
Ref NoBML/2/16/19
TitleBig sheet and bundle, England International Trial, The Reddings, Moseley Football Club, Birmingham, 15 November 1969
DescriptionThe big sheet is signed by Bill McLaren and has notes on the reverse concerning McLaren commentating on the match instead of Cliff Morgan and problems with the identification of players. It is accompanied by:
- Programme.
- Notes, including a description of the score.
- Account of McLaren's expenses.
- Newspaper cuttings covering this match and other rugby news of the period.
- Letter from Janet [?] of the BBC to Bill McLaren regarding a London hotel booking, annotated and dated 24 October 1969.

This International Trial was held before a match with South Africa. The score was Whites 19 - 11 Blues. The big sheet records:

Team: Bob Hiller, Keith Fielding, David Duckham, John Spencer, Martin Hale, Chris Wardlow, Nigel Starmer-Smith, Keith Fairbrother, John Pullin, Bev Dovey, Peter Larter, Mike Davis, Tony Bucknall, Bob Taylor and Bryan West.

Team: Tony Jorden, Tony Richards, Bob Griffiths, Bob Lloyd, Mike Bulpitt, John Finlan, John Allen, Brian Stevens, Roger Harris, Barry Jackson, Alan Brinn, Mike Leadbetter, Phil Hayward, Ron Tennick and Eric Lyon.

Replacements: Jerry Graham, Roger Morris, Pat Simmons (name crossed through), Jacko Page, Ian Wright, John Harrison, David Powell, Phil Keith-Roach, Dick Smith, Peter Dixon (name crossed through), Chris Wheatley and Les Rollinson.

Referee: Mike Titcomb.
Pipe major: Wm [William] Hamilton.
Please note: this item is not held at The Heritage Hub, please contact us for details.
Dateabout 24 Oct-15 Nov 1969
TermRugby football
Team sports
RepositoryNot held at the Scottish Borders Archives Collections
Extent1 bundle
Access StatusOpen
DS/UK/1800Hiller; Robert 'Bob' (1942-); English rugby union player, teacher and cricketer1942-
DS/UK/1801Fielding; Keith John (b.1949); English rugby union playerb.1949
DS/UK/1413Duckham; David John (1946-); MBE; English rugby union player1946-
DS/UK/1802Spencer; John Southern (1947-); English rugby union player1947-
DS/UK/2512Hale; Peter Martin
DS/UK/2516Wardlow; Christopher Story 'Chris' (1942-); English rugby union player1942-
DS/UK/2362Starmer-Smith; Nigel Christopher (1944-); English rugby union player and commentator1944-
DS/UK/1680Fairbrother; Keith Eli (1944-); English rugby union player1944-
DS/UK/1424Pullin; John Vivian (1941-2021); English rugby union player and farmer1941-2021
DS/UK/7250Dovey; B A
DS/UK/1664Larter; Peter John (1944-); English rugby union player1944-
DS/UK/1813Davis; Alec Michael 'Mike' (1942-2022); English rugby union player and teacher1942-2022
DS/UK/2515Bucknall; Anthony Launce (b.1945); English rugby union playerb.1945
DS/UK/1806Taylor; Robert Bainbridge 'Bob' (1942-); English rugby union player1942-
DS/UK/2340West; Bryan Ronald (1948-); English rugby union player1948-
DS/UK/1409Jorden; Anthony Mervyn (b.1947); English rugby union player and cricketerb.1947
DS/UK/4298Richards; Anthony A
DS/UK/7251Griffiths; Robert E
DS/UK/1810Lloyd; Robert Hoskins 'Bob' (1943-); English rugby union player and civil engineer1943-
DS/UK/5032Bulpitt; Michael P
DS/UK/1662Finlan; John Frank (1941-2023); English rugby union player1941-2023
DS/UK/2335Allen; John A (fl.1974); English rugby union playerfl.1974
DS/UK/1416Stevens; Claude Brian (b. 1941); English rugby union player1940-2019
DS/UK/2594Harris; Roger F S (1939-2016); CBE; English rugby union player, accountant and businessman1939-2016
DS/UK/3219Jackson; Barry K (b.1937); English rugby union playerb.1937
DS/UK/3226Brinn; Alan
DS/UK/6724Leadbetter; Michael M
DS/UK/2518Hayward; Philip J; English rugby union player
DS/UK/6884Tennick; Ronald R
DS/UK/4304Lyon; Eric T
DS/UK/7252Graham; Jerry; English rugby union player
DS/UK/2330Morris; Roger Ernest
DS/UK/4226Simmons; Patrick J
DS/UK/1824Page; John Jackson; English rugby union player
DS/UK/2523Wright; Ian Douglas (1945-2000); English rugby union player1945-2000
DS/UK/2338Harrison; John
DS/UK/6128Powell; David
DS/UK/6121Keith-Roach; Philip d'Aubigny (b.1945); English rugby union playerb.1945
DS/UK/4160Smith; Richard
DS/UK/1442Dixon; Peter John (1944); English rugby union player1944
DS/UK/7253Wheatley; C
DS/UK/7254Rollinson; Les
DS/UK/1550Titcomb; Michael Herbert (1933-2008); English rugby union referee1933-2008
DS/UK/7255Hamilton; William
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