DescriptionLabelled No. 7. Indexed. Signed.

Contemporary index (scanned October 2010):

Accounts 1979/80, audit of, 276
Agenda for Committee meetings (2 part system), 26
Aids to industry, acquisition and lease of factory, 357
Aids to industry, financial provision for, 246
Aids to industry, grants/loans by, 280, 311
Aids to industry, membership of panel, 246
Annual reports and financial statements, 45, 305
Appropriations of land, policy regarding, 318
Assistance to industry and commerce, 127
Association of Metropolitan Authorities [AMA], annual subscription 237
Association of Metropolitan Authorities, Conference regarding local government expenditure, 23
Association of Metropolitan Authorities, Contribution towards cost of legal advice, 377
Association of Metropolitan Authorities, Election of Standing Committees, 19
Association of Metropolitan Authorities, Joint Twinning Committee, Appointment of Councillor P.M. Jones as AMA's representative on, 23
Association of Metropolitan Authorities, Seminar for Association's Policy Committee, 184
Association of Metropolitan Authorities, Seminar regarding Rate Support Grant, 204
Auction of land, 316

Banking arrangements, 178, 237
Bochum -West Germany], visit of members to, 245, 275, 315
British Rail services and priorities for main line electrification, 220, 277, 317, 314A
British Steel Corporation, request for remission of rates,
Budget Sub-Committee, meeting with Sheffield M.P.s, 121
Budget Sub-Committee, Minutes of meetings of, 12, 21, 45, 51, 71, 77, 90, 114, 121/2, 142, 154, 177, 203/4, 210, 235/6/7, 305, 312, 331, 344, 354, 359, 375, 378
Building industry, resolution of City Council 83

Capital Programme, additions to approved programme, 46, 73f90, 117, 144/5, 180/1, 207, 238, 269
Capital Programme, additions to provisional list, 46, 117, 238
Capital Programme, allocations for 1981/82,
Capital Programme, draft programme 1981-83, 116, 122
Capital Programme, estimates of expenditure revision of, 359
Capital Programme, expenditure controls, 77
Capital Programme, Family and Community Services, unfinanced schemes, 21
Capital Programme, monitoring procedure, 236
Capital Programme, postponement of schemes, 239
Capital Programme, priorities of expenditure, 77
Capital Programme, project report forms, consideration of, 273, 307, 348, 355, 360, 376
Capital Programme, property, acquisition of, 90
Capital Programme, reports on spending, 45, 73, 116, 144, 180, 207, 238, 269, 307
Capital Programme, revised estimates of spending, 45
Capital Programme, supplementary vote applications, 13, 14, 47, 51, 146, 181, 208, 308, 355
Capital Programme, transfer of schemes from provisional to approved list, 13, 78, 117, 122, 144, 207
Capital Programme, variation orders on contracts, 118
Capital Programme, withdrawal of schemes, 46
Capital spending in excess of key sector loan sanction, 179, 205
Central purchasing arrangements, 209, 310
Central Supplies, Butchery Department, 45, 146, 377
Central Transport - new depot, 236, 239, 310
Central Transport Fleet, expansion of 51
Central Transport Fleet, inclusion of other departments vehicles in 336, 239
Charges, increases in, 274
Charlton Brook Estate, sewers at, 271/2
Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy [CIPFA] statistics, 50, 142, 179, 306
Chief Employment Officer, duties etc. of, 343
Chief Officers, procedures relating to 40
City Clipper bus service, 277, 307, 377
City Treasury - staff authorisations, 178
City Trends 1980 report, 24
Cleansing Service Department bonus scheme, 172
Code of practice regarding financial and other information, 49
Commission for Local Administration in England - see under "Ombudsman"
Committees - restructuring of, 331
Community land, appropriation of land, 80
Community land, closure of Community Land account, 179
Community land, financial statement, 80
Community land, planning decisions, 80
Community land, minutes of meeting of Sub-Committee, 80
Community Service Work Experience Scheme, 160
Computer, additional staff, 185
Computer, computer based programme control system, 12
Computer, future policy, 217f244
Computer, leasing arrangements, 344
Computer, replacement of, 185
Conferences and Seminars, AMA Conference on local government expenditure, 23
Conferences and Seminars, AMA Seminar on Central/Local relations, 184
Conferences and Seminars, Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy Conference, 306
Conferences and Seminars, Community Health Initiatives in the Inner City Seminar, 286
Conferences and Seminars, Critical Social Policy Conference, 158
Conferences and Seminars, Education and Racial Equality Seminar, 278
Conferences and Seminars, EEC Seminar, 246
Conferences and Seminars, Home Defence Seminar, 83
Conferences and Seminars, International Union of Local Authorities and Council of European Municipalities Conference, 23, 52
Conferences and Seminars, Joint Local Authorities' Conference, 216
Conferences and Seminars, LAMSAC [Local Authorities Management Services and Computer Committee] National Conference, 112
Conferences and Seminars, National Gypsy Education Council Conference, 93
Conferences and Seminars, Nuclear Free Zones Conference, 318
Conferences and Seminars, Police Conference, 243
Conferences and Seminars, Rate Support Grant Seminar, 204
Conferences and Seminars, Rating and Valuation Association Conference, 306
Conferences and Seminars, Seminar on Central/Local relationships, 363
Conferences and Seminars, Seminar on creation of employment opportunities, 319
Conferences and Seminars, Seminar on Support Services for Elected members, 318
Conferences and Seminars, Sheffield Co-operative Information Group Seminar, 319
Consultants - appointment of, 25, 49, 129, 146, 239, 270, 314A, 331
Co-operative Development Group, grant to 218
Co-operative Development Group, representation on 218
Corporate Management Unit, work of 54
Council Dwellings, rents of 49, 274
Council Dwellings, sale of 320, 332
Council Lottery Sub-Committee, Christmas illuminations grant, 288
Council Lottery Sub-Committee, Gaming Board approval of lottery, 287
Council Lottery Sub-Committee, Grants (general), 33, 57, 99, 130, 168, 192, 226, 251, 275, 287, 330, 366
Council Lottery Sub-Committee, kiosks, sites for and staffing of, 33, 99f168, 330
Council Lottery Sub-Committee, Lord Mayor's Olympic Appeal Fund grant to, 20, 33, 99
Council Lottery Sub-Committee, minutes of meetings of Sub-Committee, 20, 57, 99, 130, 168, 192, 226, 251, 287, 330 366
Council Lottery Sub-Committee, objects of lottery, 20, 23
Council Lottery Sub-Committee, prize structure, 57, 99, 252
Council Lottery Sub-Committee, promotion of lottery, 287
Council Lottery Sub-Committee, sales commission rates, 192, 330
Council Lottery Sub-Committee, tickets, quotation for supply of, 252
Crucible Theatre Trust, grant to, 48
Crucible Theatre Trust, representation on, 128

Decision making strategies, 121,
Defence policies and expenditure, resolution regarding, 185
Departments of the Environment and Transport, review of Joint Regional Offices, 126, 217
Departments, restructuring of, 331
District Heating, Government Feasibility Studies, 307
Donetsk [USSR, now Ukraine], visit of Sheffield Combined Tennis Association to, 347
Drake House Lane Playing Fields, 210

Ecclesfield Parish Council, accommodation for, 85
Economic and Employment Strategy Steering Group, formation of, 61
Economic and Employment Strategy Steering Group, minutes of meetings of, 324
Economic and Employment Strategy Steering Group, recommendations by, 324
Economic and Employment Strategy Steering Group, staff interviews, 164
Electoral arrangements for South Yorkshire, 1, 125, 277
Emergency Planning, Home Defence Conference, 83
Employment Forum, Asian Welfare Association project, 224
Employment Forum, Community Business Ventures Unit, 244, 250
Employment Forum, cooks, training for, 249
Employment Forum, co-operatives, 166, 218, 222, 327
Employment Forum, creation of, 85
Employment Forum, Disabled Persons Co-operative Group, 367
Employment Forum, enterprises, support for, 327
Employment Forum, enterprise workshops, 165, 249, 279, 224, 249, 364, 367
Employment Forum, "Goodwill" Seminar, 367
Employment Forum, Employment Forum, Grenoside and Chapeltown Unemployed Groups, 367
Employment Forum, Home Help Service, reduction in working hours, 188
Employment Forum, Jewellery Co-operative, 327
Employment Forum, job sharing, 147, 159
Employment Forum, Leadmill project, 188, 219
Employment Forum, local authority purchasing, 188
Employment Forum, low cost housing project, 326, 364, 367
Employment Forum, Lucas Aerospace project, 278, 282
Employment Forum, Manor Employment project, 250, 281, 328
Employment Forum, membership of, 165, 222
Employment Forum, minutes of meetings of, 148, 150, 165, 187, 218, 222, 248, 278, 281, 326 364, 367
Employment Forum, part-time working, 147, 159
Employment Forum, patents, 187
Employment Forum, products register, 279
Employment Forum, promotional programme, 186, 187
Employment Forum, prototypes, 186
Employment Forum, redundancy and unemployment, 223, 249
Employment Forum, rent concessions, 186, 188
Employment Forum, Sheffield Enterprises, budget, 367
Employment Forum, Sheffield products, promotion of, 249
Employment Forum, Small businesses meeting, 364
Employment Forum, supernumerary staff, 250
Employment Forum, Travelling expenses, 278
Employment Forum, Wandsworth Enterprise Development Agency, 166
Employment Forum, waste materials, recycling of, 224, 279, 282, 327
Employment Forum, Welsh T.U.C., meeting with, 244
Employees, surplus to requirements, 241
Energy Conservation, branch libraries, 76
Energy Conservation, City Museum, 309
Energy Conservation, conservation works (General), 248, 270
Energy Conservation, familiarisation projects, 240
Energy Conservation, financial provision for, 119
Energy Conservation, instruction of staff in, 76
Energy Conservation, reports regarding, 76, 143, 240
Energy Conservation, staffing of Unit, 171
Energy Conservation, Woodthorpe Baths, 143
Enterprise Zone, 2, 25, 53, 54, 86, 155, 244,

Factory Units, leasing of, 115, 344
Fargate, Compulsory Purchase Order regarding properties in, 92
Financial Regulation 25(b) and (d), statements under, 49, 71, 114, 204
Financial statements (annual), 45

General Rate 1981/82, appeal against, 353
General Rate 1981/82, fixing of, 273

Hanover Trade Fair [West Germany], attendance of staff, etc. at, 266
Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, further measures under, 347
Heating replacement programme, 1
Hillsborough Library, repairs to, 72
Holme Lane Depot, 14
Home Defence Conference, 83
House Improvement and conversion programme reports, 14, 47
Housing Act 1980, applicable local average rates of interest, 128, 269
Housing Act 1980, mortgage interest rates, 345
Housing Advances, rate of interest on, 123
Housing Finance, 49
Housing investment programme, moratorium on 147
Housing investment programme, overspending on, 154
Housing investment programme, reports, 47, 73, 119, 146, 181, 208, 210, 239, 270, 309
Housing investment programme, submission for 1980/81, 77
Housing Repairs and Maintenance, 208, 242
Housing Revenue Account, supplementary vote for, 182
Hyde Park Stadium, demolition of, 270

Independent Broadcasting Authority, television regions contracts, 84, 93
Independent local radio service, 363
Industrial Development Unit, establishment of, 25
Industrial training unit, 14
Industry, visit of Under Secretary of State for, 54
Industry and Commerce, local authority assistance to, 127
Intermediate Area status, case for, 363
International Year of Disabled People, resolution of City Council, 215
Irrecoverable accounts, 344

Job Creation, 84
Joint Manpower Watch Returns, 26, 40, 173
Jordanthorpe, sheltered housing scheme, 78
Journeys abroad, 230, 336, 343, 369
July meetings of Committees - approval of items, 55

Kaufman, Gerald, MP, visit of, 379

Lambeth Borough Council, disturbances claim, 358
Land, disposal of, 351
Land holdings, review of, 3, 23
Lead in the Environment, 53
Leadmill project, 219
Leasing of vehicles, equipment, etc., 71, 142, 344
Loans for house purchase and improvement, interest rate, 12, 205
Local Authorities expenditure - 1980/81, 94
Local Authority borrowing, voluntary code of practice for, 12
Local Government Planning and Land Act 1980, reports on, 126, 185, 212, 235, 237
Local Joint Committees, minutes of meetings of, 10, 11, 42, 43, 68, 139, 140, 175, 176, 201, 202, 264, 265, 297, 298, 340, 341
Local Ombudsmans reports, 1, 52, 53, 84, 124/5, 184, 216, 244, 276, 317, 352
Local Radio Stations, 24, 363
London rail service, 25, 93, 220, 247, 277, 314A, 352
Lord Mayors and Lady Mayoresses, presentations to retiring, 143
Lord Mayor's car, 79, 91
Lucas Aerospace Project, 224

Manpower Returns, 26, 40, 173
Manpower Services Commission grants, effect on capital programme, 348, 357
Mondragon (Spain), visit to co-operative at, 218, 363
Mosborough, future development at, 219
Mosborough, appropriation of land at, 309

National budget, effect of, 311
National Pay Policy, resolution regarding 173, 232
Nuclear power and waste, transport through South Yorkshire, 126
Nuclear weapons, letter from Dyfed County Council, 363

Office furniture, proposals regarding, 73
Olympic Appeal Fund, 2, 20
Olympic Games, telegrams to competitors, 55
Ombudsman's reports, Complaint by tenant of Council dwelling, 52
Ombudsman's reports, Complaint regarding land adjoining Barnardiston Road, 53
Ombudsman's reports, Complaint regarding purchase of two houses, 84
Ombudsman's reports, Complaint by tenant of Council bungalow, 124
Ombudsman's reports, Complaint by tenant of Council flat, 124
Ombudsman's reports, Complaint by Firm of Solicitors, 125
Ombudsman's reports, Complaint regarding DIY store, Ecclesall Road, 184, 216, 352
Ombudsman's reports, Complaint by tenant of Council house, 216
Ombudsman's reports, Complaint regarding alleged unauthorised use of dwellinghouse, 244
Ombudsman's reports, Complaint regarding delay in rehousing Council tenants, 276
Ombudsman's reports, Complaint by tenant of Council cottage of delay and bias, 317
Origin marking, 128, 186

Parliamentary constituency boundaries, review of, 210, 213
People's March for Jobs, 318
Personnel Department, report on work of, 113
Personnel policies of the City Council, 203
Personnel Services Sub-Committee, minutes of meetings of, 5, 35, 44, 63, 70, 100, 131, 141, 153, 170, 193, 227, 257, 289/90, 299, 332, 342, 369
Personnel Services Sub-Committee, minutes of meetings of Emergency Section of, 37, 67, 109, 230, 290
Police Authorities, powers and duties of, 215, 316
Policy Advisory Sub-Committees, minutes of meetings of, 16, 96, 169, 234, 302-304, 368
Precepts, 273
Printing Services Department, dispute in 27, 37
Programme Reviews, 305, 348
Project Report forms, completion of, 309
Public Expenditure, White Paper on, 346
Public Order Act 1936, ban on public processions, 280

Radio Sheffield, recording of debate at Council meeting, 221
Rate demands, publication of supporting information, 142
Rate for 1981/82, 273
Rate statistics 1980/81, 345
Rate Support Block Grant, negotiations regarding, 177
Rate Support Block Grant, Rate Support Report (England) 1980, 346
Rate Support Block Grant, reduction in, 154
Rate Support Block Grant, settlement for 1981/82, 212
Recreation and Amenities Committee, increase in charges, 274
Regional Offices of Government Departments, review of 126, 217
Representatives on other bodies, appointment of, 16
Revenue budget, advertising of staff posts, cost of, 346
Revenue budget, car allowance payments, 116
Revenue budget, energy conservation measures, 119
Revenue budget, Government request for revised budgets, 79
Revenue budget, housing finance, 49
Revenue budget, manual workers' pay award, 309
Revenue budget, monitoring of, 72, 115, 143, 181, 209, 241, 270, 309, 346, 375
Revenue budget, Mr. Yuk campaign, 375
Revenue budget, review of, 71
Revenue budget, supplementary vote applications, 13, 116, 144, 182, 209, 211, 347
Revenue budget, Urban Programme expenditure 1981/82, 376
Revenue budget, Urban Programme expenditure 1981/82 draft budget, 79, 115, 212, 236, 241, 268
Revenue budget, Urban Programme expenditure 1981/82 approved budget, 273
Revenue budget, Urban Programme expenditure 1982/83 draft budget, 346
Rother Valley Park Joint Committee, estimates of, 206
Rother Valley Park Joint Committee, expenditure by, 75
Royal Infirmary, closure of, 86

School meals, increase in charges, 274
Secretarial assistance for Council minutes, 2
Severn Trent Water Authority, direct billing, 180
Sharrow Industries Limited, manufacture of wooden blocks at, 365
Sheffield Area Health Authority, joint financing of schemes, 74, 79, 119
Sheffield Chamber of Commerce and reform of local government, 3
"Sheffield Enterprises", naming of, 319, 367
Sheffield - London rail service, 25, 93, 220, 247, 277, 352
Sheffield Peace Liaison Committee, demonstration, 220
Social Security benefits, 317
Social Strategy Steering Group, minutes of meeting of, 325
Social Strategy Steering Group, recommendations of, 325
South Yorkshire Bill, progress report regarding, 24, 52
South Yorkshire County Council, resolution regarding nuclear weapons, etc., 243
South Yorkshire County Council, review of electoral-arrangements, 1, 125, 277
South Yorkshire County Council, resolution regarding transport of nuclear waste, 126
South Yorkshire County Superannuation fund 345
South Yorkshire Metropolitan Boroughs Joint Committee, minutes of meetings of, 1, 23
South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive, City Clipper bus service 307
St. John Fisher RC School, future of, 239
Special responsibility allowances, 290
Special Temporary Employment programme, 54, 85
Staff, additional posts, 5, 26, 35, 48, 63, 131, 170, 171, 193, 227, 241, 257, 294 333, 342, 369
Staff, Adult Education Service staff structure, 228, 245, 300, 316
Staff, annual Leave, 231, 291
Staff, appeals against date of regrading, 261
Staff, appeals against dismissal, 113
Staff, appeals against grading, 44, 138, 336, 342, 371
Staff, appeals against leave of absence, 70
Staff, appeals against verbal warning, 193
Staff, appeals against written warning, 266
Staff, assisted car purchase scheme, 337, 372
Staff, Bow Centre, 36, 65
Staff, car allowances, Court of Appeal decision, 68
Staff, car allowances, mileage reports, 7, 40
Staff, car allowances, reclassification of users, 38, 112, 291
Staff, car allowances, Technical Assistants, 66, 72
Staff, car parking for disabled employees, 292
Staff, car parking on "off-street" car parks, 134
Staff, Catering Clerk, 101
Staff, Certificate in Social Services, 196
Staff, Children's residential establishments relief post, 103
Staff, City Treasurer's Department, revision of establishment, 105
Staff, claim for adjustment of salary, 196
Staff, Colleges of Further Education teaching staff establishments 36, 371
Staff, Community Education Work posts, 173
Staff, Community Work, qualifications and training, 261
Staff, deletion of posts, 131
Staff, Deputy Director of Works, 336
Staff, early retirements, 7, 36, 107, 134, 172, 195, 231, 266, 299, 336, 369
Staff, equal opportunities report, 292
Staff, extension of services, 7
Staff, first-aid payments, 40, 136
Staff, gratuity, 102
Staff, Hallam Industries staffing, 230
Staff, honoraria, 36
Staff, Housing Department restructuring, 141
Staff, Housing Visitors, protective clothing for, 260
Staff, Information Assistant, 36
Staff, Information and Research Officer, 279, 290
Staff, job sharing, 147
Staff, Joint Negotiating Committee, renaming of, 37
Staff, journeys abroad, 230
Staff, leave of absence, 36, 66, 70, 102, 108, 134, 171, 195, 228, 295, 335
Staff, lecturers, early retirement of, 336
Staff, Leeds Permanent Building Society, deductions from salary or wages, 199
Staff, lunch allowances, 337
Staff, Magistrates' Courts Committee recommendations, 9, 69, 372
Staff, Malcolm Sargeant Cancer Fund for Children, 134
Staff, Manpower Services Commission Special Work Unit, 137
Staff, Meat Inspectors, claim by, 67
Staff, National Negotiating bodies decisions, 8, 27, 68, 110, 134, 172, 197, 232, 261, 293, 338, 372
Staff, non-funded posts, 111
Staff, non-teaching staff in schools, 101
Staff, overpayment of salary, 108
Staff, payroll / personnel / manpower information system, 373
Staff, personal accident insurance, 372
Staff, Planning and Design Department, amalgamation of sections in, 104
Staff, Polytechnic Personnel Section, 102
Staff, posts surplus to requirements, 67, 111
Staff, Recreation Department, revision of establishment of, 104
Staff, redesignation of posts, 101, 132, 194, 228, 259, 294, 335
Staff, regrading of posts, future policy for, 296, 372
Staff, regrading of posts, proposals for, 5, 35, 64, 100, 131, 132, 170, 171, 194, 228, 258, 259, 294, 299, 316, 334, 335, 343, 370
Staff, revision of establishments, 6, 36, 65, 104, 105, 131, 170, 194, 228, 258, 275, 294, 370
Staff, Richmond College of Further Education, teaching staff establishment, 229
Staff, secretarial and typing staff -regrading of, 40, 111
Staff, service in non-regular Forces, 136
Staff, Social Workers, 66, 193, 196, 342
Staff, Stocksbridge College of Further Education, Vice Principal, 228
Staff, student placements, 112
Staff, subsistence allowances, 137, 371
Staff, summer vacation employment, 9, 292, 371
Staff, superannuation, added years, 136, 337
Staff, Tapton Secondary School technicians, 26
Staff, teachers' early retirement scheme, 171
Staff, technicians - grading of, 67, 102, 109
Staff, technology agreement, 291, 358
Staff, trade Union Duties (Education Department), 108
Staff, training and development, 290
Staff, works Department restructuring, 138
Staff, Youth Arts Festival Director, 245, 260
Staff, youth exchange visit, 371
Staff, youth workers (part-time) rates of pay, 299
Standing Orders, amendment of, 312
Steel industry study, 25, 160, 362
Stocksbridge by-pass, 3
Stocksbridge Town Council, request for meeting of Advisory Committee, 2
Stocksbridge Town Council, request regarding agency services, 85
Strategies, economic and social, 121
Sub-committees, admission of press and public to 92
Sub-committees, appointment of, 16

Town Hall, contract regarding extension, 49 246
Town Hall, snacks service in restaurant, 229
Town twinning, assistant to service Committee, 225
Town twinning, Donetsk, USSR, 225
Town twinning, financial provision for, 347
Town twinning, minutes of meetings of working party regarding, 225
Town twinning, Kitwe, Zambia, 225
Town twinning, Pittsburgh, USA, 225
Trent Regional Health Authority, representation on, 163, 215, 275

Under Secretary of State for Employment, deputation to meet, 160
Unemployed Workers - assistance to, 120
Unemployment problem, 84, 159
Unemployment statistics, 282
Uniform Lettings Policy, categories of organisations, 81, 283
Uniform Lettings Policy, list of premises, 82
Uniform Lettings Policy, minutes of meetings of Working Party, 81, 283
Uniform Lettings Policy, review of charges, 81, 283
Uniform Lettings Policy, review of policy, 81
Uniform Lettings Policy, school premises, 283
Uniform Lettings Policy, vestry halls, 283

University of Sheffield, Department of Russian and Slavonic Studies, 163
Unoccupied properties, rating of, 212
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee (formerly Urban Programme Sub-Committee) Abbeydale Engineering Services project, 284
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, additional projects, 255, 285, 315, 323
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, Advisory Committee meetings, 60, 98
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, All Saints School project, 190, 284
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, appointment of additional members of Sub-Committee, 26
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, approval of projects by Secretary of State, 58, 322
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, architectural charges, 58
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, area based management approach, 28
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, Bradfield Road open space, 191
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, consultations, 28
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, co-operatives, support for, 158
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, deletion of projects, 59, 75
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, development of programme, 285
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, Devonshire Street unit factories, 284
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, division of allocation, 58
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, economic and unemployment project, 158
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, enterprises, support for, 211
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, estimates of cost of projects, 156
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, estimates, variation of, 30, 48, 254, 255
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, ethnic minorities projects, 97, 323
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, expenditure statements, 48, 61, 253, 284, 285
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, Flower Estate community facilities project, 319
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, General Cemetery project, 29
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, Havelock Housing Action Area, 253
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, Hyde Park flats, work at, 191, 284
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, industrial improvement area, 211
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, industrial mortgage application, 31
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, inner city policy, review of, 286, 316
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, Institute of Local Government Studies research report, 31
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, key issues, revision of, 30, 31
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, Local Government Act 1966 - Section 11, 32
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, Lopham Street Community Workshop, 97
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, Manpower Services Commission funding, 355
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, minutes of meetings of Sub-Committee, 28, 58, 61, 88, 97, 156, 190, 253, 284, 319, 322
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, monitoring of projects,
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, north Sheffield employment project, 323, 355
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, outer area urban programme projects, 29
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, outstanding project approvals, 156
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, Pakistan Muslim Welfare Association project, 324
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, Parson Cross Environmental Improvement project, 29, 97
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, priority area boundaries, 28
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, projects pool, 158
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, reduction in allocation, 315, 322
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, revenue expenditure, incorporation into main line programmes, 322
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, revenue expenditure, savings in, 354
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, Rivelin Valley Walk extension, 191, 211
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, Sheffield Council for Voluntary Service, 191, 211
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, Sheffield District Trades Council, 88, 90
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, South Sheffield project, 88, 190, 315
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, South Yorkshire County Council projects, 190
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, St. Silas Church Hall, 88, 90
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, staff (temporary), 75
Urban Strategy Sub-Committee, strategies, 61, 75, 97
Under Secretary of State, meeting with, 253
Upperthorpe District Centre, 253

Variation to projects, 324
Variation to projects, 1979/80 programme, additions to, 29
Variation to projects, 1980 (September) submission, 59
Variation to projects, 1980/84 programme, 30, 97, 98, 253
Variation to projects, 1980/81 starts programme and additions to, 30, 48, 158, 284, 323
Variation to projects, 1901/82 allocation, 285
Voluntary organisations, grants to, 310

Welfare Benefits, combined assessment scheme, 318
Whirlow Brook Park, catering at, 209
Woodhead Rail route, closure of, 53, 352
Woodhead Rail route, closure of line to Denby Dale, 93
Woodhead Rail route, withdrawal of services on, 127
Woodthorpe Baths, 14
Work Experience Scheme, 54
Workpeople, appeals against dismissal, 44, 112, 257, 289
Workpeople, Cafe Assistants, Concord Sports Centre, 299, 352
Workpeople, car parks staffing, 289
Workpeople, day release courses, 103
Workpeople, grants to retired, 9, 112, 196, 204, 292, 306
Workpeople, grants to retired pre 1974, 114, 292, 306
Workpeople, holiday entitlement, 67, 72
Workpeople, Home Helps, additional payments to, 66, 108
Workpeople, night work payments, 137
Workpeople, parks etc. employees training scheme, 8
Workpeople, Printing Services Department dispute, 27, 66, 108
Workpeople, Stocksbridge Refuse Collectors, 227
Workpeople, summer Vacation employment, 9
Workpeople, Swimming Pool Attendants, 289
Workpeople, wages, payment of, 199
Works Department, departmental priorities, 314
Works Department, depots, future and appropriation of, 182, 309
Works Department, estimates procedures, 314
Works Department, lift engineers and stand-by, 230
Works Department, Local Government Planning and Land Act 1980, arrangements under, 241
Works Department, maintenance work monitoring, 314
Works Department, new construction division workload, 212
Works Department, placing of work with, 79
Works Department, staff reconstructioning, 138, 172
Works Department, Standing Orders, amendment of, 312
Works Department, Surplus workers, transfer of, 335
Works Department, tool replacement, stand-by and travel arrangements, 69, 109, 137, 153
Works Department, Working Party regarding Work of, minutes of meetings, 13, 241, 271, 311, 312, 351
Works Department, workload of, 377

Yorkshire Water Authority, arrears of water charges, 205
Yorkshire Water Authority, charges for 1981/82, 246, 268, 278, 315
Yorkshire Water Authority, direct billing regarding Council dwellings, 50, 115
Yorkshire Water Authority, maintenance standards and capital projects, 362
DateMay 1980 - May 1981
Extent1 item
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