
Ref NoBML/2/15/2
TitleBig sheet and bundle, Scotland versus Rest, Murrayfield, 29 December 1962.
DescriptionThe big sheet has a note on the reverse concerning the commentary It is accompanied by a programme, newspaper cutting and notes, including information for a discussion on Anglo-Scot and international rugby.

The score of this Final International Trial was Scotland 11 - 8 Rest The big sheet records:

Team: [K J F] Scotland, [R H] Thomson, [J A P] Shackleton, [I H P] Laughland, [C G] Hodgson, [D H] Chisholm, [S] Coughtrie, [D M D] Rollo, [N S] Bruce, [I C] Spence, [F H] ten Bos, [M J] Campbell-Lamerton, [K I] Ross, [T O] Grant and [W R A] Watherston.

Team: [S] Wilson, [C] Elliot, [D M] White, [A R] Broatch, [G D] Stevenson, [J] Blake, [J A T] Rodd, [N] Suddon, [F A L] Laidlaw, [J B] Neill, [W J] Hunter, [P K] Stagg, [R J C] Glasgow, [J] Douglas and [J P] Fisher.
Date29 Dec 1962
TermRugby football
Team sports
RepositoryScottish Borders Archives Collections
Extent1 bundle
Access StatusOpen
DS/UK/1896Scotland; Kenneth James Forbes 'Ken' (1936-); Scottish rugby union player1936-2023
DS/UK/1925Thomson; Ronald Hew 'Ronnie' (1936-); Scottish rugby union player1936-
DS/UK/1918Shackleton; James Alexander Pirie (b. 1940); Scottish rugby union playerb. 1940
DS/UK/618Laughland; Iain Hugh Page (1935-); Scottish rugby union player1935-
DS/UK/4193Hodgson; Charles Gordon
DS/UK/1967Chisholm; David Hardie (1937-1998); Scottish rugby union player1937-1998
DS/UK/1920Coughtrie; Stanley (b.1935); Scottish rugby union player1935-
DS/UK/1921Rollo; David Miller Durie (b. 1934); Scottish rugby union playerb. 1934
DS/UK/1904Bruce; Norman Scott (1932-1992); Captain; Scottish rugby union player1932-1992
DS/UK/7304Spence; I C; Scottish rugby union player
DS/UK/1922ten Bos; Frans Herman (1937-2016); Scottish rugby union player1937-2016
DS/UK/1948Campbell-Lamerton; Michael John (1933-2005); Colonel; Scottish rugby union player and army officer1933-2005
DS/UK/1946Ross; Kenneth Innes (b. 1937); Scottish rugby union playerb. 1937
DS/UK/1927Grant; Thomas 'Oliver' (1933-2022); Scottish rugby union player1933-2022
DS/UK/4985Watherston; William Rory Andrews (b. 1939); Scottish rugby union player1939-
DS/UK/7295Wilson; S
DS/UK/7305Elliot; C
DS/UK/1965White; Donald Matthew (b. 1943); Scottish rugby union player1943-
DS/UK/5252Broatch; A R
DS/UK/1898Stevenson; George Drummond (1933-2012); Scottish rugby union player and sales representative1933-2012
DS/UK/6592Blake; J; Scottish rugby union player
DS/UK/1902Rodd; John Adrian Tremayne (1935-2006); 3rd Baron Rennell of Rodd; Scottish rugby union player, army officer and banker1935-2006
DS/UK/810Suddon; Norman (b.1943); Scottish rugby union player1943-2022
DS/UK/783Laidlaw; Francis Andrew Linden (b.1940); Scottish rugby union playerb.1940
DS/UK/1966Neill; John Brian
DS/UK/786Hunter; William John Ferguson (b.1934); Scottish rugby union playerb.1934
DS/UK/785Stagg; Peter Kidner (b.1941); Scottish rugby union playerb.1941
DS/UK/1951Glasgow; Ronald James Cunningham (b.1930); Scottish rugby union playerb.1930
DS/UK/6342Douglas; J
DS/UK/787Fisher; James Pringle
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