Ref NoGB-110/JES/COR/11/69
TitleSamuel Goodenough, Rose Castle, [Carlisle, Cumberland], to James Edward Smith
DescriptionComments on two specimens he saw in [George] Don's open letter to Smith: if the 'Hypericum' is not named suggests 'ciliatum' or 'crinitum', and the 'Lamium' has a deeper coloured flower than any of its affinities. Warns Smith to not let [James] Sowerby disgust Don nor put him to needless expense as he is one of Smith's most valuable correspondents.

Events in Spain: Glad the populace and the Ministers are eager for an investigation into the "Portugal business"in Spain [Peninsular War, 1807-1814, war between France and Spain, Portugal, and Britain for control of Iberian Peninsula]. Goodenough enraged by Bonaparte's invasion, "never was there in the history of man a more barefaced invasion of natural right and justice". Eager to hear of the fourth volume of "Flora Britannica". Shall soon begin to think that there is a "party rising up bent on vexing old naturalists - Salisbury, [Edward] Donovan [(1768-1837), zoologist] - I would not willingly add Sowerby".
Date24 Oct 1808
Extent4 pp
Related MaterialSmith, J E, (1800-1804). "Flora Britannica" London: Davis.
NotesSmith replied 5 Nov [1808]
Publn_NoteSmith, P (ed.), (1832). "Memoir and correspondence of... Sir James Edward Smith" London: Longman, vol 1, pp.573-574.
Finding_AidsDawson, W R, (1934). "Catalogue of the manuscripts in the Library of The Linnean Society - Part I. The Smith papers: The correspondence and miscellaneous papers of Sir James Edward Smith", London: Linnean Society.
Creator NameGoodenough, Samuel (1743-1827)
GB/110/1/35Goodenough; Samuel (1743-1827); Bishop of Carlisle1743-1827
GB/110/1/32Don; George (1764-1814); clockmaker and nurseryman1764-1814
GB/110/1/48Sowerby; James (1757-1822); natural history artist, publisher and collector1757-1822
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