Ref NoGB-110/JES/COR/17/58
TitleJames Edward Smith, Norwich, [Norfolk], to William Roscoe, Allerton Hall, [near Liverpool, Lancashire]
DescriptionReplies to Roscoe's letters of 15 November and 16 December. Disappointed not to see Roscoe this summer and impatient for Roscoe's notes on 'Canna' species. Last paper of second volume of "Exotic botany" published and hopes to settle a permanent plan for its continuation or a new one like it next spring. Has written papers on British 'Hieracium', "papilionaceous decandrous plants of New Holland", three diadelphous genera, and working on one on 'Arenaria' to resolve dearth of papers at Linnean Society meetings, which are otherwise "very fully" attended. Second parts of "Flora Graeca" and "Florae Graecae prodromus" ready for publication. Thanks for Roscoe's praise of his paper on "shall & will" [in October 1807 issue of the "Athenaeum"] and "Introduction to Botany"; half the edition is sold; will only correct a new edition.

Thanks for Roscoe's political pamphlet [on war with France, see RelatedMaterial below], which he agrees with entirely; further comments. Has completed 3000 species for Liverpool [Botanic Garden] herbarium. [Richard] Salisbury and Andrews, "a rogue & a fool, a happy conjunction!", have combined to criticise Roscoe's 'Scitamineae' principle. Has written to editor of the "Monthly Magazine" about [William Fordyce] Mavor [(1758-1837)], who wrote Botany Report for this month's issue, and who was rejected by Linnean Society; expects it will be published next month.
Date25 Feb 1808
Extent4 pp
Related MaterialFor Roscoe's letters of 15 November 1807 and 16 December 1807, to which this is a reply, see JES/COR/17/56 and JES/COR/17/57 respectively.

Smith, J E, (1804-1805). "Exotic botany" London: J. Sowerby.

Smith, J E, 'Observations respecting several British Species of Hieracium', "Transactions of the Linnean Society of London", 1808 9(1), pp.225-243.

Smith, J E, 'Specific Characters of the Decandrous Papilionaceous Plants of New Holland', "Transactions of the Linnean Society of London", 1808 9(1), pp.244-267.

Sibthorp, J, (1806-1837). "Flora Graeca", London: Taylor.

Sibthorp, J, and Smith, J E, (1806-1813). "Florae Graecae prodromus: sive plantarum omnium enumeratio, quas in provinciis aut insulis Graeciae invenit Johannes Sibthorp... Characteres et synonyma omnium cum annotationibus elaboravit Jacobus Edvardus Smith." Londinum: [printer:] Taylor.

Smith, J E, (1807). "An Introduction to Physiological and Systematical Botany." London: Longman.

Roscoe, W, (1808). "Considerations on the Causes, Objects and Consequences of the present war, and on the expediency, or the danger, of peace with France." London : T. Cadell & W. Davies; please note not available in Linnean Society Library.

Roscoe, W. 'A new arrangement of the plants of the Monandrian Class usually called Scitamineae (Imperfect).' Read 1806.

Roscoe, W, 'A New Arrangement of the Plants of the Monandrian Class usually called Scitamineae', "Transactions of the Linnean Society of London", 1807 8(1), pp.330-357.
Finding_AidsDawson, W R (1934). "Catalogue of the manuscripts in the Library of The Linnean Society - Part I. The Smith papers: The correspondence and miscellaneous papers of Sir James Edward Smith", London: Linnean Society.
Creator NameSmith, Sir James Edward (1759-1828)
GB/110/1/11Smith; Sir; James Edward (1759-1828); Knight; botanist1759-1828
GB/110/1/31Roscoe; William (1753-1831); historian and patron of the arts1753-1831
GB/110/1/15Salisbury; Richard Anthony (1761-1829); botanist and horticulturist1761-1829
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