Activity | FLS 1795. Travelled abroad, c 1763-1766. Inherited Pendarves estates, near Camborne, in 1766. Interest in seaweeds and plants referred to by Theophrastus. In 1775 built Acton Castle, at Stackhouse Cove, Cornwall, which included basement tanks, in which he was the first known person to grow marine algae from spores. Illustrated his own works. Contributed to Alberto Fortis's "Dei cataclismi sofferti dal nostro pianeta, saggio poetico" (1786), Coxe's "Literary Life" and "Select Works of Benjamin Stillingfleet" (1811), Withering's "An Arrangement of British Plants" (1796 and 1801), and Dawson Turner's "Fuci" (1807-1819). Discovered 'Viola lactea'. |