
Ref NoBML/1/10/7
TitleBig sheet and bundle, Wales versus France, Cardiff Arms Park, 6 March 1976
DescriptionThe big sheet is signed by Bill McLaren and has notes on the reverse. It has two sections cut from it, including information about some of the French side. It is accompanied by notes, including a description of the game and scores, an account of McLaren's expenses, a programme and cuttings from The Daily Telegraph and other unidentified newspapers. One of the cuttings is a report by Bill McLaren entitled 'Edwards the key in Welsh grand slam.'
This match was part of the Five Nations Championship. The score was Wales 19 - 13 France. The big sheet records:

Team: JPR Williams, Gerald Davies, Ray Gravell, Steve Fenwick, JJ Williams, Phil Bennett, Gareth Edwards, Charlie Tony Faulkner, Bobby Windsor, Graham Price, Alan [Allan] Martin, Geoff Wheel, Tom David, Mervyn Davies and Trevor Evans [Trefor Pryce Evans].
Replacements: Roy Bergiers, John Bevan, Brynmor Williams, Mike Knill, Roy Thomas and Derek Quinnell.
President: Handel Rogers.
Chairman selectors: Clive Rowlands.
Coach: John Dawes.
Physiotherapist: Jerry Lewis.

Team: Michel Droitecourt, J[ean]-Francois Gourdon, Roland Bertranne, Joel Pecune, J[ean]-Luc Averous, J[ean]-Pierre Romeu, Jacques Fouroux, Gerard Cholley, Alain Paco, Robert Paparemborde, J[ean]-Francois Imbernon, Michel Palmie, J[ean]-Pierre Rives, J[ean]-Pierre Bastiat and J[ean]-Claude Skrela.
Replacements: Michel Yachvili, Armand Vaquerin, Gerard Rousset, Richard Astre, Francois Sangalli and J[ean]-Michel Aguirre.
President: Albert Ferrasse.
Chairman selectors: Guy Basquet.
Coaches: F. Cazenave and M. Desclaux.
Physiotherapist: M. Camille Biau.

Referee: John West.
Assistant referees / touch judges: Selwyn Lewis and Jacques St. Guilhelm.
Medical officers: Dr Jack Matthews and Dr Gordon Rowley.
Groundsman: Bill Hardiman.
Other people listed on the sheet: John W[illia]ms and Owen Clements.
TermRugby football
Team sports
RepositoryScottish Borders Archives Collections
Extent1 bundle
Access StatusOpen
DS/UK/3Williams; John Peter Rhys 'JPR' (1949-2024); MBE; FRCS; Welsh rugby union player and surgeon1949-2024
DS/UK/1404Davies; Thomas Gerald Reames (b.1945); CBE, Welsh rugby union playerb.1945
DS/UK/1288Gravell; Raymond William Robert (1951-2007); Welsh rugby union player, broadcaster and Bard1951-2007
DS/UK/1371Fenwick; Steven Paul (b.1951); Welsh rugby union and rugby league international1951-
DS/UK/1405Williams; John James 'JJ' (1948-2020); MBE; Welsh athlete and rugby union player1948-2020
DS/UK/2Bennett; Philip 'Phil' (1948-2022); OBE; Welsh rugby union player1948-2022
DS/UK/8Edwards; Gareth Owen (1947-); Welsh rugby union player1947-
DS/UK/1406Faulkner; Anthony George 'Charlie' (1941-2023); Welsh rugby union player1941-2023
DS/UK/1407Windsor; Robert William 'Bobby' (1948-); Welsh rugby union player1948-
DS/UK/1294Price; Graham (1951-); MBE; Welsh rugby union player1951-
DS/UK/1378Martin; Allan Jeffrey (1948-); Welsh rugby union player and athlete1948-
DS/UK/1375Wheel; Geoffrey Arthur Derek (1951-2024); Welsh rugby union player1951-2024
DS/UK/1554David; Thomas Patrick 'Tom' (1948-); Welsh rugby union and rugby league player1948-
DS/UK/15Davies; Thomas 'Mervyn' (1946-2012); Welsh rugby union player1946-2012
DS/UK/1408Evans; Trefor Pryce (b.1947); Welsh rugby union player1947-
DS/UK/1555Droitecourt; Michel (1949-); French rugby union player1949-
DS/UK/1556Gourdon; Jean-François (1954-); French rugby union player1954-
DS/UK/1557Bertranne; Roland (1949-); French rugby union player1949-
DS/UK/1558Pecune; Joel (1951-); French rugby union player1951-
DS/UK/1559Averous; Jean-Luc (b.1954); French rugby union playerb.1954
DS/UK/1560Romeu; Jean-Pierre (1948-); French rugby union player1948-
DS/UK/1549Fouroux; Jacques (1947-2005); French rugby union player1947-2005
DS/UK/1561Cholley; Gerard
DS/UK/1562Paco; Alain
DS/UK/1563Paparemborde; Robert
DS/UK/1564Imbernon; Jean-François (1951-); French rugby union player1951-
DS/UK/1565Palmie; Michel
DS/UK/1566Rives; Jean-Pierre (b.1952); French rugby union playerb.1952
DS/UK/1524Bastiat; Jean-Pierre (1949-2021)1949-2021
DS/UK/1544Skrela; Jean-Claude (1949-); French rugby union player and coach1949-
DS/UK/1463Bergiers; Roy Thomas Edmond (1950-); Welsh rugby union player1950-
DS/UK/1345Bevan; John David (1948-1986); Welsh rugby union player1948-1986
DS/UK/1373Williams; David Brynmor (b.1951); Welsh rugby union and rugby league playerb.1951
DS/UK/1464Knill; Franklyn Michael David 'Mike' (1941-); Welsh rugby union player and policeman1941-
DS/UK/1421Thomas; Edwin 'Roy' 'Shunto' (1945-); Welsh rugby union player1945-
DS/UK/39Quinnell; Derek Leslie (1949-); Welsh rugby union player1949-
DS/UK/1567Yachvili; Michel
DS/UK/1568Vaquerin; Armand (1951-1993); French rugby union player and cafe owner1951-1993
DS/UK/1569Rousset; Gerard
DS/UK/1570Astre; Richard
DS/UK/1571Sangalli; Francois
DS/UK/1572Aguirre; Jean-Michel (fl.1972)fl.1972
DS/UK/1573Williams; John
DS/UK/1574Clements; Owen
DS/UK/859West; John R
DS/UK/912Lewis; Meirion Selwyn; rugby union referee
DS/UK/1575Guilhelm.; Jacques St
DS/UK/1465Rogers; Handel C
DS/UK/1576Ferrasse; Albert
DS/UK/4Dawes; Sydney 'John' (1940-); OBE; Welsh rugby union player and coach1940-
DS/UK/1577Cazenave; Fernand
DS/UK/1578Desclaux.; Marc
DS/UK/1361Rowlands; Daniel Clive Thomas (b.1938); OBE, Welsh rugby union player1938-2023
DS/UK/1579Basquet; Guy (1921-2006); French rugby union player1921-2006
DS/UK/1318Lewis; Jerry
DS/UK/1580Biaud; M Camille
DS/UK/1365Matthews; Jack
DS/UK/1403Rowley; Gordon
DS/UK/1350Hardiman; William
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