Description | Labelled No. 15 Volume 1. Indexed. Signed.
Contemporary index:
Abolition of South Yorkshire County Council, accommodation for staff transferred, 55 Abolition of South Yorkshire County Council, detriment payments, 64 Abolition of South Yorkshire County Council, payment for additional duties and responsibilities, 18 Abolition of South Yorkshire County Council, property transactions, 5 Absence from work (unauthorised), deductions from pay, 55 ACAS report, communications and employee involvement in Yorkshire and Humberside, 70 Accommodation, rationalisation of, departmental, 160 Administrative and clerical workers, development scheme for, 14 Age discrimination, 130 A.M.A., equal opportunities working party, 60 Annual leave entitlement, 178 Anti-apartheid policies, co-option of members onto working party, 109 Anti-apartheid policies, working party on, 76, 83, 109, 123, 184 Anti-racist policy review project, 48 Apartheid, Local Authority research and information service on action against, 119, 184 Apartheid, National Steering Committee on Local Authority action against, 184 Apartheid, "Profiting from", 185 Appeals, Chief Executives Department, 7 Appeals, Design and Building Services department, 7 Appointment of Director of Environmental health and Consumer Services, 1 Appointments to programme committees, 4 Apprentices/improvers/trainees, indentures, 39 Approvals procedure, simplified, 102 Approved list of contractors, 40, 137 APT & C, employees pay award 1986, 64 APT & C, national pay offer, 70 Arts, Department of, grading appeals, 175 Asian community facilities, day centre for elderly Asians, 146 Association of Metropolitan Authorities, 36
Bank credit, payment of wages by, 65 Black Bank, National, 49, 86 Black organisations, community education grants to 1986/87, 146 Black organisations, urban programme bids in respect of, 192 Borrowing, Local Authority, 94 Budget proposals 1987/88, 185 Builders skips, placement of on the highway, 39 Buildings energy management system, 194 Bureau (the), 66, 119, 199 Bus stops, 189
Capital Programme 1986/87, 25, 88, 90, 151, 201 Capital Programme 1987/88, 60 Capital receipts, property disposal, 33, 210 Central Supplies Organisation/Recreation Department, computer equipment and systems, 99 Chancellor of the Exchequer's autumn statement, 156 Chief Publicity Officer and Promotions Officers, appointment of, 164 Child Care Assistants/Nursery Nurses, pay and conditions of, 67 Child restraints in cars, loan scheme, 52 City Hall, concessionary lettings, 93 City Treasury, 94 City Treasury, appointment of City Treasurer, 162 City Treasury, housing benefits payments, 128 City Treasury, implementation of Local Authority financial information system (LAFIS), 67 City Treasury, individual grievance, 13 City Treasury, overtime working, 65 City Treasury, staffing, EEC Liaison, 62 City Treasury, staffing proposals, 208 Civic transport, 36 Cleansing Services Department, departmental practices, 123 Cleansing Services Department, stabilisation of earnings, 65 Clerical and administrative workers, development scheme for, 14, 63 Clerk of Works, appointment of, 1986/87 house heating programme, 189 Combined Heat and Power Scheme, 88, 194 Combined Heat and Power Scheme, district heating, 118 Combined Heat and Power Scheme, National Liaison Group, 51 Community education, grants to black organisations 1986/87, 146 Community relations in Tinsley, 47, 86, 191 Competitive tendering, contract documentation, 107 Compliance with standing orders, 41, 137 Computer Equipment and Systems Recreation Department/Central Supplies Organisation, 99 Computer hardware, purchase of, 97 Confidentiality of reports, 134 Consultants, appointment of, 142 Consultants, departmental use of, 105 Contractors, approved list of, 40, 137 Contracts compliance procedures, 136 Contracts Panel, minutes, 39, 107, 136 Conferences, Local Authority, action against apartheid, 184 Conferences, Local Government, 81 Conferences, National Energy Management, 120, 147 Conferences, nuclear free zone, Local Authorities annual general meeting and conference, 79 Conferences, "Paying for local government", 120 Conferences, peace conference, 80 Conferences, the cities 2000 conference, 37 Council's expenditure level for 1986/87, application for redetermination, 57 Council house sales and disposals, Housing Act 1980, estates division staffing, 95 Criminal acts committed by employees, 23
Darnall area housing office, 54 Decentralisation, policy statement on, 77, 110 Decentralisation, Working Party on, minutes, 77, 110 Design and Building Services Co-ordinating Panel, minutes, 52, 104, 141, 188 Design and Building Services Department, appeal, 7 Design and Building Services Department, collective dispute, 12, 174 Design and Building Services Department, departmental efficiency and production, 52 Design and Building Services Department, departmental practices, 76, 109 Design and Building Services Department, departmental progress reports and work programmes, 85 Design and Building Services Department, information technology review, 100 Design and Building Services Department, staff changes, 53 Design and Building Services Department, staff retirements, 52, 188 Design and Building Services Department, supernumerary appointments, 53 Design and Building Services Department, visit by panel, 53 Design and Building Services Department, workload 1987/88, 141 Design and Building Services Department, workload and resources, 188 Director of Environmental Health and Consumer Services, appointment of, 1 Disabilities, access for people with, Town Hall and Town Hall extension, 160 Disabilities, forum of people with, 14 Disabilities, people with, and the Council, 24 Disabled peoples homes, adaptations t, 208 District Heating/Combined Heat and Power, 118 Disturbance, travelling time allowance, 69 Dounreay [nuclear establishment, Scotland], 80
Early retirements, posts surplus to requirements, 129 Early retirement, selective scheme, 158 Economic and Industrial Promotion Programme, 119 Education Department, individual grievance, 9 Education Department, industrial relations issues within, 20 Education Department, school clerks, 75 Education Support Group, work with the unemployed, 128 Elected members, training for, 132 Electronic printing, 101 Employees, criminal acts committed by, 23 Employment and Economic Development Department, race and progress report and work programme, 47 Employment Plan, Sheffield, 156 Employment Programme Committee, project report form CP3, 168 Energy Conservation Project 1984, departmental comments, 147 Energy Conservation Project 1984, management review of, 161 Energy panel, minutes, 50, 88, 147, 194 Energy saving, financial incentive for, 50 Energy World, Milton Keynes, 147 Environmental Health and Consumer Services, appointment of director of, 1 Environmental Health and Consumer Services, individual grievance, 10 Equal opportunities, code of practice and women's and ace positive action projects, 194 Equal opportunities, recruitment and selection training for elected members, 73 Estates Division, staffing, Housing Act 1980: Council house sales and disposals, 95 Estimates, diversion of, Policy Committee revenue budget, 3 Ethnic minorities, information pack on, 73 European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund and Proposed South Yorkshire Integrated Programme, 31 European Security and Co-Operation, committee for, 80 Exchequer, Chancellor of, autumn statement, 156 Expenditure level (council's) for 1987/88, application for redetermination, 57 Family and Community Services Department, appeal, 182 Family and Community Services Department, collective dispute, 10, 124, 172, 174 Family and Community Services Department, department al practices, 83 Family and Community Services Department, grievance, 74 Finance bill, Local Government, 1986, 169 Finance Sub-Committee, minutes, 25, 90, 151 Financial incentive for energy saving, 50
Gas Conversion Programme 1987/88, 195 General Rate Act 1967, Section 53 rate relief, 207
The Growing Divide: Social Inequality in Sheffield, 81 Harley Hotel, Glossop Road, Sheffield, Urban Development Grant, 95 Health and Safety (corporate) contingency budget, joint review of, 65 Health, occupational, 127 Heating fuel costs, revision of, 88 Heating season review, 50 Heeley Advice Centre, 77, 110 Hiroshima [Japan], peace declaration, 80 Home Office guidelines and refusals, Local Government Act 1966 Section II, 2 Honeyford, Mr. R, visit to the city by, 85 Honorarium, payment of, 129 Housing Act 1980: council house sales and disposals, estates division, staffing, 95 Housing benefit, City Treasury, 128 Housing benefit, local scheme, 3, 32 Housing benefit, payments, 60 Housing Department, additional accommodation for Yorkshire Insurance House, 55 Housing Department, collective dispute, 11, 125 Housing Department, regarding of administrative officers, 67 Housing Department, temporary staff, 66 Housing Investment programme Bid 1987/88, 5 Hypothermia Campaign, 194
Illiteracy, 145 In-house training resources, 24 Indentured apprentices/improvers/trainees, 39 Industrial relations issues within the Educational Department, 20 Industrial relations issues, urgent, 22 Industrial Relations Panel, minutes, 20, 69, 130 Information Technology Panel, minutes, 97, 199 Information Technology Review, Department of Design and Building Services, 100 Information technology training, 101, 180, 199 Information technology training, strategy, 102 Information Unit, Local Government, 135 Interpreting and Translation Service, 48
Joint Benefits Panel, administration of benefits, 187 Judicial Review, News International, 121
Keeton Sons and Co. Limited, aid to employees of involved in industrial action, 209
Lambeth Borough Council, visit to, 179 Land and Planning Department, individual grievance, 183 Land and Planning Department, industrial relations issues with, 69 Land and property disposal, capital receipts, 96, 158 Language survey, schools, 145 Law centres, national funding of, 37, 135 Leave entitlement (annual), 178 Lightwood Driver Training Centre, 141 Local Authority, borrowing, 94 Local Authority, manual workers, pay claim 1986, 70 Local Authority, mortgage interest rates, 31, 208 Local Authority, National Steering Committee on Local Authority action against apartheid, 184 Local Authority, Research and Information Service on action against apartheid, 119, 184 Local Government, Act 1966, Section II, Home Office guidelines and refusals, 2, 48, 145, 191 Local Government, conference, 81 Local Government, Finance Bill 1986, 169 Local Government, Information Unit, 135 Lord Mayor's Appeal, 95 Lord Mayor, presentation by re energy saving project, 51 Low paid, Savercards for, 18 Low paid, training provision for the, 72 Lower Don Valley Strategy, 134, 144
Makki Mosque Youth, Sports and Social Centre, 49 Manual Workers (Local Authority), pay claim 1986, 70 Maternity leave, 131 Miscellaneous salary scale, 176 Monergy Walks 1986, 88, 147, 194 M.S.C. Restart Scheme, [manpower Services Commission] 82 Multi-Skills Training Centre for Women, 193, 197 Municipal Security Service, 157
Namibian, solidarity week, 84 Namibian, support group, 76, 83, 109 National Black Bank, 49 National Combined Heat and Power Liaison group, 51 National funding at law centres, 37 National negotiations, 20, 130 Neepsend lane/Nursery Street, sewerage flow survey, 105 News International, judicial review, 121 Nuclear free zones, Annual General Meeting and Conference, 79 Nuclear free zones, Working Party on, minutes, 78, 111 Nuclear weapons, road transport of, 79 Nurseries, workplace, 128 Nursery Nurses/Child Care Assistants pay and conditions of, 67 Nursery street/Neepsend lane, sewerage flow survey, 105
Occupational health, 127 Offenders (rehabilitation of) Act 1974 (exceptions) (amendments) Regulations 1986, 14 Overtime working, 128
Park Gardener's Working Men's Club, heating costs, 166, 194 Pay advice envelopes, inclusion of documents in, 64 Peace advertising campaign, 80 Peace Conference and Council Aid, 80 Peace week, Sheffield, 78, 110 Personnel Department, departmental practices, 184 Personnel Plan/Departmental Items 1986/87, 18 Personnel Services Sub-Committee, minutes, 7-19, 63-68, 124, 127, 172, 183 Police Committees and Authorities, an overview, 139 Police Committees and Authorities, composition, 139 Police Committees and Authorities, "The Manchester experience", 139 Police Panel, minutes, 139 Police Panel, terms of reference, 139 Policy Committee, minutes, 1-6, 57-62, 116-122, 165-171 Policy Committee, special meetings held during 1986, 162-164 Policy Review Sub-Committee, minutes, 35, 76, 133, 186 Polytechnic, collective dispute, 8 Polytechnic, relationship with the Education Department, 69 Post Primary Reorganisation, appointment of principals designate, 116 Post surplus requirements, early retirements, 129 Printing Service, City Council's, traineeships, 73 Probation Service, South Yorkshire, revenue estimates, 168 Programme Committees, appointments to, 4 Project Report Form CP3, Employment Programme Committee, 168 Property disposal, capital receipts, 33 Protecting our People, 140 Publicity Department, regarding, 67 Publicity, Video Units, 199
Race and the Department of Employment and Economic development, progress report and work programme, 47 Race Equality Panel, minutes, 47, 49, 85, 145, 191 Racism and the System, seminar, 47, 191 Rate relief (Section 53), general rate Act 1967, 207 Rationalisation of departmental accommodation, 160 Recreation Department/Central Supplies Organisation, computer equipment and systems, 99 Recreation Department, appeal, 182 Recreation Department, collective dispute, 172 Recreation Department, Management Team Development, 180 Recruitment and selection, accreditation training, 179 Redball Indoor Cricket Centre, 33 Redeployment register, review of, 132 Redetermination, application for City Councils expenditure level in 1987/88, 5 Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) (Amendment) Regulations 1986, 14 Residuary body employees, employment of, 15 Retaining wall, construction of, 105 Revenue budget 1986/87, 28, 50, 92, 155, 203 Richardson, Mr A and Mrs M, 193
Salary scale, miscellaneous, 176 Samora Machel Memorial event, [Mozambican military commander, revolutionary socialist leader President of Mozambique], 185 Savercards for the low paid, 18 Schools language survey, 145 Science Park, Sheffield, 158 Scotland Arms Around, 81 Selective Voluntary Early Retirement Scheme, 138 Seminars, Members/Officer, 35 Seminars, Members/Officer, AMA equal opportunities, 196 Seminars, Community Building: A partnership between people and professionals, 52 Seminars, equality of opportunity in employment, 6 Seminars, National Economic Development Office (NEDO) seminar on school buildings, 52 Seminars, Racism and the system, 47, 191 Seminars, urban Policy: Where is the government going?, 6 Seminars, Urban Programme, 45 Sewerage Flow Survey, Nursery Street / Neepsend lane, 105 Sharrow Neighbourhood Groups Forum, 77, 110 Sheffield City Libraries, progress report and works programme, 146 Sheffield City Polytechnic, collective dispute, 8 Sheffield City Polytechnic, relationship with the Education Department, 69 Sheffield Employment Plan, 156 Sheffield Festival (The) 1986, 133 Sheffield peace week, 78, 110 Sheffield, working for, 20 Short training courses, 73 Sickness absence, management of, 24, 69 Skips, builders, placement of on the highway, 39 Social Security Act 1986, council resolution, 187 Software and terminal equipment, purchase of departmental, 99 SOS racism delegation, 47 South Africa, annual conference on, 83 South Africa, government policy on, 37 South Yorkshire Integrated development, 119, 62 South Yorkshire Joint Consultative Committee, representation, 76 South Yorkshire Light Railway Transport Bill, 81, 120, 169 South Yorkshire Probation Service, revenue estimates 1987/88, 168 Standing orders, amendments to, 107 Standing orders, compliance with, 41, 137 Steel industry, special, implications of sanctions, 123 Strip searching, petition re, 149 Superannuation, fund, South Yorkshire County, 37 Supertram, 141
Tariff review, 50 Teachers' pay and conditions, employers' paper on, 70 Telephone costs, financial assistance towards, 79 Tendering, competitive, contract documentation, 107 Tendering, competitive, council policy re, 108 Tenders, 41 Terminal equipment and software, purchase of departmental, 99 Tertiary Colleges, proposed, appointment of principals, 198 Tinsley, community relations in, 47, 86, 191 Tinsley, draft area profile, 134 Town Hall and Town Hall extension, access for people with disabilities, 160 Trade union officials (local), time off for, 71 Trainees/ apprentices/improvers, indentured, 39 Traineeships, City Council's Printing Service, 73 Training courses, short, 73 Training and development panel, minutes, 24, 72, 132, 179 Training for elected members, 132 Training provision for low paid employees, 72 Training resources (in house), 24 Translating and interpreting service, 48 Travelling time allowance (disturbance), 69
Unauthorised absence from work, deductions from pay, 70 Unemployment project, 68 Unemployed, work with, Education Support Group, 128 United nations cultural boycott, 77, 109 Urban development Grant, 45, 46, 95 Urban Policy, 45, 144 Urban Programme 1985/86, 42 Urban Programme 1986/87, 143 Urban Programme, additional resources, 143 Urban Programme, 1986/89 ministerial approval, 44 Urban Programme Seminar, 45 Urban Programme bids, in respect of black organisations, 192 Urban Strategy Panel, minutes, 42, 143 Video Unite, publicity, 199
Wages, payment of by bank credit, 65 Waste disposal contracts, Health and Consumer Programme Committee, 168 Widdecombe Committee of Inquiry into the conduct of Local Authorities, 186 Women's committee, the role of, 148 Women in the community, links with, 196 Women, multi-skills training centre for, 193, 197 Women's Panel, establishment of, 5 Women's Panel, minutes, 148, 196 Women's Panel, terms of reference and composition of, 148 Women's Unit, budget, 1987/88, 198 Women's Unit, work of, progress report, 150 Woodbourn Road Athletics Development, 210 Working for Sheffield, 20 Working for Sheffield, Trade union subscriptions, 130 Working Party on the review and development of the Councils Organisation and management, minutes, 55 Workplace nurseries, 128 Workplace nurseries, dispute, 173 Works Committee, project report forms, 61 Works Department, development of computer strategy, 100 Works Department, financial position of, 157 Works Department, individual grievance, 126 Works Department, information system, 209 Works Department, industrial relations in, 130 Works Department, medium term strategy, 167 Works Department, progress report and works programme, 192 Works Stores System (LASS), 157 World Student Games 1991, 31, 36, 118
Yorkshire Insurance House, additional accommodation for Housing Department, 55 YTS Scheme [Youth Training Scheme], recruitment and training of young employees under, 179, 192 |