Description | Correspondence, 1933-83, between the Commission, Directors of the Science Museum (H. Shaw, Ernest Mackintosh and H.G. Lyons) and Walters Fladgates (solicitors), concerning the collection of views of the main institutions on the Estate with regard to their possible future claims for further accommodation; the Report of the Advisory Council on the Science Museum (1937); Memorandum (1945) by Ernest Mackintosh on the history of the Science Museum since 1898 and the need to complete it; suggestions from the Science Museum director for a commemoration in the Science Museum in 1951 of the Great Exhibition; draft entries on the Science Museum for the 1851 Commissioners' Report to Parliament; the amendment of the terms of the 1864 conveyance of land by the Commissioners to the Government to permit use and occupation of the Science Museum. Also, copy of the Draft Deed of Amendment, 1983. |