
Ref NoBML/1/6/4
TitleBundle, Wales versus England, Cardiff Arms Park, 12 April 1969.
DescriptionThis bundle contains notes, including a description of the match and score, an account of Bill McLaren's expenses, an annotated programme and cuttings from The Daily Telegraph, the Daily Express and other unidentified newspapers. One of the cuttings is a report by Bill McLaren entitled 'Memorable second-half display by Wales'.
This match was part of the Five Nations Championship. The score was Wales 30 - 9 England.

This match was part of the Five Nations Championship. The score was England 13 - 17 Wales. The programme records:

Team: J P R Williams, Stuart Watkins, Keith Jarrett, John Dawes, Maurice Richards, Barry John, Gareth Edwards, Denzil Williams, John Lloyd, Jeff Young, Brian Price, Brian Thomas, David Morris, John Taylor and Mervyn Davies.
Replacements: Barry Llewelyn, Norman Gale, Phil Bennett [scored-out], Ray Hopkins and W H 'Billy' Raybould.

Team: Bob Hiller, Ken Plummer, John Spencer, David Duckham, Rod Webb, John Finlan, Trevor Wintle, John Pullin, Keith Fairbrother, David Powell, Peter Larter, Nigel Horton, Bob Taylor, Budge Rogers and David Rollitt.
Replacements: R H 'Bob' Lloyd [scored-out], Christopher Wardlow, T J 'Tim' Dalton, Jan G Webster [scored-out], Nigel Starmer-Smith, J R H 'Dick' Greenwood [scored-out], Bryan R West, A M 'Mike' Davis and Roger Harris.

Referee: D P D'Arcy (Ireland)
Touch Judges: F B Stephens (WRU) and G Tinsdeall (Yorkshire).
TermRugby football
Team sports
RepositoryScottish Borders Archives Collections
Extent1 bundle
Access StatusOpen
DS/UK/3Williams; John Peter Rhys 'JPR' (1949-2024); MBE; FRCS; Welsh rugby union player and surgeon1949-2024
DS/UK/1482Watkins; Stuart John (1941-); Welsh rugby union player1941-
DS/UK/2494Jarrett; Keith Stanley (1948-); Welsh rugby union and rugby league international1948-
DS/UK/4Dawes; Sydney 'John' (1940-); OBE; Welsh rugby union player and coach1940-
DS/UK/3287Richards; Maurice Charles Rees (1945-); Welsh rugby union and rugby league international1945-
DS/UK/7John; Barry 'The King' (1945-2024); Welsh rugby union player1945-2024
DS/UK/8Edwards; Gareth Owen (1947-); Welsh rugby union player1947-
DS/UK/9Williams; Denzil (1938-); Welsh rugby union player and steelworker1938-
DS/UK/38Lloyd; David 'John' (1943-); Welsh rugby union player and coach, teacher1943-
DS/UK/37Young; Jeffrey 'Jeff' (1942-2005); OBE; Welsh rugby union player, teacher and air force officer1942-2005
DS/UK/1490Price; Brian E V (1937-2023); Welsh rugby union player, broadcaster and schoolteacher1937-2023
DS/UK/2491Thomas; Brian E (1940-2012); Welsh rugby union player1940-2012
DS/UK/14Morris; William David (1941-); Welsh rugby union player1941-
DS/UK/1513Taylor; John (1945-); Welsh rugby union player and commentator1945-
DS/UK/15Davies; Thomas 'Mervyn' (1946-2012); Welsh rugby union player1946-2012
DS/UK/11Llewelyn; Donald Barry (1948-); Welsh rugby union player1948-
DS/UK/1489Gale; Norman Reginald (1939-2005); Welsh rugby union player1939-2005
DS/UK/2Bennett; Philip 'Phil' (1948-2022); OBE; Welsh rugby union player1948-2022
DS/UK/1528Hopkins; Raymond 'Chico' (1946-); Welsh rugby union and rugby league player1946-
DS/UK/5Raybould; William Henry 'Billy' (1944-); Welsh rugby union player1944-
DS/UK/1800Hiller; Robert 'Bob' (1942-); English rugby union player, teacher and cricketer1942-
DS/UK/5036Plummer; Kenneth Clive 'Ken' (1947-); English rugby union player1947-
DS/UK/1802Spencer; John Southern (1947-); English rugby union player1947-
DS/UK/1413Duckham; David John (1946-); MBE; English rugby union player1946-
DS/UK/1803Webb; Rodney Edward 'Rod' (1943-); English rugby union player1943-
DS/UK/1662Finlan; John Frank (1941-2023); English rugby union player1941-2023
DS/UK/1804Wintle; Trevor Clifford (1940-); English rugby union player and medical practitioner1940-
DS/UK/1424Pullin; John Vivian (1941-2021); English rugby union player and farmer1941-2021
DS/UK/1680Fairbrother; Keith Eli (1944-); English rugby union player1944-
DS/UK/1805Powell; David Lewes 'Piggy' (1942-); English rugby union player1942-
DS/UK/1664Larter; Peter John (1944-); English rugby union player1944-
DS/UK/1418Horton; Nigel Edgar (1948-); English rugby union player and police officer1948-
DS/UK/1806Taylor; Robert Bainbridge 'Bob' (1942-); English rugby union player1942-
DS/UK/245Rogers; Derek Prior 'Budge' (1939-); OBE; English rugby union player and President of the RFU 1981-821939-
DS/UK/1425Rollitt; David Malcolm 'Dave' (1943-2022); English rugby union player and teacher1943-2022
DS/UK/1810Lloyd; Robert Hoskins 'Bob' (1943-); English rugby union player and civil engineer1943-
DS/UK/2516Wardlow; Christopher Story 'Chris' (1942-); English rugby union player1942-
DS/UK/1809Dalton; Timothy Joseph 'Tim' (1940-2014); English rugby union player1940-2014
DS/UK/1415Webster; Jan Godfrey (1946-2019); English rugby union player1946-2019
DS/UK/2362Starmer-Smith; Nigel Christopher (1944-); English rugby union player and commentator1944-
DS/UK/1348Greenwood; John Richard Heaton 'Dick' (1940-); OBE; English rugby union player1940-
DS/UK/2340West; Bryan Ronald (1948-); English rugby union player1948-
DS/UK/1813Davis; Alec Michael 'Mike' (1942-2022); English rugby union player and teacher1942-2022
DS/UK/2594Harris; Roger F S (1939-2016); CBE; English rugby union player, accountant and businessman1939-2016
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