish rugby union player1968-
DS/UK/203Hastings; Scott (b.1964); Scottish rugby union playerb.1964
DS/UK/235Wyllie; Douglas Stewart (1963-); Scottish rugby union player1963-
DS/UK/521Logan; Kenneth McKerrow; Scottish rugby union player
DS/UK/520Townsend; Gregor Peter John; Scottish rugby union player
DS/UK/236Armstrong; Gary (b.30 Sep 1966); Scottish rugby union playerb.30 Sep 1966
DS/UK/2304Sharp; Alan Victor
DS/UK/208Milne; Kenneth Stuart 'Kenny' (b.1961); Scottish rugby union playerb.1961
DS/UK/209Burnell; Andrew Paul (b.1965); Scottish rugby union playerb.1965
DS/UK/2265Munro; Donald Shade (b.1966); Scottish rugby union playerb.1966
DS/UK/2305Reed; Andrew Ian
DS/UK/968Walton; Peter
DS/UK/211Weir; George Wilson 'Doddie' (1970-2022); OBE; Scottish rugby union player1970-2022
DS/UK/525Wainwright; Robert Iain; Scottish rugby union player
DS/UK/2319Callard; Jonathan Edward Brooks
DS/UK/152Underwood; Tony (b.1969); English rugby union player1969-
DS/UK/306Carling; William David Charles (b.1965); English rugby union playerb.1965
DS/UK/320Glanville; Philip Ranulph de (b.1968); English rugby union playerb.1968
DS/UK/307Underwood; Rory (b.1963); English rugby union player and pilotb.1963
DS/UK/308Andrew; Christopher Robert (b.1963); English rugby union player and coachb.1963
DS/UK/413Bracken; Kyran Paul Patrick; English rugby union player
DS/UK/265Leonard; Jason (1968-); English rugby union player1968-
DS/UK/310Moore; Brian Christopher (b.1962); English rugby union player and commentatorb.1962
DS/UK/322Ubogu; Victor Eriakpo; English rugby union player
DS/UK/268Johnson; Martin Osborne (b.1970); English rugby union player1970-
DS/UK/312Bayfield; Martin Christopher (b. 1966); English rugby union playerb. 1966
DS/UK/1336Hall; John Peter; English rugby union player
DS/UK/243Back; Neil Antony (b. 1969); English rugby union playerb. 1969
DS/UK/314Clarke; Benjamin Bevan (b.1968); English rugby union playerb.1968
DS/UK/1021Stark; Derek Alexander (1966-); Scottish rugby union player1966-
DS/UK/554Jardine; Ian Carrick
DS/UK/522Redpath; Bryan William (b.1971)b.1971
DS/UK/527Smith; Ian Richard
DS/UK/238Watt; Alan Gordon James (b.1967); Scottish rugby union playerb.1967
DS/UK/1024McKenzie; Kevin Duncan (b.1968); Scottish rugby union playerb.1968
DS/UK/260Catt; Michael John (b. 1971); English rugby union playerb. 1971
DS/UK/137Barnes; Stuart (1962-); English rugby union player.1962-
DS/UK/309Morris; Colin Dewi (b.1964); English rugby union playerb.1964
DS/UK/411Rowntree; Christopher Graham (b.1971); English rugby union playerb.1971
DS/UK/155Dawe; Richard Graham Reed (b.1959); English rugby union playerb.1959
DS/UK/2988Ojomoh; Stephen Oziegbe
DS/UK/2989Steven; J B
DS/UK/217Paterson; Duncan Sinclair (1943-2009); Scottish rugby union player1943-2009
DS/UK/622Morgan; Douglas Waugh (1947-); Scottish rugby union player1947-
DS/UK/533Dixon; James Richard
DS/UK/218Robson; James Peter; Dr; Scottish Rugby Union medical advisor
DS/UK/219Sharp; John Clarkson McGregor; Dr; Scottish rugby union medical advisor
DS/UK/2990Beer; Ian David Stafford (b.1931); CBE; English rugby union player and headteacherb.1931
DS/UK/2963Cook [?]; Geoffrey
DS/UK/298Best; Dick (b.1954); rugby union coach, journalist and reactionaryb.1954
DS/UK/299Slemen; Michael Anthony Charles 'Mike' (1951-); English rugby union player1951-
DS/UK/256Murphy; Kevin; England Physiotherapist
DS/UK/257Crystal; Terry; Dr; England rugby team doctor
DS/UK/2991McLachlan; Lindsay Lamont
DS/UK/423Thomas; Clayton
DS/UK/360Davies; D Robert (fl.2000); rugby union refereefl.2000
DS/UK/220MacLeod; Donald; Dr; Scottish Rugby Union President
DS/UK/221Ellwood; William A; groundsman
DS/UK/788Telfer; James William 'Jim' (1940-); Scottish rugby union player1940-
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