DescriptionLabelled No. 8. Indexed. Signed.

Contemporary index (scanned May 2011):

Adult Mentally Handicapped, scheme for family placement of, 370
Advertising space on Council documents, sale of 244, 270
Airports, meeting at Manchester regarding regional airports 7
Animals, experiments on [vivisection], 321
Annual meetings of City Council, time of, 379
Annual Report and Accounts, production and sale of, 171
Annual Report and Accounts, submission of, 261
Annual Financial summons, 37, 434, 465
Asbestos, dangers from, 510
Assaults on employees, 157
Association of Councillors, invitation to take up membership of, 452
Association of Direct Labour Organisations, representation on, 316
Association of Metropolitan Authorities (AMA), Building fund, 74, 473
Association of Metropolitan Authorities, Charter for Local Self Government, 223
Association of Metropolitan Authorities, Conference on local government, 412
Association of Metropolitan Authorities, Constitution and Committee structure, 322, 378
Association of Metropolitan Authorities, publicity campaign, 98
Association of Metropolitan Authorities, Regional Water Authorities, 250
Association of Metropolitan Authorities, Staffing structure, 323
Auction sale, authority for bid at, 496
Audit, Local Authorities, 90
Audit of Accounts 1980/81, 379
August, meetings in 379

Banking arrangements 1982/83, 206
BBC, Play for Today, 170
BBC, permission to film Council meeting, 354
Blood sports, 321
Bochum [West Germany], invitation for City Council to visit, 248
Bochum [West Germany], naming of street after, 7
Bochum [West Germany], offer of goats for Heeley Urban Farm [Heeley City Farm], 179
British Nationality Bill, 91, 141
British Rail, high speed trains, 142
British Rail, priorities for main line electrification, 7
British Rail, Sheffield to London rail service, 6
British Rail, Woodhead rail route, 142
Budget Sub Committee, minutes of meetings of, 37, 92, 96, 130 / 138, 140, 163/4, 171, 176, 206, 211, 214, 239, 247, 272, 311, 342, 365, 372, 404, 433, 463, 475, 487, 493, 520
Building Contractors, review of approved, list of, 494
Burrowlee House, [Broughton Road, Owlerton], uses of 67

Canal Basin, 8
Capital expenditure controls, circular regarding, 366
Capital Programme, advancement of schemes, 279
Capital Programme, allocations for 1982/83, 272
Capital Programme, approval of additional schemes, 166
Capital Programme, control of expenditure, 435
Capital Programme, deletions from, 66
Capital Programme, derelict land grant allocation, 272
Capital Programme, diversions of estimates, 167, 173, 208, 278, 315, 368/9, 408, 468/9
Capital Programme, enhancement of allocations, 435
Capital Programme, financing of locally determined expenditure, 37
Capital Programme, Housing 1982 / 83, 316
Capital Programme, Manpower Services Commission grants, 165
Capital Programme, Programme for 1981/85 [no page number stated]
Capital Programme, project report form submissions, 38, 63, 69, 96, 131, 140, 172, 176, 208, 214, 240, 248, 276, 279, 314, 344, 367, 406, 435, 466, 475, 488, 493, 521
Capital Programme, reports on spending 37, 62, 131, 166, 207, 240, 276, 314, 344, 406, 435, 466, 521
Capital Programme, social services allocation, 167
Capital Programme, supplementary votes, 67, 167, 214, 278/9, 346, 437, 469, 476
Capital Programme, withdrawal of schemes, 166, 278
Census 1981, reports on, 251, 322, 384, 412, 44, 476
Central America, Council declaration regarding, 497
Central Transport Fleet, recharge system, 276
Central Transport Service, new premises for, 136, 315, 468
Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy [CIPFA] statistics, 62, 130, 207, 239, 311, 342, 434, 520
Chief Officers, appointment procedure, 348
Chief Officers, grading of, 569
Chief Personnel Officer, resolutions of thanks to Mr R. F. L. Aitken, 499, 506
Chief Personnel Officer, retirement of M. R.F.L. Aitken and appointment of Mr. R. Knowles, 442
Christmas 1981 /82, arrangements regarding, 25
City Clipper Bus Service 144, 164, 409, 487
City Treasurer, appointment of Mr G. J. Folwell, 320
City Treasurer, interviewing arrangements, 223
City Treasurer, retirement of Mr. G. C. Crow, 223, 378
City Treasury, death of Mr. R. V. Weldon, 347
City Treasury, retirement of staff of 347, 440, 473
City Trends 1981, 261
Civic catering, 299, 356
Civil liberties, oppression of, 378
Civil unrest, clearance etc. costs, 165
Civil unrest, remedial measures, 52
Colleges of Further Education, Students Unions in, 491
Combined Heat and Power / District Heating, 187, 351, 471
Commission for Local Administration - see "Ombudsman"
Committees, filling of vacancies on Education and Libraries and Arts, 444
Community Action Panels, 334
Community work apprenticeship scheme, 77, 93, 116, 458
Computer Panel, centralised welfare benefits system, 56, 88, 186, 286
Computer Panel, computer cataloguing, 185
Computer Panel, computer development, report on 10, 185, 287
Computer Panel, computer development time, 325
Computer Panel, corporate policy, 10
Computer Panel, Education Committee's providing policies, 57, 68
Computer Panel, energy conservation programme, 185
Computer Panel, equipment for schools and colleges, 184
Computer Panel, housing, area boundaries, etc., 287
Computer Panel, lease of document reading equipment, 185
Computer Panel, minutes of meetings of, 10, 12, 56, 184, 286, 325
Computer Panel, priorities, allocation of, 11, 12, 287, 325
Computer Panel, property data base, 56
Computer Panel, rent assessment system, 56
Computer Panel, resources 1982/83, 287
Computer Panel, sale of systems, 11, 185, 286
Computer Panel, staffing, 326
Computer Panel, training courses, 57
Computer Panel, word processing equipment, 184, 286
Concord Middle School, dual use of library, 209, 469
Conference facilities, 192
Conferences, seminars, etc., "Alternative Economic Strategies" Seminar, 149
Conferences, seminars, etc., Alternative forms of Service Delivery Seminar, 8
Conferences, seminars, etc., A.M.A. Conference on Local Government, 412
Conferences, seminars, etc., British Section of l.U.L.A. [International Union of Local Authorities] Conference, 411
Conferences, seminars, etc., Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy Conference [CIPFA], 240
Conferences, seminars, etc., Combined heat and power / district heating seminar, 416
Conferences, seminars, etc., "Community Service Challenge" Conference, 8
Conferences, seminars, etc., Direct Labour Organisations Seminar, 13, 42, 439
Conferences, seminars, etc., "Direct Labour and the New Law" Seminar, 42
Conferences, seminars, etc., Energy Seminar, 102, 104, 178
Conferences, seminars, etc., Environment Policy of the EEC Seminar, 181
Conferences, seminars, etc., Glasgow Conference of Turin International 108
Conferences, seminars, etc., Hope for the Inner Cities Conference, 385
Conferences, seminars, etc., Institute of Municipal Building Management Conference, 134, 525
Conferences, seminars, etc., Institute of Municipal Engineers Conference, 281
Conferences, seminars, etc., Institute of Public Lighting Engineers Conference, 369
Conferences, seminars, etc., Joint Local Authority Associations Conference, 6
Conferences, seminars, etc., Local Authorities Management Services Advisory Committee Conference, 520
Conferences, seminars, etc., Local Government in Crisis Conference, 223
Conferences, seminars, etc., Local Politics and The State Conference, 482
Conferences, seminars, etc., Nuclear Disarmament Conference, 454
Conferences, seminars, etc., Nuclear Free Zones Conference, 348
Conferences, seminars, etc., Nuclear Power and Radioactivity course, 180, 249
Conferences, seminars, etc., Police Conference, 250, 419
Conferences, seminars, etc., Positive Discrimination Seminar 481
Conferences, seminars, etc., Public Works Exhibition and Congress, 316
Conferences, seminars, etc., Rate Support Grant Seminar, 274
Conferences, seminars, etc., Rating and Valuation Association Conference, 312
Conferences, seminars, etc., Scarman and After Conference, 283
Conferences, seminars, etc., Transnational Corporations and South Africa Conference, 224, 252, 283, 322, 444
Conferences, seminars, etc., Urban Aid in 1982 Workshop, 331
Conferences, seminars, etc., Urban Programme Seminar, 418
Consultants, appointment of, 5, 42, 61
Cottage Lane School, land adjoining, 335
Council dwellings, [council housing] meeting with Minister to discuss sales, 474
Council dwellings, rota maintenance system, 175
Council dwellings, sale of - statement regarding, 272
Council Meetings, changes in dates of V 5, 379
Council lottery, financial statement regarding, 421
Council lottery, grants 21, 51, 109, 153, 190, 228, 260, 294, 332, 352, 420, 450, 505
Council lottery, illuminations scheme 21, 450
Council lottery, minutes of meetings of Sub-Committee 21, 51, 109, 153, 190, 228, 260, 294, 331, 352, 357, 420, 450, 505
Council lottery, prize structure, 260, 294, 353
Council lottery, sales commission rates 228, 388
Council policies, 392
Crucible Theatre Trust Ltd., grant and loan to etc. 473, 526

Day of Action, 271, 273, 506
Deputy Chief Personnel Officer, appointment of, 160
Derelict land grant allocations, 272
Director of Housing, appointment of, 377
Disabled persons, proposed employment of, 234
District heating, 187, 351
District Health Authorities (new), nominations for appointment to, 91
District Health Authorities (new), proposals for, 91
Donetsk, [USSR, now Ukraine], Anatoly Sharansky (1948 - ) (Soviet dissident, later Israeli politician) 141
Donetsk, [USSR, now Ukraine], civic delegation to, 379, 411, 496, 501
Donetsk, [USSR, now Ukraine], further exchange visits 101, 129
Donetsk, [USSR, now Ukraine], naming of street [Donetsk Way] after, 7
Donetsk, [USSR, now Ukraine], visit of members from, 129

Early retirement schemes, 104, 441
Education of 16 - 19 Age Group [tertiary education], 240
Education Committee membership, 323
Education Department, purchase of supplies and equipment by, 57, 68
Education Welfare Service Working Party, 157
El Salvador, Council declaration regarding, 497
Electoral arrangements, County of South Yorkshire, 500
Employment coordinator, 9, 26, 89
Employment Department staffing, 203, 233, 237
Energy Conservation, energy management and control, 68
Energy Conservation, low cost projects, 68
Energy Conservation, programmes 133/4
Energy Conservation, proposed measures, 66
Energy Conservation, transfer of staff, 392
Energy Panel, aims and objectives, 101
Energy Panel, battery powered vehicles, 503
Energy Panel, block capital allocations, 350
Energy Panel, bulletin / newsletter, 503
Energy Panel, Energy Panel, capital expenditure reports, 386, 448
Energy Panel, combined heat and power/district heating 151, 448, 502
Energy Panel, computer technology, use of 504
Energy Panel, control equipment 288, 475
Energy Panel, council houses, pilot project regarding, 288, 337
Energy Panel, Denmark, proposed visit to 502
Energy Panel, district heating schemes, 187; 351, 502
Energy Panel, Education Department proposals, 152, 415, 503
Energy Panel, Family and Community Services proposals, 152, 415, 448
Energy Panel, formation of, 74
Energy Panel, gas contracts and tariffs, 350
Energy Panel, Gino Graf, purchase of, 289
Energy Panel, high rise fins, heating of, 502
Energy Panel, logo for reports, 503
Energy Panel, L.P.G. [liquefied petroleum gas] powered vehicles, 255, 327
Energy Panel, membership of, 102, 416
Energy Panel, minutes of meetings of, 102, 151, 187, 226, 255, 288, 327, 350, 386; 415, 448, 502
Energy Panel, monitoring proposals, 255, 350
Energy Panel, Osgathorpe Depot, 226
Energy Panel, Programme and Energy Control Unit (Joint), 503
Energy Panel, programmes 1982/83, 327
Energy Panel, reports on schemes, 187, 225
Energy Panel, Sheaf Valley Baths, 226, 244
Energy Panel, Sheffield Show, participation in, 386
Energy Panel, sheltered dwellings, 151
Energy Panel, Sunderland, visit to, 503
Energy Panel, Town Hall, works in, 288, 448
Energy Panel, training of operatives, 255
Energy Panel, wall insulation levels, 226
Energy Panel, water restrictors programme, 415
Enterprise Zones, proposals regarding new, 479
Ethnic minorities, coordinator post, 331, 334, 336, 419
Ethnic minorities, Education and Community works support, 245
Ethnic minorities, funding of posts, 419
Ethnic minorities, minutes of meetings of Working Party, 95, 384, 482
Ethnic minorities, schemes for, 169
European Regional Development Fund [ERDF], application for grants from 130, 366
Exchequer Block Grant, 487
Expenditure 1981/82, estimates of, 45
Expenses of opposition parliamentary spokesman, 6

Film, The War Game, 48, 99
Financial Regulations, proposed amendments to, 342
Financial Regulation 25(b) statements 43, 168, 317, 438, 473

Garton, D. M. (Miss), retirement of, 404
General Rate 1982/83, 274, 318
Greater London Council [GLC] ex parte Bromley London Borough Council, 318
Green Paper, Alternatives to Domestic Rates, [Community Charge / poll tax], 275, 285, 311
Gratuities to Employees dying in service, 275
Gridley, R. A. , appointment as Director of Housing, 377
Gypsy families, site for, 452

Hallam Industries, administrative arrangements, 67
Hallam Industries, management salaries 359
Hawksworth, C. K., (Mr), retirement of, 498, 506
Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act 1974, departmental measures under, 75, 366, 471, 521
Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act 1974, radio telephone equipment, 244
Heating replacement programme, leasing arrangements, 245
HMS Sheffield, letter from Prime Minister regarding loss of [Falklands War], 376
HMS Sheffield, donation to appeal fund 410
HMS Sheffield, letter from Captain Salt, 411
Honorary Freemen, G. Caborn and Professor Illingworth, 782
Housebuilding programme 1983/84, 246, 249, 357
Housebuilding programme 1983/84, staffing resources, 369
Housing Act 1980, applicable local average rates of interest 98, 317, 366, 465
Housing Act 1980, interest rate charged to mortgagors, 172
Housing Act 1980, Right to Buy, progress of implementation, 390, 500
Housing Capital Programme 1982/83, 316
Housing expenditure statements, 69, 133, 167, 209, 279, 315, 346, 437, 473, 524
Housing Investment Programme, reports on, 47, 69
Housing Investment Programme, submission for 1983/84, 476
Housing Investment Programme, slum clearance expenditure for 1982/83, 390, 423
Housing modernisation, private consultants for, 491
Housing modernisation, staffing implications etc. 83, 87, 159, 428, 491
Housing modernisation, Works Department workload, 168
Housing Repairs and Maintenance, condensation measures, 168
Housing Repairs and Maintenance, repairs and maintenance, 168
Housing Repairs and Maintenance, report regarding expenditure, 168
Housing Repairs and Maintenance, supplementary vote for, 168
Housing Repairs and Maintenance, vacant dwellings, 168
Housing, mini-modernisation schemes, 372
Housing Service Department, Disciplinary action against employee of, 432

Industrial Injuries Scheme, White paper regarding, 459
Insurance Fund Investment, disposal of, 98
Intermediate Area Status, case for, 91
International Year of Disabled People, proposals regarding, 61, 104, 114
Irrecoverable Accounts 1981/82, 365

Joint Planning and Transportation Working Party minutes, 389
Journeys abroad, amendment of resolution regarding, 88
Journeys abroad, by the Lord Mayer, 88, 162, 113, 427
Journeys abroad, general, 113, 269, 264, 357, 399, 424, 509, 518
Journeys abroad, Polytechnic - report on journeys by, 81
Journeys abroad, Stockholm Technical Fair [Sweden], 81
Journeys abroad, July meetings, 8, 50, 379, 445

Kennet District Council [Wiltshire], request for contribution from, 478

Laundry Service, future operation of, 135
Law Centre for Sheffield, proposed provision of, 452
Leasing arrangements for heating systems, 69
Leasing transactions, reports on, 365, 438 520
Lebanon - Israeli invasion of, petition regarding, 443
Loans for house purchase and improvement, rates of interest on, 207, 487
Loan transactions, reports on, 62, 164, 365, 465
Local Authorities' Audit, 90
Local authority benefits, reports regarding administration of 371
Local authorities' expenditure in 1981/82, 62
Local authorities' expenditure, meeting of local authority representatives regarding, 181, 296
Local Democracy, campaign for, 211
Local Government Act 1966, applications for grants under, 150
Local Government (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 1981, report on, 525
Local Government Expenditure and Exchequer Grant, 477
Local government expenditure, meeting with Trade Unions regarding, 115, 237
Local government expenditure, resolution regarding, 9, 44
Local Government Finance Act 1982, report regarding, 520
Local Government Finance Bills, Bill No. 2, 247
Local Government Finance Bills, meeting with MPs regarding, 206
Local Government Finance Bills, reports on, 207, 247, 347
Local government finance, reform of, 47
Local Government Planning and Land Act 1980, direct labour organisations revenue accounts, 389
Local Government Planning and Land Act 1980,rates of interest under, 44
Local Government Planning and Land Act 1980, seminar on effects of direct labour organisations, 409
Local Joint Committees, minutes of meetings of, 28-33, 85/86, 118/125, 158, 200/1, 235/6, 308-310, 341A/B, 363/4, 400/1, 430/1, 462/3, 513/4
Local Radio Services, 49
London Airport (3rd) - see Stansted
London Rail Service, high speed trains, 100, 142, 181
Lothian Regional Council, resolution regarding, 49
Lothian Regional Council, Visit to Sheffield, 140, 239

Magistrates Court Building, costs, 133
Major Peacetime Emergencies Scheme [civil defence], 261
Manor Lane Depot, catering arrangements, 347
Manpower Services Commission, exemplary projects, 168
Manpower Services Commission, grants and the capital programme, 165
Members Allowances, chairman of Energy Panel, 93
Members' Services, review of, 392
Mosborough, land. At, 214

NALGO [National and Local Government Officers, trade union], grading claims by, 34
NALGO, local negotiations and industrial action, 26
NALGO, meeting with regarding various matters, 25
National budget, report on effects of, 346
National Council on Inland Transport, meeting regarding rail electrification and rail channel tunnel, 251
National Council on Inland Transport, membership of, 181
National Insurance Surcharge Scheme, 434
National Water Council, consultative document on charging households for water, 48, 181
Nelson Mandella [Nelson Mandela (1918 - ), South African anti-apartheid campaigner, later President of South Africa], resolution regarding 46, 90
Nuclear Free Zones Advisory Committee, formation of, 423
Nuclear Free Zones Advisory Committee, membership of, 423
Nuclear Free Zones Advisory Committee, minutes of meetings of, 500
Nuclear Free Zones Advisory Committee, publicity proposals, 500
Nuclear Free Zones Conference and Campaign regarding, 348, 391, 491
Nuclear Free Zones Conference and Campaign, contribution to updating "The War Game", 438
Nuclear Power and Radioactivity, course regarding, 180, 249
Nuclear weapons, 6, 48, 99, 180, 283

Office Furniture, arrangements regarding supply of, 276, 343
Off street car parks, cash collection system, 42
Off street car parks, revised parking charges, 137
Ombudsman, reports of 250
Overpayments of rent allowances, etc. , 380, 390
Overtime working, 172, 237, 267, 279

Parliamentary constituency boundaries, review of, 100, 142 322
Penlee Lifeboat Disaster [on 19 Dec 1981 the Penlee lifeboat and the Union Star ship were both sunk off the coast of Cornwall, leaving 16 people dead], 224
Periodical rents, recovery of, 45
Personal Accident Compensation Scheme, payment under, 509, 524
Personnel Department staffing, 233
Personnel and organisation management, 510
Personnel Services Sub-Committee, minutes of meetings of, 22, 34, 78, 87, 110, 126, 154, 160, 193, 202, 229, 263, 271, 299, 355, 393, 424, 483, 485, 506, 516
Personnel Services Sub-Committee, minutes of meetings of Emergency Section, 81, 114, 158, 237, 470 [sic], 305, 355, 427, 510
Personnel Services Sub-Committee, functions etc. of , 456, 512
Police Liaison Committee, 334
Policy Advisory Sub-Committee, minutes of meetings of, 14 58, 103, 146, 211, 227, 254, 455, 495
Policy Advisory Sub-Committee, petition from traders in Staniforth Road area, 520
Policy Review Sub-Committee, annual report and accounts, 261
Policy Review Sub-Committee, British products, purchase of [buy British], 60
Policy Review Sub-Committee, City Trends 1981, 261
Policy Review Sub-Committee, Council policies, 392
Policy Review Sub-Committee, district heating studies, 61
Policy Review Sub-Committee, energy conservation staffing, 392
Policy Review Sub-Committee, Foot, Michael, [Michael Foot (1913 - 2010), Leader of the Labour Party], visit of, 105
Policy Review Sub-Committee, local government expenditure, 13, 145, 262
Policy Review Sub-Committee, management team minutes, 104, 261, 296, 334, 454
Policy Review Sub-Committee, members' services, 392
Policy Review Sub-Committee, minutes of meetings of, 13, 60, 104, 145, 178, 261, 297, 334, 354, 389, 392,422, 454, 500
Policy Review Sub-Committee, Morning Telegraph, articles in, 389
Policy Review Sub-Committee, programme reviews 13, 261, 354, 422
Policy Review Sub-Committee, Scarman Report [report of the inquiry into the 'inner city riots' in Brixton, south London in 1981, chaired by Lord Scarman], Police Liaison Committees, 334
Policy Review Sub-Committee, security patrols, 145
Policy Review Sub-Committee, South African products [boycott], 61
Policy Review Sub-Committee, South Yorkshire Metropolitan Boroughs Joint Consultative Committee, 354
Policy Review Sub-Committee, transport review, 422
Policy Review Sub-Committee, urban programs schemes, 178
Policy Review Sub-Committee, wartime and peacetime emergency planning [civil defence], 261
Policy Review Sub-Committee, welfare benefits system, 297, 423
Policy Review Sub-Committee, Works Department workload, 13
Poster advertising sites, income from, 244
Potts, S., retirement of, 169
Private quantity surveyors and consultants, appointment of, 5, 48
Private quantity surveyors and consultants, future policy regarding, 61
Private quantity surveyors and consultants, reports regarding appointment of, 521
Programme reviews for the under fives, report on, 453
Programme reviews future of Under Fives exercise, 454
Programme reviews members panels, 172
Programme reviews reports regarding, 3, 261, 354
Public expenditure, White Paper regarding, 366
Public Order Act 1936, order under, 139

Rail electrification, 251
Rate Support Grant ,1980/81 and 1981/82, 247
Rate Support Grant , 1982/83 settlement, 248
Rate Support Grant , joint submission regarding, 481
Rate Support Grant ,Secretary of State's statement regarding, 130, 240
Rate Support Grant , settlement proposals, 240
Rates, Green Paper regarding, 215
Rates and industry, meeting regarding, 45
Rates, 1981/82, statistics regarding, 365
Rating of unoccupied properties, 207
Rating system, alternatives to, 47
Rating system, City Council procedures, 163
Rating system, Government proposals regarding, 163
Rating valuation matters, reports regarding, 164, 365
Redundant steelworkers, retraining opportunities for [unemployment], 135, 169, 196
Regional development, 433
Regional Water Authorities, membership of, 99, 250
Regional Water Authorities, minutes of Special Sub-Committee regarding consultation paper on membership of, 298
Rent assessment computer system 140
Representatives on other bodies, appointment of 3, 373
Revenue budget, adjustments to, 62
Revenue budget, 1982/83, 92, 131, 273/4, 311, 318
Revenue budget, capitalisation of revenue expenditure, 280
Revenue budget, diversions of estimates, 165, 524
Revenue budget, draft 1983/84, 404, 464
Revenue budget, grant aid to voluntary organisations, 438
Revenue budget, monitoring reports, 41, 62, 131, 165, 207, 244, 280, 313
Revenue budget, procedures regarding, 433, 464
Revenue budget, reassessment of, 488
Revenue budget, review of, 459
Revenue budget, shortfall on savings, 92
Revenue budget, staffing proposals, 42, 73, 93, 136, 166, 244, 280, 314, 343, 370, 372, 405, 439, 470, 491, 493, 524
Revenue budget, supplementary vote applications etc. 42, 73, 92, 98, 211, 280, 313, 343, 404, 438, 469
Ringinglow Road, uses of land at, 335, 354
Rother Valley Park Joint Committee, additional expenditure, 98
Rother Valley Park Joint Committee, approval of annual estimates, 281
Rowlinson Campus, proposed community service unit, 6
Royal wedding [Prince Charles, Lady Diana Spencer], public holiday, 36

School meals, charges for, 476
Security Patrols, 145, 157, 335
Service tenancies, 160, 197
Sheffield Area Health Authority, joint financing of schemes, 75, 167
Sheffield City Clipper Bus Service, 144, 164, 409
Sheffield District Trades Council, grant to, 280
Sheffield Peace Liaison Committee, march and festival, 296
Sheffield Show, Police service at, 98
Sheffield Today, production and distribution costs, 501
Sickness pay and certification, proposals regarding, 267, 341
Sizewell [Suffolk], nuclear power station at, 48
Snow clearing and gritting operation, meeting regarding, 273
Social Strategy Steering Group, minutes of meetings of, 20, 331
South Africa, apartheid policies, 90
South Africa, Council policy regarding, 46, 61
South Africa, Nelson Mandela, 46, 90
South Africa, plaque regarding day of solidarity, 90
South Africa, U.N. [United Nations] seminar in Sheffield, 224, 252, 322, 413, 444, 478
South Yorkshire, review of electoral arrangements, 322
South Yorkshire County Council, City Clipper bus service, 144, 164, 409
South Yorkshire County Council, Joint Planning and Transportation Committee minutes, 105
South Yorkshire County Council, nuclear weapons resolution, 180
South Yorkshire Metropolitan Boroughs Joint Consultative Committee, minutes of meetings of 354, 411
Spital Hill area, petition regarding, 206
Staff, additional posts, 22, 35, 78, 80, 87, 111, 154, 160, 194, 229, 232, 237, 264, 299, 336, 356, 393; 403, 427, 456, 483, 485, 506
Staff, Adult Education Centres, non-teaching staff, 84, 231
Staff, Adult Education Service, 508, 518
Staff, appeals, against disciplinary warnings, 238
Staff, appeals, against dismissal, 117, 126, 202, 238
Staff, appeals, against grading, 25, 339
Staff, appeals, regarding day release, 193
Staff, appeals, regarding grievances, 305, 357, 362, 402
Staff, Arts co-ordination staffing, 509
Staff, assaults on employees, 157
Staff, Associate Lecturer, 508
Staff, Audio-Visual Aids Centre staffing, 509, 518
Staff, Staff, Bank holidays for, 113
Staff, Bow Centre staffing, 359, 509
Staff, car allowances, Environmental Health Department, 81
Staff, car allowances, taxation of 116
Staff, Careers Service staffing, 302, 359, 403, 518
Staff, Children's Homes staff establishments, 301
Staff, City Treasury, additional payments to computer Staff, 229, 341
Staff, City Treasury, dismissal of members of 138, 263
Staff, City Treasury, revision of establishment of , 128, 136
Staff, Civic catering, 299, 356, 413
Staff, claims for regrading, 299
Staff, Cleansing Services Supervisors, 338
Staff, Clerks of Works' dispute, 394, 424
Staff, Colleges of Further Education, code of disciplinary procedure for teaching staff, 231
Staff, Colleges of Further Education, payments for cancelled classes, 359
Staff, Colleges of Further Education, teachers in shortage subjects, 265, 283
Staff, Colleges of Further Education, teaching staff establishments, 396
Staff, computer based housing repair system, 34, 115
Staff, computer staff for welfare benefits system, 88
Staff, Corporate Management Unit staffing, 204, 211
Staff, [redacted], termination of services, 397
Staff, courses, attendances on, 113
Staff, courses of study report regarding, 197
Staff, day centres for mentally handicapped, grading of staff of, 301
Staff, deletion of posts, 194, 202
Staff, Director of Arts, transfer of staff to control of, 424
Staff, disabled persons, employment, 340
Staff, disciplinary procedure, 157
Staff, early retirement, applications for, 81, 113, 156, 195, 276, 304, 360, 393, 398, 428, 458, 484, 511
Staff, early retirement, Childrens residential homes scheme, 428
Staff, early retirement, scheme for voluntary early retirement, 81, 197, 313, 339, 342
Staff, EEC [European Economic Community] project staffing, 509
Staff, Employment Department staffing, 80, 89, 203, 211, 233, 237
Staff, employees taking lower graded jobs, 158, 339
Staff, Enterprise Workshops Manager, 507
Staff, Environmental Health Department, administrative structure, 80
Staff, Estates Surveyor's department, Valuation Division, 87, 115, 128, 158
Staff, ethnic minorities posts, 336, 396
Staff, extension of service, 230, 301
Staff, Family and Community Services Adult Homes, hours of duty, 266
Staff, flexible working hours, Publicity Department, 155
Staff, Five College Traineeship Scheme , 458
Staff, grievances, regarding grading, 22
Staff, grievances, regarding retirement date, 461
Staff, gypsy site Supervisor, 508
Staff, Hallam Industries, management salaries, 359
Staff, homes for elderly, staffing, 426
Staff, honoraria, 155, 233, 266, 395
Staff, hours of duty, revision of, 79
Staff, housebuilding programme staffing, 246, 337
Staff, Housing Department, Rebate Section, 83, 87
Staff, Housing Department, Rent, Control. Section, 300
Staff, house modernisation teams and staffing, 159, 300
Staff, improvement areas staffing, 35
Staff, job sharing, 81, 116, 197
Staff, leave entitlement, request for improvement , 113
Staff, leave, carry over of, 361
Staff, leave of absence, applications for, 24, 113, 155, 196, 231, 270, 338, 356, 358, 394, 396, 425, 427, 456, 484
Staff, local conditions factor, 160
Staff, lunch allowances, 198
Staff, Magistrates Courts' Committee proposals, 81, 424
Staff, magisterial duties, leave for, 158, 180
Staff, maternity leave, salary for, 157
Staff, mentally handicapped training centres, leave for staff of, 338
Staff, motor cycle allowances, 429
Staff, NALGO [National Association of Local Government Officers], local negotiations and industrial action, 26
Staff, NALGO, meeting with regarding various matters, 25
Staff, NALGO, request for additional annual leave, 303
Staff, National Negotiating Bodies' decisions 26, 84, 116, 159, 198, 234, 267, 305, 340, 360, 398, 429, 459, 511
Staff, nursery nurses salary award, 80
Staff, Oakbrook hostels staffing, 337
Staff, overtime working, 112, 237, 267, 384
Staff, part-time clerks, hours of duty of, 112
Staff, part-time youth workers, rates of pay,24
Staff, personal accident insurance, 231, 509
Staff, Personnel Department, accommodation for, 197
Staff, Personnel Department, establishment of post of Deputy Chief Personnel Officer, 82
Staff, Personnel Department, salary of Chief Personnel Officer, 82
Staff, Personnel Department, salary claims by staff of, 339
Staff, Personnel Department, word processing equipment in, 196
Staff, Planning and Design Department, amalgamation of sections of, 194
Staff, Polytechnic staffing proposals, 78, 112, 156, 195, 231, 266, 302, 396, 516
Staff, Recreation Department, coaching and instruction fees, 457
Staff, Recreation Department, training staff expenses, 358
Staff, Recreation Department, redesignation of posts, 76, 195, 264, 356, 506
Staff, Recreation Department, regrading of posts, 23, 35, 79, 111, 127, 154, 161, 194, 202, 229, 232, 264, 267, 299, 336, 356, 393, 424, 456, 483, 506
Staff, rent and rate rebates staff, 35, 46
Staff, representatives of teachers' organisations, facilities for, 232
Staff, residential services, 395
Staff, safety representatives, 484
Staff, service tenancies, 114, 160, 197
Staff, services for the under fives, 425
Staff, Sharrow Industries staffing, 337
Staff, sickness pay and certification, 267, 341, 452
Staff, South Yorkshire Industrial Language Training Unit, 196, 509
Staff, staffing proposals - revised procedures, 110
Staff, Stannington College of Further Education, division of Department of, 112
Staff, Stannington College of Further Education, technician services, 517
Staff, subsistence allowances, 25
Staff, summer vacation employment, 360, 394
Staff, supernummary appointments, 25, 484, 511
Staff, teaching staff, conditions of service, 24
Staff, teaching staff, disputes procedure 24
Staff, teaching staff, industrial action by, 339
Staff, trade union duties, time off for, 114, 429
Staff, training courses abroad, 160
Staff, transfer of temporary posts to establishment, 265
Staff, typists, secretaries, etc. regrading claim, 34, 114, 198, 263, 397, 428
Staff, valuation staff, 87, 115, 128, 158
Staff, variation of hours of duty, 155
Staff, Welfare Benefits staffing, 32, 46
Staff, word processor equipment and operators, 34, 84, 115, 267
Staff, Works Department, VDU [visual display unit] operators, 225, 233, 267

Telephone charges, cost of, 510
Tourist Information Service, establishment of, 501
Town hall, re-allocation of accommodation in, 492
Town hall, refreshment service for meetings, 165
Town hall extension, relocation of staff in, 171
Transnational corporations and South Africa, seminar, 224, 252, 283, 322
Transport Users Consultative Forum, proposed public meeting, 223

Uniform lettings policy, branch libraries, use of, 191
Uniform lettings policy, charges, review of, 293
Uniform lettings policy, church organisations - lettings to, 191
Uniform lettings policy, community organisations, sub-lettings to, 191
Uniform lettings policy, conference facilities, 192
Uniform lettings policy, minutes of meetings of Working Party regarding, 191, 293
Uniform lettings policy, rationalisation of use of premises, 191
Uniform lettings policy, staff, use of accommodation by, 192
Uniform lettings policy, unemployed persons, use of accommodation by, 192
Uniform lettings policy, working party's terms of reference, 192
Unit factories, policy regarding, 244
Unoccupied premises, rating of 207
Urban Action 1982, 381, 383, 410, 411
Urban Development Grant, bids under, 497
Urban Development Grant, report regarding, 384, 481
Urban programme, 1981/82 programme, 53, 256, 291, 328
Urban programme, 1982/83 programme, 330, 417, 480
Urban programme, 1983/84 programme, 331, 418, 481
Urban programme, 1984/85 programme, 189
Urban programme, 1982/83 projects pool, 149, 330, 417
Urban programme, canal basin, 258
Urban programme, Carbrook Hall unit fact cries, 149
Urban programme, Civil interest and remedial measures 52, 149
Urban programme, Community projects, financial statement, 480
Urban programme, Community projects, self help fund, 20, 44, 95, 149, 189, 258, 292, 331, 385, 419, 482
Urban programme, Employer based apprenticeship training scheme, 147
Urban programme, Ethnic minorities, 108, 189, 259, 292, 392, 482
Urban programme, Heeley urban farm, 16
Urban programme, Housing action areas, 291
Urban programme, Hyde Park flats, 291
Urban programme, Inner cities aid 1982/83, 258
Urban programme, Inner Urban Areas Act 1978, applications under, 188
Urban programme, Key issues statement, 958
Urban programme, Lord Bellwin, visit of, 15, 54, 94
Urban programme, Main line programme financing, 19
Urban programme, South Sheffield Inner City Community projects, 292
Urban programme, South Yorkshire County Council projects, 106, 290
Urban programme, 'Time lapsed' projects, 149, 178, 188, 292, 417, 481
Urban programme, Urban action 1982, 418
Urban programme, Voluntary sector projects, 94
Urban Strategy sub-committee, membership of, 108
Urban Strategy sub-committee, minutes of meetings, of 15, 52, 55, 106, 147, 188, 256, 290, 328, 382, 417, 480

Vacant properties, repairs to, 246
Voluntary organisations, grant aid to, 404
Vote of thanks, 349

War emergency planning [civil defence], 261
'War Game' film, 48, 99, 474
Water, charging system for domestic users, 48
Water authorities, membership of, 99, 250
Water industry, future of, 443
Welfare Benefits Centre, 22, 46, 56, 88, 347
Whirlow Brook Park restaurant, proposal regarding, 74
Whirlow Court, increased use of facilities at, 156
Whirlow Hall Farm Trust, grant to, 165, 473
White Paper on Public Expenditure, 366
Woodhead Rail Route, 100, 142, 182, 348
Workpeople, allowances for lost or stolen tools, 307
Workpeople, appeals against dismissal, 34, 110, 193, 270, 355, 362, 460, 461, 515
Workpeople, appeals against disciplinary action, 32, 160, 306, 307, 355, 515
Workpeople, appeal against rate of pay, 193
Workpeople, application for sickness allowance extension, 337
Workpeople, apprentices, appointment of additional, 68, 358
Workpeople, bank holidays, 113
Workpeople, bonus payments (Works Department), 355
Workpeople, death of employee, 197
Workpeople, disabled persons, employment of, 340
Workpeople, following disciplinary action, 305
Workpeople, early retirement of and scheme for, 81, 441, 471, 511
Workpeople, emergency call-out payments (Recreation), 350, 394
Workpeople, ex-gratia payments scheme, 238, 304, 398, 424
Workpeople, grants to former WRCC [West Riding County Council] employees, 303
Workpeople, Grievance, 393
Workpeople, market patrolmen, 113, 357
Workpeople, nightworking, enhanced rate for, 234
Workpeople, Northern College course fees, 25
Workpeople, overtime working, 237, 267
Workpeople, redeployment of employees, 340
Workpeople, reduced working week for, 510
Workpeople, security attendants, 358
Workpeople, service tenancies, 114
Workpeople, Stocksbridge refuse collectors, 229, 267
Workpeople, summer vacation employment, 360
Workpeople, Sheffield Works Department, bonus scheme, 399
Workpeople, Trade union duties, time off for, 114
Working Party regarding Works Department, apprentices, 42, 68, 209, 316
Working Party regarding Works Department, bonus scheme, 209
Working Party regarding Works Department, contract check list, 209
Working Party regarding Works Department, contracts, etc., supervision of, 209
Working Party regarding Works Department, contractors review of lists of, 209
Working Party regarding Works Department, contractors panels, 316, 369
Working Party regarding Works Department, council house cyclic maintenance, 134
Working Party regarding Works Department, Depots, works at and rent of, 134, 167, 245
Working Party regarding Works Department, Deputy convener in Works Department, 369, 425
Working Party regarding Works Department, retirement of, 409, 439, 472, 525
Working Party regarding Works Department, house modernisation workload, 168
Working Party regarding Works Department, joinery products, 134
Working Party regarding Works Department, Knutton Road Depot, facilities at, 472
Working Party regarding Works Department, Manor Lane Depot, 347, 409, 525
Working Party regarding Works Department, minutes of meetings of, 42, 67, 134, 167, 208, 245, 281, 316, 347, 369, 472, 525
Working Party regarding Works Department, programmed maintenance, 67
Working Party regarding Works Department, project report forms, 134
Working Party regarding Works Department, safe driving awards, 245
Working Party regarding Works Department, Sheffield Show, participation in, 439
Working Party regarding Works Department, tendering procedure, 439
Working Party regarding Works Department, vehicles, slogan for, 68, 316
Working Party regarding Works Department, workload, commitment to, 67
World Disarmament Campaign, support from Greater London Council, 99
World Disarmament Campaign, twinning links with American towns, 99

Young people, measures to alleviate problems of, 76, 94, 167
Yorkshire and Humberside Association for Further Education, guarantor responsibility, 525
Yorkshire and Humberside Regional Examinations Board, guarantor responsibility, 473
Yorkshire Water Authority, metering and two part tariff, 249
Yorkshire Water Authority, Consultative Committee minutes, 253
DateMay 1981 - Sep 1982
Extent1 item
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