Ref NoGB-110/JES/COR/17/5
TitleJames Edward Smith, Norwich, [Norfolk], to William Roscoe, Allerton Hall, near Liverpool, [Lancashire]
DescriptionRelates his and [William Fitt Drake's] journey from Liverpool to Norwich, with quotes from Petrarch and Rousseau, via Disley, [Cheshire], Buxton, [Derbyshire], Ashbourne, [Derbyshire], Matlock, [Derbyshire], Newark, Cambridge, and [Burghley] House, [Cambridgeshire]. Cambridge [botanic] garden "in a very flourishing state" and [James] Donn [(1758-1813), curator Cambridge Botanic Garden] is in correspondence with [John] Shepherd [(c 1764-1836, curator Liverpool Botanic Garden], and acquired roots of 'Aletris uvaria' which are now growing in his garden.

Upset to see the plants and books of his late "beloved friend", [Edmund] Davall, before him, and regrets never visiting him in Switzerland. Invites Roscoe to visit Norwich and meet his wife, [Pleasance Smith]. Expecting copy of Roscoe's "Lorenzo".
Date25 Aug 1803
Extent4 pp
Related MaterialRoscoe, W, (1796). "The Life of Lorenzo de’ Medici called The Magnificent" London: A. Strahan et la; please note not available from Linnean Society Library.
Finding_AidsDawson, W R (1934). "Catalogue of the manuscripts in the Library of The Linnean Society - Part I. The Smith papers: The correspondence and miscellaneous papers of Sir James Edward Smith", London: Linnean Society.
Creator NameSmith, Sir James Edward (1759-1828)
GB/110/1/11Smith; Sir; James Edward (1759-1828); Knight; botanist1759-1828
GB/110/1/160Drake; William Fitt (1786-1874); Church of England clergyman1786-1874
GB/110/1/67Davall; Edmund (1763-1798); botanist1763-1798
GB/110/1/161Smith; Pleasance (1773-1877); benefactor of the Linnean Society1773-1877
GB/110/1/31Roscoe; William (1753-1831); historian and patron of the arts1753-1831
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