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RC - Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 Archive
1 - The Commission - correspondence
2 - Board of Management - Chairman
3 - Board of Management - Members' Correspondence
4 - Board of Management, Sub-committees Correspondence
5 - Science Scholarships Committee (Renamed Science and Engineering Fellowships Committee from 2006).
6 - Science Scholarships Committee Members Correspondence (renamed Science and Engineering Fellowships Committee from 2006)
7 - Science Scholarships Committee - Correspondence with External Examiners
8 - The Commission - meetings and memoranda etc
9 - Board of Management
10 - Board of Management Sub - Committees - Minutes
11 - Board of Management - Correspondence re Educational Policy
12 - Medals
13 - Science Scholarships Committee
14 - Science Scholarships Committee
15 - Science Scholarships Committee
16 - Board of Management - Industrial Bursaries. Correspondence with Universities
17 - Board of Management - Naval Architecture
18 - British School of Archaeology at Athens
19 - Royal School of Needlework
20 - Royal College of Music
21 - Queen Alexandra's House
22 - Income Tax
23 - Income Tax: Scholars, Fellows and Bursars.
24 - National Insurance
25 - The Institute of Physics, The Physical Society and the Optical Society.
26 - International Education Board
27 - Research Awarding Bodies
29 - Banking
30 - Commissioners' Investments
31 - Auditors
32 - Finance - Miscellaneous
36 - Inter-Trust Conference
37 - Press Announcement of the Award of 1851 Scholarships and Fellowships
38 - 1851 Scholars who became Fellows of the Royal Society
39B - Press Cuttings
40 - National Physical Laboratory
41A - Acquisition of Pictures, Portraits and Papers
41B - Prince Albert Trust
42 - Garton Scheme
44 - British School at Rome
46 - Various Memoranda
47 - Accounts, Notes and Estimates
48 - Kensington Gore Estate: Museums, Exhibitions and Galleries
49 - Scientific Societies, Other Bodies and the Award of Scholarships
50 - Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1853-1989
1 - Aberfan Disaster Fund
2 - Admiralty, Department of Scientific Research and Experiment
3 - Advisory Centre for Education
4 - Agnelli, Fondazione Giovanni
5 - Aldous, J. (Florist, Nurseryman and Gardener)
6 - Alexandra County Primary Junior School
7 - Alexandra Trust
8 - Alliance Assurance Company
9 - American Council on Education
10 - Anderson, Jno. and Sons
11 - Ansari, S. Mohd Hanif
12 - Architectural Association
13 - Armidale College of Advanced Education
14 - Army and Navy Stores
15 - Association for promoting general welfare of the Blind
16 - Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux (ASLIB)
17 - Australian Commemorative Stamps
19 - Avery, W. and T. Ltd
21 - Badash, Professor Lawrence
23 - Barker, John and Co. Ltd.
24 - Baylis, Kathleen
25 - Bayst, W.A.
26 - Bickerton, Professor A.W.
27 - Blair, Sir Robert
28 - Board of Trade, 1853
29 - Bodleian Library
30 - Bolitho, Hector
32 - Bowring, Algernon
33 - Brindley and Foster
34 - British Broadcasting Corporation
35 - British Empire Exhibition
36 - British Federation of University Women Ltd.
37 - British Institute of Industrial Art
38 - British Institute of Social Service
39 - British Legion Haig's Fund
40 - British School of Archaeology in Iraq
41 - British Scientific Instrument Research Association
42 - British Theatre Museum
43 - Brodrick, Laurence A.
44 - Brucciani, D. and Co. Ltd. (Plaster Cast makers)
45 - Cambridge and Sheffield Sahara Expedition
46 - Camerer Cuss (Horologists)
47 - Career Advisory Bureau
50 - Cave, Beatrice
51 - Central Office of Information
52 - Central School of Speech Training and Dramatic Art
55 - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
56 - Century Theatre
57 - Charterhouse Rheumatism Clinic
58 - Chubb and Sons Lock and Safe Co. Ltd.
59 - Civil Service Department
60 - Clapp, F.
61 - Clarke, Joan E.
62 - Colyer and Southey (Printers)
63 - Common, J.
64 - Commonwealth Secretariat
65 - Commonwealth Youth Council
66 - Copyright Libraries
67 - Cromwell House
68 - The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post
69 - Davis, Godfrey
70 - Del Regato, Juan A.
71 - Denny, Sir Archibald
72 - Department of Education and Science
74 - Ditchling Foundation
75 - Donohoe, Eleanor M.
76 - Duncan, G. and Sons (Builders and Decorators)
77 - Earland, A.W.
78 - The Economist
79 - Emden, Paul H.
80 - Empire Forestry Association
81 - The Engineering Training Organisation
82 - The English Folk Dance and Song Society
83 - Europe Study Group
84 - Evans, Joan
85 - Fairgrieve, Ella
86 - Farningham and Swanley Houses for Boys
87 - Farworth Fuel and Transport Company
88 - Fay, Professor C.R.
89 - Ffowcs Williams, Professor John E
90 - Ffrench, Yvonne
91 - Fild, C.
92 - Flugel, Mabel
93 - Foreign Office
94 - Fox, Samuel and Co. Ltd.
95 - Furse, Sir William
96 - Gale and Polden Ltd. (Printers)
97 - The Gas Light and Coke Company
98 - Gates, Professor R.R.
99 - Gibby, C.W
100 - Girls' Friendly Society
101 - Glanfield and Sons (Wholesale Clothing Manufacturers)
102 - Globe-Wernicke Co. Ltd.
103 - Goch, Maud
104 - Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co.
105 - Goss, Barbara
107 - Harrods
108 - Hart, W. and Co. (Watch Fusee Chain and Hook Manufacturers)
109 - Hawkins, R.N.P.
110 - Headmistresses' Employment Committee
111 - Heywood-Waddington, Rev. I.
112 - Holmes, C.J(?)
113 - Home Office
115 - Hyde, Dorothy F
116 - Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd.
117 - Imperial Typewriter Co. Ltd.
118 - Industrial Educational Council
119 - Industrial League and Council
120 - Inlaks Foundation
121 - Institut Francais
122 - Institute of Contemporary Arts Ltd.
123 - Institute of Patentees
124 - International Congress of Mathematics
125 - International Exhibition of Persian Art
126 - International Students' Bureau
127 - The International Year Book and Statesmen's Who's Who
128 - Irish White Cross
129 - Joint Educational and Refugee Service
130 - Jones, Dr. Ronald
131 - Keen, W.B. and Co. (Chartered Accountants)
132 - Keith, James and Blackman (Engineers)
133 - Kensington and Knightsbridge Electric Lighting Co. Ltd.
134 - Leach, Vera
135 - League of Nations
136 - The Leathersellers' Company
137 - Lee, Sir Sidney
138 - Leverhulme Trust Fund
139 - The Link
140 - Logan, Sir Douglas
141 - London and Westminster Property Company
142 - The London Appreciation Society
143 - London Associated Electricity Undertakings
144 - London County Council
145 - London Mathematical Society
146 - The London Society
147 - London Telephone Service
148 - Longman and Strongitharm (engravers)
149 - Longman Group Ltd.
150 - Lord Chamberlain's Office
151 - Loveday, Emeline
152 - The Lyric Players Theatre, Belfast
153 - Marchant, Sir James
154 - The Marie Curie Memorial Foundation
155 - Markham, Violet
156 - Metropolitan Water Board
158 - Millière, A.B.
159 - Milner's Safe Co. Ltd
160 - The Mining Association of Great Britain
161 - Ministry of Labour
162 - Ministry of Works
163 - Mobile Theatre Ltd.
164 - Morley, Robert and Co. Ltd. (piano makers)
165 - The Museum of Leathercraft
166 - National Association for the Promotion of Technical and Secondary Education
167 - National Association of Boys' Clubs
168 - National Provincial Registrars Ltd.
169 - National Register of Archives
171 - National Research Council (Washington D.C.)
172 - National Savings Committee
173 - National School of Art Wood-Carving
174 - The National Society of Art Masters
175 - National Training School of Cookery
176 - National Union of Students
177 - Nature
178 - Nazareth House
179 - The New Education Fellowship
180 - New Zealand High Commission
181 - Norris, S. and W. Ltd.
182 - The Optical Convention
183 - Overseas Development Institute
184 - Oxford University Press
185 - Parliamentary Group for World Government
186 - Peake, Oliver and Peake Ltd. (coal contractors)
187 - Pendle, Terry
188 - Penhalonga Appeal
189 - Phoenix Assurance Company
190 - Public Record Office
191 - The Radio Society of Great Britain
192 - Ramsay, Sir William
193 - Reid, Sir William
194 - Roberts, Lord, Memorial Workshops
195 - Robertson , G.S.
196 - Romeike and Curtice (Press cutting service)
197 - Roneo Ltd.
198 - Royal College of Art
199 - Royal College of Science Association
200 - Royal Horticultural Society Debentures
201 - Royal Institute of British Architects
202 - The Royal Institution of Great Britain
203 - The Royal Society
204 - Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
205 - Royal Society of Arts
206 - Royal Society of British Sculptors
207 - Ryder, The Lady Frances, Scheme
208 - Saddlers' Hall
209 - St. George's Chapel, Windsor
210 - Sangorski and Sutcliffe (bookbinders)
211 - Savage, Herbert
212 - Scottish Family Holidays Ltd.
213 - Scottish Oceanographical Laboratory
216 - Smith, W.H. and Son Ltd
217 - Society of Chemical Industry
218 - South-West Essex Technical College
221 - The Sunday Despatch
222 - The Tea Bureau
223 - The Times
224 - Transformable and Transportable Houses Co.
225 - H.M. Treasury
226 - Tyrrell, R. Norman
227 - Universities Bureau of the British Empire
228 - University Grants Committee
229 - University Microfilms International
230 - University of Aberdeen
231 - University of Cambridge, Department of Applied Economics
233 - University of London, General
234 - University of London Lodgings Bureau
235 - University of London Press Ltd.
237 - University of Southampton
238 - University of Sussex
239 - University of Wales, Swansea
240 - Victoria and Albert Museum
241 - Victoria Hospital for Children
242 - Wandsworth, H.M. Prison
243 - War Office
244 - Waterlow and Sons
245 - Westaway, James
246 - Westminster, City of
247 - Whitehouse, J. Howard
248 - Wilson, W.
249 - Woodward, W. Adam
250 - Wray and Nephew (Rum distillers)
251 - Wyon, Allan G.
252 - The Year Book of Technical Education
253 - Zoological Society of London
51 - Archives
52 - Commission's History
53 - Financial Statistics (relating to awards)
54 - Appeals from Organisations and Individuals; Special Awards
55 - Professors' Opinions - Science Research Scholarships, Overseas Scholarships and Research Fellowships
57A - Victoria and Albert Museum
57B - Standing Commission on Museums and Galleries (Formerly Royal Commission on National Museums and Galleries).
58 - Crystal Palace at Sydenham
59 - The Royal Society
60A - Royal College of Organists
60B - School of Art Woodcarving
61 - Scholars' Dinners and Cocktail Parties, and other events.
62 - The Commission's Offices
63 - South Kensington Redevelopment Scheme
64 - Surveyors
65 - Solicitors
66 - Rents
68 - Science Museum
69 - Subways and Railways
70 - Natural History Museum (formerly British Museum (Natural History) )
71 - Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
72 - Prince Consort Statue (Memorial to the Great Exhibition)
73 - Imperial War Museum
74 - Imperial Institute
75 - Royal Albert Hall
77 - Royal Geographical Society
78 - London Building Acts (Consolidation) Bill, 1928-29 Town and Country Planning Act, 1932 London Building Acts (Amendment) Bill, 1939
79 - City and Guilds' College (formerly City and Guilds of London Institute): open space at the rear of the building
80 - Science Scholarships schemes of the 1851 Commission
81 - Whole-time Research Awards
82 - India Museum
83 - Exhibition Galleries
84 - Royal Horticultural Society: Gardens on the Commission's Estate
85 - Free Passages
86 - Charitable Foundations and Trusts, and the Charity Commission
87 - Royal Society Empire Scientific Conference
88 - Printing and Stationery
89 - Hospitality Organisations and Schemes
98 - Estate - Properties outside the Commission's original Estate
99 - Kensington Gore Estate
100A - Albert Court
100B - Albert Hall Mansions
101 - Albert Hall Terraces and Vaults
102 - Cromwell Gardens
103 - Cromwell Road
104 - Elvaston Mews
105 - Elvaston Place
106 - Exhibition Road
107 - Gloucester Road
109 - Jay Mews
110 - Kensington Gore and the Royal College of Art
112 - Queensberry Mews
113 - Queensberry Place
114 - Queen's Gate
115 - Queen's Gate Mews
116 - Queen's Gate Terrace
117 - Thurloe Place
118 - Thurloe Place Mews
119 - 2 Lowther Gardens
120 - Roads on the Estate
A - 1851 Exhibition Correspondence - Letters Received
B - Correspondence and Papers, 1856-1909
C - Signed sets of Minutes of the various Committees of the Commission
D - Housekeeping Records of the Commission's Office
E - Maps, Plans, Drawings and Lithographs
F - Publications
G - Photographs and Lithographic Prints.
H - Collections on Permanent Loan
I - Donations and Acquisitions
Showcase items
A selection of the items in our collection
Richard Redgrave
C. R. Cockerell
Gottfried Semper
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