Description | Relates his and [William Fitt Drake's] journey from Liverpool to Norwich, with quotes from Petrarch and Rousseau, via Disley, [Cheshire], Buxton, [Derbyshire], Ashbourne, [Derbyshire], Matlock, [Derbyshire], Newark, Cambridge, and [Burghley] House, [Cambridgeshire]. Cambridge [botanic] garden "in a very flourishing state" and [James] Donn [(1758-1813), curator Cambridge Botanic Garden] is in correspondence with [John] Shepherd [(c 1764-1836, curator Liverpool Botanic Garden], and acquired roots of 'Aletris uvaria' which are now growing in his garden.
Upset to see the plants and books of his late "beloved friend", [Edmund] Davall, before him, and regrets never visiting him in Switzerland. Invites Roscoe to visit Norwich and meet his wife, [Pleasance Smith]. Expecting copy of Roscoe's "Lorenzo". |