
TitleKew Guild Papers
DescriptionThe collection comprises ten series. The first series (KGU/1/1) contains papers relating to the Presidential offices (President Elect, President and Immediate Past President) from 1985 as well as a file containing the Annual Report and Accounts from 1996. The second series (KGU/1/2) contains papers from 1988 – 1993 relating to the Guild Centenary celebrations in 1993. The third series (KGU/1/3) relates to the records of the Secretary from 1911 including minutes, correspondence and papers relating to a variety of Guild projects and issues. The fourth series (KGU/1/4) contains the Treasurer’s papers from the inception of the Guild in 1893 including accounts and details of individual funds and bequests. The fifth series (KGU/1/5) is comprised of the Membership Secretary’s papers from the late 19th century and contains membership books, subscription information and correspondence including some biographical information. The Journal Editor’s papers from 1964 make up the sixth series (KGU/1/6) and these are primarily comprised of the ‘News of Kewites’ information and correspondence that is published in the Journal. The seventh series (KGU/1/7) contains the Events Officer’s papers from 1900 which include primarily details of the annual dinners and A.G.M. events. The eighth series (KGU/1/8) relates to the Kew Guild Award Scheme and contains papers from its inception in 1973 covering its administration, student applications and fundraising. Series nine (KGU/1/9) is the Kew Guild’s photographic collection, dating from the late 19th century and containing group and individual portraits as well as more informal pictures. The final series (KGU/1/10) contains a variety of papers dating from 1893 and artefacts relating to the Kew Guild in general rather than a specific committee post
Related MaterialJournal of the Kew Guild in the Library collections
CreatorKew Guild (1893-)
Collection TitleKew Guild Papers
Extent65 boxes, 8 oversize boxes
Administrative HistoryThe Kew Guild was founded in 1893, as an offshoot of the Kew Mutual Improvement Society (itself created in 1871), with an intention of uniting past and present “Kewites” by means of the publication of an annual journal that would convey news and facilitate communication. The Director, William Thiselton-Dyer, gave his blessing and a committee was formed to carry out the scheme, consisting of W.Watson, W.J. Bean, G.H. Krumbiegel, J. Brown, A.A. Pettigrew and J. Aikman.
At this time, the fledgling organisation also adopted its motto, ‘Floreat Kew’, meaning ‘May Kew Flourish’. A badge for the Guild was first developed in the 1920s. Improvements were made to this in the 1930s but the design was not appropriate from a heraldic point of view and so, in the 1960s, the Guild approached the College of Arms and an official badge and arms were awarded.

Initially, the Guild was intended only for gardening staff but, in 1898, this rule was expanded to include those “who are or who have at any time been employed as gardeners or in any position of responsibility in the Royal Gardens, Kew”, a qualification that allowed horticultural, scientific and administrative staff to become members. Among those who became life members early on were Sir Daniel Morris, Sir Joseph Hooker and Sir William Thiselton-Dyer. In 1937, volunteer student gardeners were also admitted to the Guild under the category ‘Associate-Membership’. The worldwide membership now also includes International Trainees, Research and Liaison Scientists, Diploma and Postgraduate Students and, at the discretion of the Committee, other individuals who have had an association with Kew.
At its inception, the Guild Journal was intended to provide a vehicle for the publication of the Mutual Improvement Society’s Annual Prize Essay. The Journal provides an unbroken annual record of Kew and the Guild since 1893, and is a continuing channel of information about the Gardens as well as about the fortunes of current and former staff and students across the world. Its original, successful format has changed little over the years.

In addition to the publication of the Journal, the Guild’s other main event is the Annual Dinner, held in May, the first of which took place in 1900 at the Holborn Restaurant. Initially, the Director or invited botanists presided over the event however, on the retirement of William Thiselton-Dyer in 1906, the President of the Guild took up this role. The Annual General Meeting of the Guild takes place in September at which time appointments to the Committee are made. This is traditionally followed by a social event.
There have been a number of periods of concern for the Guild, for example during the financial depression of 1931-2 (when publication of the Journal was delayed), the First World War (when the Journal was reduced and the Annual Dinner abandoned), and the Second World War (when the Journals for 1939 and 1940 were amalgamated). The most serious constitutional crisis for the Guild occurred in 1908 when a number of members desired to use the Guild to put pressure on the government for a rise in salaries for the gardening profession in general, a move that went against the fundamental principle that the Guild should not be used for political purposes. Eventually, this proposal was abandoned but not without the resignation of a number of members and the absence of a journal for 1909.

The Journal for 1918 contains a Roll of Honour and a war memorial was erected by the Guild in the Temple of Arethusa to which names were added after WW2. It was also during the First World War that women gardeners became eligible for membership when they took the places of the men who had gone on active service.

Throughout its history, the Kew Guild has donated prizes to be awarded to student gardeners. Initially, they were presented at the annual dinner but are now given on the same occasion as the Kew Diploma and other non-Guild awards. The Guild has also been involved in helping individuals suffering hardship and, in the early 1970s, a proposal was put forward which resulted in the Award Scheme which sponsors and administers bursaries, awards and travel fellowships that are open to all members. As a result of this, fundraising functions have also become a regular undertaking of the Guild.

In 1962, the Guild applied for charitable status, a request which was granted on appeal in 1964, thus increasing the Guild’s income by ceasing its liability for income tax.

The main aims of the Kew Guild since 2000 are:
The advancement of horticultural and botanical knowledge, particularly in connection with the work of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and Wakehurst Place (RBG, Kew) and among members of the Guild.
The encouragement of horticultural and botanical education at RBG, Kew by the provision of prizes and grants for Students and the administration of the educational funds of the Guild.
The administration of the Awards Scheme and other charitable funds of the Guild for the objects of the Guild, and the assistance from such funds to members of the Guild at the discretion of the Committee.
The publication of a Journal in furtherance of one or more of the aims of the Guild
Custodial History The papers of the Kew Guild had been stored in various locations in the Herbarium buildings, including the archives, as well as with individual members of the Guild. A listing project was completed by A.J.P. Gray in Feb 1990 and a full project to catalogue the Guild’s records was undertaken by Mandy Ingram between October 2005 and May 2006 at which time all relevant material was, where possible, located, retrieved and deposited in the RBG Kew archive who now retain ownership and ongoing management of the collection.

The bulk of the records held in the Kew Guild archive do not have recorded acquisition details but are likely to have been deposited over time by the Guild Officers. A large number of records were also located at Kew and incorporated into the collection in the course of the cataloguing project
SeriesKGU/1 – Internal papers of the Kew Guild:
KGU/1/1 – President's papers
KGU/1/2 – Guild Centenary celebrations; 1993
KGU/1/3 – Secretary's papers
KGU/1/4 – Treasurer's papers
KGU/1/5 – Membership secretary papers
KGU/1/6 – Journal editor papers
KGU/1/7 – Event officer's papers
KGU/1/8 – Award Scheme papers
KGU/1/9 – Photographs
KGU/1/10 – Miscellaneous & Artefacts

KGU/2 – External papers donated to the Kew Guild
ArrangementThe basic arrangement of the documentary records is chronological within series based upon individual committee positions plus separate series for the centenary records, photographic collection and miscellaneous items. A second fonds has been utilised for external records deposited with the Guild. Papers have been generally retained in the structure that they held when they were deposited and this can result in some chronological overlaps between groups of papers. Some of the Secretary’s papers had been previously sorted and this has been reflected in the arrangement of that series. A small number of records (some of these pre-sorted) have been transferred from the Secretary’s series to other, more appropriate series. Large groups of duplicate papers have been disposed of but there may be some duplicates remaining within the collection, especially of minutes. Improved records management practice introduced in 2006 should reduce duplication of records after this date. The photographic collection has been catalogued in three discrete sub-series in order to group together official group pictures, individual portraits and more informal shots. This has negated the original index detailed in KGU/1/9/6 but the original reference numbers from this index have been detailed in the database for cross reference.
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