DescriptionLabelled No. 3. Indexed. Unsigned.

Contemporary index (scanned July 2010)
Note: details of named individuals' appointments, promotions and regradings, etc. have been removed from this index (Data Protection Act (exempt under section 41 of the Freedom of Information Act)).

Accident Claim, ex-gratia payment, 254, 306
Accounts, Annual, Policy Committee, Consolidated Loans Fund, 4, 232
Accounts, Annual, General Rate Fund, 232
Accounts, Annual, Housing Advances on Mortgage, 4, 214, 372
Accounts, Annual, Insurance Fund, 214
Accounts, Annual, Superannuation Fund, 214
Accounts, Annual, Trading Departments, Housing, 251
Accounts, Annual, Trading Departments, Markets & Abattoir, 26, 232
Accounts, Annual, Trading Departments, Printing & Stationery, 233
Accounts, Annual, Trading Departments, Public Works, 4, 232
Accounts, Annual, Trading Departments, Transport, 4, 251
Accounts, Annual, Trading Departments, Water Undertaking, 26, 251
Advice & Opinion Centre, proposed, Sharrow / Heeley area, 29
Air Transport Facilities, British Air Services Ltd., proposed short-haul network, 7
Air Transport Facilities, East Midlands Airport Consultative Committee, 374
Air Transport Facilities, Todwick site, planning applications re, 6 Yorkshire, 29, 30, l8l, 200, 235, 322-323
Alderman Redgate, Absence from Meetings (See under "Meetings, absence from")
Allowances, Car, scheme, report on biennial review of, 82 Members, 200
Allowances, variation of arising from re-organisation of local-government, 53, 325
Allowances, Mileage, for non-authorised car users, 74
Allowances, travelling, in respect of use of private cars by members and officers, 343-344
Ambulance Service, Productivity Payments, 253
A.M.C., [Association of Metropolitan Councils], Annual Meeting & Conference, appointment of delegates to attend, 147, 346
A.M.C., Invitation to City Treasurer, to serve as Financial Adviser to the Fire Services Cttee,
A.M.C., Health Committee, appointment of representative on, 360
A.M.C., Police Conference, decision not to appoint reps, to attend, 200
Assay Office, Sheffield, Bi-Centenary Celebrations of, 324
Assisted Car Purchase Scheme, Authority to sign agreements, 254
Auction, Sale by, bid by Corporation, 84, 201, 218, 359
Audit, District, 182, 215
Audit, Local Government, 236
Automatic Transport Systems, proposed feasibility study, 142, 176, 180

Bills, Sheffield Corporation, authority to issue, 119, 180, 233, 283, 321, 372
Bingley House Trust, 102
Bramall Lane Cricket & Football Ground, 60
Brewers' Association, North Midlands - see under "North"
British Steel Corporation, Agreement with, industrial land in East End, 30, 31, 197
Budget Sub-Committee, Minutes of, 11, 80, 89, 105, 131, 149, 167, 168, 237,239, 256, 273-274, 307-308, 326-327, 362-363, 380, 381-382, 390, 393
Building Contracts, Agreements between employers and nominated sub-contractors, 85
Building Contracts, Building Contractors, panels of, amendments & additions, 27, 85, 252
Building Contracts, Clause 23(j), inclusion of in contracts, 358
Building Contracts, ex-gratia payment to building contractors, 353
Building Contracts, fixed-price tendering, 28, 60, 121, 144
Building Contracts, Labour-only sub-contracting, appointment of representatives to meet National Federation of Construction Unions, 60
Building Contracts, Labour-only sub-contracting, modification of prohibition of, 27, 121, 144
Building Contracts, National Federation of Building Trades Employers, meetings with representatives of, 9, 27, 121, 325
Building Contracts, National Federation of Construction Unions, Meeting with representatives of, 98
Building Contracts, Public Works Department, specialist works, 7, 84
Building Contracts, Selective Tendering Procedures, 162-163
Building Contracts, Value Added Tax, 98, 99
Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest, Statutory List of, additions to, 321
Burnham Committee, decisions of, 91
Bus Crews, National pay award, 305 (see also "Transport")
Bus Priorities, amendment to minutes of Pol. Committee of Oct 1972, re, 320
Bus Services, losses incurred in provision of, 356

Capital Estimates, diversions, 37, 38, 53, 251, 288, 356
Capital Estimates, supplementary Votes, 38, 200, 251, 287, 341-342, 356-357
Capital Expenditure Programme 1971/72, Monitoring Sub, 35, 36, 37
Capital Programmes, 160, 177, 391
Car, Assisted, Purchase Scheme, 83
Car or Taxi Hire Service, 163, 178
Caravan Sites Act, 1968, exemption from provisions of, 124
Catering Facilities in the Town Hall, 10, 121
Car Parking Spaces, short-term, 216
Cemeteries & Crematoria, Management of, 9, 58, 142
Central Area Redevelopment and Slum Clearance Programme, financing of, 37
Central Bus Station, Pond Street, proposed street collections, 86
Central Purchasing - Agreement with F.C.B., 232
Central Area Study Group - Staffing, 303
"City Clipper", see under "Bus Services"
City Coat of Arms, authority for reproduction of, 147, 201
City Engineering Services Construction & Maintenance Department, placing of work with, 34
City Engineering Services Construction & Maintenance Department, appointment of Consultants, 172
City Engineering Services Construction & Maintenance Department, specialist Works' in Civil Engineering Contracts, 358
City Treasurer, appointment of, 306, 372
City Treasurer, thanks to, 392
City Treasury, Computer Services Division, staff, additions, 57, 97, 135
City Treasury, Computer Services Division, staff, additions, regrading, 57, 97
City Treasury, Data Processing Machine & ancillary equipment, purchase of, 5
City Treasury, Staff, resignations, 251
City Treasury, Retirements, 57, 97, 180, 195, 301
City Trust, proposed Sheffield, 6
City Trust, proposed Sheffield, minutes of special Sub re, 77

Civil Defence Corps, Disposal of former trophies of, 272
Civil Engineering Contractors, panels of, applications for admission to, 27
Clumber Estate Management Committee, payment to, 142, 372
Computer Development Staff, appointment of, 61, 93
Computer, Sub-Committee, appointment of, 58
Computer, Sub-Committee, minutes of, 106
Computer, waiving of Standing Order, 183
"Community Industry" Scheme, 302
Consolidated Loans Fund, Annual Accounts of, see under "Accounts"
Corporation money, spending of, issue of information to tenants re, 373
Corporation Property, Maintenance of, 122, 145
Corporation Property, applications for alterations to or change of use 2
Coroner, City, authorisation to attend Weekend Conference, 346
Council Meetings, change of date of, April, 1972, 52
Council Meetings, proceedings at, 324
Council Meetings, quorum at, 359
Councillor, vacancy in office of, Darnall Ward, 360
County Boroughs Association, appointment of General Purposes Committee,
County Boroughs Association, nomination, 10, 236
Court House, Alterations to, 28
Court House, Heating Boilers, 100, 285
Courts Act, 1971, abolition of Quarter Sessions & Assize Courts, 62, 100
Courts Act, 1971, appointment of Honorary Recorder of Sheffield, 100
Courts Act, 1971, Circuit Boundaries, 9
Courts Act, 1971, Judges Lodgings, future of, 101, 251
Courts, New Magistrates', appointment of Consultants, 28
Courts, New Magistrates', appointment of Quantity Surveyors, 121, 183
Courts, New Magistrates', erection of, 322, 373 - 374
Courts, New Magistrates', meeting to discuss sketch, plans for, 52
Courts Committee, Magistrates', appeal re temporary lodging allowance, 74
Courts Committee, Magistrates', payment of removal expenses, 43
Court, Crown, [Crown Court], 251
Crucible Theatre, contribution by Corporation towards Capital Cost of, 63
Crucible Theatre, finances, calling of special meeting, 324
Crucible Theatre, finances, 338 - 339
Culture and Recreation Co-ordinating Group Committee, minutes of, 48, 95, 210, 330, 334

Darnall Ward, Vacancy in office of Councillor, 360
Deputy Coroner, Appointment of, 125
Deputy Coroner, Salary of, increase in, 147
Development and Compensation, 343
Disabled Persons, employment of, progress report regarding, 18
Dobson, E. C., retirement of, 290
Dogs, stray, control of, 353
Dwellings, Sundry, management of, 322

East Midlands Airport Consultative Committee, see under "Air Transport Facilities"
Education Department properties, Leopold Street area, demolition and redevelopment, 59, 84, 378
Education Department, Staff, Acting rank allowance, payment of, 73
Education Department, Staff Bursars & Senior Bursars, Emolument Charges,111
Education Department, Staff Chief Education Officer, leave of absence,254
Education Welfare Service, transfer of functions to Social Services Department, 32
Elections, Borough Council, 1972, date of, 10
Elections equipment, storing of, 306
Employment situation in Sheffield area, 33, 59, 60
Estimates, Annual, 373
Estimates, Revenue (See under "Revenue")
European Common Market, 235, 339
European Cultural Foundation, 145
Eviction, unlawful, increase of penalties for, 378

Family Allowances, proposed Tax-Credit System, 359
Festival, Sheffield, 33, 342, 376
Films Sub-Committee, Minutes of, 24, 45, 113, 139, 156, 209, 227, 389
Films Sub-Committee, powers and duties of, 8
Film, Certificated, "A Clockwork Orange", 376
Financial Survey, year ending 31st March 1971, 57
Fire Brigade Headquarters, new, allocation of site for, 216
Fire Brigades, National Joint Council for Local Authorities', decisions of, 40
Fire Brigade Sports and Athletic Association, presentation of trophies from Civil Defence Corps, 272
Fixed-price tendering (See under "Building Contracts")
Fuel Efficiency Service (See under N.I.F.E.S.) [National Industrial Fuel Efficiency Service]

General Powers Bill, 62, 63, 86, 99, 123, 140, 271, 289
Gift to City, badges by daughter of late Ald. P.J.M. Turner, thanks to, 147
Gift to City, silver cigar box by J.F.S, Cobb, Q.C., thanks to, 166
Gift to City, sculpture by G. Max, referred to Libraries and Arts Committee, 166
Grants, applications for, British Soviet Friendship Society, granted, 289
Grants, applications for, Enterprise Neptune, refused, 321
Grants, applications for, European Cultural Foundation, refused, 197
Grants, applications for, Heeley Residents' Association, refused, 254
Grants, applications for, Longshaw Estate Management Committee, granted, 283
Grants, applications for, Montgomery Hall Theatre, granted, 288-9
Grants, applications for, National Gypsy Council, granted, 217
Grants, applications for, Nijmegen (Holland) Marches 1971, granted, 6
Grants, applications for, RAF Band Concert, 378
Grants, applications for, Sadler's Wells Theatre Appeal Fund, refused, 197
Grants, applications for, Sharrow Community Development Project, deferred, 321
Grants, applications for, Sharrow Community Development Project granted, 357
Grants, applications for, Sharrow Lane Claimants' Union, refused, 289
Grants, applications for, Sheffield Festival, 1972, granted, 196
Grants, applications for, Yorkshire Opera, refused, 254

[name redacted] Superannuation, non-contributory service converted to contributory service, special case, 26
Health Service, National [NHS], re-organisation of, special Sub-Committee, report of, 7
Health Service, National [NHS], Regional HQs, Hospitals, 102
Health Service, National [NHS], Regional Health Authorities, 164
Health Services, Whitley Councils for, Dental Whitley Council, increases in sessional rates of pay, 40
Health Services, Whitley Councils for, Nurses & Midwives Council, 40
Health Services, Whitley Councils for, Professional & Technical Council "A", increases in salaries, 40
Highways & Transportation Co-ordinating Group Committee, minutes of, 170, 303, 310-311, 331
Hire Charges, letting of Corporation premises, 199
H.M. The Queen, Silver Wedding Anniversary, proposed loyal address, 290
Homeless, Shelter for the, in Sheffield, 303
Honorary Recorder, appointment of, 100
Hospitality, approved Scales of expenditure, increase in, 4
Hospitality, Civic, for Conferences held on repetitive basis, 87
House Building Policy, Corporations, financial effect of, 372
House Improvements, additional grants for, 197 Houses for Sale, building of, 324
Housing Advances on Mortgage, Annual Accounts of (See under "Accounts" and under "Mortgages")
Housing Associations, development by, Grouped Homes for the Elderly, 59
Housing Associations, development by, loans for, 252, 271, 284
Housing Department, office accommodation, 34, 84, 120-121, 143
Housing, Deputy Manager, appointment of 210A
Housing Finance Act, 1972, 278-279, 280-282, 284, 322, 342, 373
Housing Matters, pecuniary interests of members, 217-213
Housing Requirements, estimated, 1976-1881, 99

I.M.T.A., Annual Conference, appointment of delegates, 119, 341
Industrial Development & Economic situation in Sheffield, 121
Industrial Development Association, Regional, 235, 304, 358
Industrial Development: Encouragement of new industry in the City, steps to be taken, 142-143
Industrial Development: Houses for key workers, 235
Industrial Development: Millspaugh Ltd., Rotherham, 86, 199-200
Industrial Development: Promotional Campaign, 197
Industrial Lands in East End, 251-252
Industrial Museum, proposed, [?Kelham Island Museum], 101
Industrial Pollution, 285
Industrial Relations Bill, short course on provisions of, 44
Information Bulletin, suggested issue of, giving details of clearance & redevelopment proposals, 285

Joint Negotiating Committee for Approved Schools and Remand Homes, Decisions of, 109
JNC [Joint Negotiating Committee] for Chief Officers for Local Authorities, decisions of, 135
JNC for Justices' Clerks, decisions of, 40, 135
JNC for Local Authorities' Services (Building and Civil Engineering) decisions of, 153
Judges' Lodgings, Whirlow Court, 251, 374

Labour-only Sub-contracting (See under "Building Contracts")
Land, availability of for private housing development, 182, 216, 304
Legal Aid & Advice Centres (See also "Advice"), provision of, 305
Legal Aid & Advice Centres amendment of minute regarding in Policy Committee Minutes of Oct. 1972, 320
Library, Central, [Central Library] Computer based issuing system, 200
Licensing Sub-committee, former, minutes of, 22
Licensing Sub-committee, minutes of, 9, 22, 46, 47, 78-79, 114, 115, 116, 157-158, 192-193, 228-229, 268, 292, 336, 369-70
Licensing Sub-committee, powers and duties of, 8
Local Government Finance, Government's Green Paper on future shape of, 51
Local Government re-organisation [South Yorkshire County Council]
Local Government re-organisation, allocation of functions between County & District Councils, 182
Local Government re-organisation, Circular 58/71, 30
Local Government re-organisation, Consultation Papers, 87, 182, 323
Local Government re-organisation, Derbyshire Authorities, discussions with, 122
Local Government re-organisation, Education Committees & Chief Education Officers, 87
Local Government re-organisation, Electoral Divisions, 164-165
Local Government re-organisation, Coroners, appointment of, 165
Local Government re-organisation, Election of Councillors, 217
Local Government re-organisation, First Elections of new local authorities, 123, 146, 164, 233, 289, 344-5, 360
Local Government re-organisation, Government Green Paper, "The Future Shape of Local Government", 57
Local Government re-organisation, Green Paper on Local Government Finance, 97
Local Government re-organisation, Joint Committees of existing Councils, 97, 146, 165, 217, 360-1, 377-8 ,
Local Government re-organisation, Joint Committees of existing Councils, increase in representation, 146
Local Government re-organisation, Local Government Bill, 198
Local Government re-organisation, Metropolitan County, proposed, name of, 61
Local Government re-organisation, Metropolitan County, southern boundary of, 146
Local Government re-organisation, Metropolitan County, District, boundary, 61
Local Government re-organisation, One-day Conference, 324
Local Government re-organisation, Planning Functions, 165
Local Government re-organisation, Public Relations Programme, 306
Local Government re-organisation, Rating & Valuation Assoc. and Association of Councillors, Conference arranged by, 102 Local Government re-organisation, Regional Health Authority No.3, location of, 353
Local Government re-organisation, School Health Service, future of, 377
Local Government re-organisation, Second Consortium of local authorities, 377
Local Government re-organisation, South Yorkshire Metropolitan County & Sheffield Metropolitan District Joint Committees,236, 253, 271, 306, 345
Local Government re-organisation, Special Sub-Committee re, Minutes of, 12, 39, 64-66, 107-108, 337
Local Government re-organisation, Staffing matters and other preparatory arrangements, 253, 323
Local Government re-organisation, Training Board, representation on, 173
Local Government re-organisation, water & sewage services, amendment to Minutes of Policy Committee of Oct. 1972, 320
Local Government re-organisation, water & sewage services, North Derbyshire Water Board, 162
Local Government re-organisation, water & sewage services, Proposed Regional boundaries, l61
Local Government re-organisation, water & sewage services, Re-organisation of, 122, 181, 196, 215-216, 233, 253, 286-287, 302, 377
Local Government re-organisation, water & sewage services, Representations, 162
Longshaw Estate Management Committee, contribution to, 83
Lord Mayor's Advisory Sub-Committee, appointment of, 343

Magistrates' Courts Committee (See under "Courts")
Manual Workers, Yorkshire Provincial Council for Local Authorities' Services, decision of, 41
Meetings of Committee, August 1971, 44
Meetings of Committee, Date and Time of, 1
Meetings of Committee, July 1972, 236
Meetings of Committees, Absence from, Alderman Redgate, 345
Meetings of Committees, July, confirmation of minutes, 255
Microphone Training Course, Radio Sheffield, 166
Milk, Free School, [free school milk] for Junior Pupils, 33, 53, 61, 120, 270-271
Monitoring Sub-Committee, Appointment of Councillor Neill on Sub-Committee, 97
Monitoring Sub-Committee, Minutes of, 35, 76, 88, 103-4, 126-128, 129, 130, 148, 169, 230-231, 240, 257, 275, 328, 347, 364, 383
Montgomery Hall Theatre, Financial Grant, 100
Moor foot, [Moorfoot, The Moor], redevelopment at, 234
Mortgage, Housing Advances on, Annual Accounts of (see under "Accounts")
Mortgage, Housing Advances on, Applications dealt with, report on, 83, 301,
Mortgage, Housing Advances on, Legal Proceedings, 10, 33, 63, 37, 102, 124, 146, 183, 200, 218, 236, 290
Mortgage, Housing Advances on, Variations of interest rate, 57
Mortgage, writing-off of balance, 180 (28 Leader Road)

National Coal Board, Agreement with, see "Central Purchasing"
National Health Service, Re-organisation of (see under "Health")
Nature Reserve, Wheldrake Ings, Derwent Valley, [North Yorkshire], 120, 145
N.I.F.E.S., [National Industrial Fuel Efficiency Service] Advisory Service, arrangements for, not to be renewed, 26
Negotiating Bodies, Decisions: British Pianoforte Trade Joint Industrial Council, 187
Negotiating Bodies, Decisions: Heating, Ventilating and Domestic Engineers, Mates and Apprentices, 187
Negotiating Bodies, Decisions: N.J.C. For Local Authorities' Admin. etc. Services, decisions of, 15, 67, 74, 109, 171
Negotiating Bodies, Decisions: N.J.C, for Local Authorities' Fire Brigades, decisions of, 153, 171-172, 186
Negotiating Bodies, Decisions: N.J.C. for Chief Officers of Local Authorities' Fire Brigades, decisions of, 171
Negotiating Bodies, Decisions: N.J.C. for Local Authorities' Services (Manual Workers, decisions of, 15, 134, 152, 186, 172
Negotiating Bodies, Decisions: National Ambulancemen's Council, establishment of, 15
Negotiating Bodies, Decisions: N.J.C. for workshops for the Blind, decisions of, 153,172, 187
Negotiating Bodies, Decisions: N.J.C. for the Waterworks Undertakings Industry, decisions of, 172
North Midlands Brewers' Association, termination of informal agreement with, 8
Norton Lees area, Post Office facilities, 100
Norwood Hall, [Bishopsholme], restoration of as educational project, 34, 59
Norwood Hall, 59

"Park and Rise" [Park and Ride] bus service, see under "Bus Services"
Parkway, Improvement and Extension Scheme, 270
Parkway Wholesale Market, proposed increase in rents of premises at, 34
Part-time Employees, possible conversion to full-time posts, 86
Pay & Productivity Questionnaire, 19
Pennine Motorway [M62 motorway] (see under "Trans-Pennine Motorway")
Penrhyn Road Sub-Post Office, petition against proposed closure, 85
Pensions Increase Act 1971, 75
Performing Rights Society, revised tariff re copyright music, 290
Personnel Services Committee, Emergency Section, Minutes of, 267
Personnel Services Committee, minutes of, 15-19, 40-44, 67-75, 91-94, 109-112, 134-133, 152-155, 171-173, 186-191, 204-208, 219-226, 241-247, 259-266, 293-298, 299, 314-318, 319, 332-335, 348-352, 365-368, 385-388
Photocopying and Short-Run Duplicating, survey of, 44
Planning & Housing Co-ordinating Group Committee, Minutes of, 184-185,
Planning, Programming & Budgeting, 270
Polling Stations, use of School rooms as, Rental Charge for, 183
Polytechnic, [Sheffield Polytechnic], development, Joint Committee re: Minutes of, 21, 150
Polytechnic, [Sheffield Polytechnic], future development of, 30, 120, 160
Polytechnic, [Sheffield Polytechnic], grading of technicians, 74
Polytechnic, [Sheffield Polytechnic], Seminar for local authority members, 361
Post-Entry Training, financial assistance, 138
Post Office Advisory Committee, filling of vacancies on, 377
Post Office facilities, Half-day closing for Crown Office Counters, 305, 325, 375
Post Office facilities, Norton Lees area, 100, 123
Post Office facilities, Penrhyn Road Sub-PO, proposed closure of, 123-124
Post Office facilities, Upper Heeley (Gleadless Road) and Meersbrook Bank (Norton Lees) Sub-POs, 143
Post Office facilities, Steel Bank (Commonside) and Penistone Road Sub-POs, 144
Post Office facilities, Representations to Post Office' regarding closure of Sub-POs, 144, 181
Post Office facilities, Evening and weekend collections, 254
Post Office facilities, Head Post Office, late night collections, 254
Post Office facilities, Agency Sub-POs, 345, 375
Post Office facilities, Public Telephones in Corporation low-rise developments, 345, 299
Post Office facilities, Langsett Road, Sub-PO, closing of, 375-376
Post Office, Post-mark Slogans Advertising (See under "Publicity")
Press, Admission of to Committee meetings, 145
Printing and Stationery Department, annual accounts, 4
Printing and Stationery Department, annual report, 4, 232
Printing and Stationery Department, annual revenue estimates, 119, 341
Printing and Stationery Department, Conference on planning for printers, authority for manager to attend, 51
Printing and Stationery Department, heating equipment, 250
Printing and Stationery Department, floor repairs, composition room, 250
Printing and Stationery Department, O & M study, 81, 341
Printing and Stationery Department, retirement of departmental supervisor, 378
Printing and Stationery Department, surplus equipment, 4
Printing and Stationery Department, study tour of printing works in Germany, 341
Printing and Stationery Department, waterproofing of roof, 81, 250
Private hire car operators, petition regarding, 323, 344
Probation office, proposed district, Pitsmoor, 234, 304, 322
Publicity matters, Bonn, Germany, authorisation for visits to, 325
Publicity matters, European promotion, proposed, authority for representatives to visit West Germany, 272
Publicity matters, follow up visit to Sweden by DES and Industrial Development Officer, 236
Publicity matters, Gothenburg, Sweden, visit by Assistant PO, 63, 102, 183
Publicity matters, Gothenburg, Sweden, appointment of representatives to visit Sheffield exhibition, 147
Publicity matters, illuminations scheme 1971/72, 31, 163
Publicity matters, 'Operation Airlift', 343
Publicity matters, postmark slogans, 163, 180
Publicity matters, redesignation of post of Assistant PO, 290
Publicity matters, resolution of appreciation to staff of Publicity Department, etc., 234
Publicity matters, Rotterdam, invitation for Publicity Officer to attend civic function
Publicity matters, Sheffield Exhibition, etc., proposed, 102, 200
Publicity matters, Sheffield Advisory Committee, minutes of, 13, 14, 49, 50, 55, 90, 132-133, 174-175, 198, 202-203, 234, 248-249, 276-277, 2??, 304, 312-313, 379
Publicity matters, storage accommodation, 272
Publicity matters, storage of exhibition material, 4-10 The Wicker, 147
Publicity matters, 'Yorkshire Beyond', 285
Publicity matters, Yorkshire Tourist Board, membership of, 8
Publicity matters, representative on Executive Committee, appointment of
Public Works Department, sub-contracts, raising of limit before formal contract required, 7, 84
Purchasing, local authority, Joint Advisory Committee on, 82

Radio Sheffield, 182, 199
Railwaymen, National Union of, [NUR] resolution of, 255
Railways, electrification of, 7, 29
Railways, management structure, 29, 101, 124, 163, 199, 217, 255, 286,323
Railways, passenger services, alterations to, 375
Railways, Sheffield-Chesterfield Railway Passenger Service, 124, 359
Railways, Sheffield-London Passenger Train Service, 28
Rate Estimates and making of General Rate, 177-178, 392
Rate Fund Accounts, General, 1970/71, report of C.T. on, 26
Rates Levied, Annual Return of I.M.T.A., 51, 195, 269
Rate Rebate Scheme, report on operation of, 83, 195" 301
Rate, General, Act 1967 Compounding for Rates, 354-355, 372
Rate Relief, Charitable Organisations, 180
Rate Support Grant, representations re modification of Regulations, 195
Rating & Valuation Association, Annual Conference, appointment of Delegates, 195
Recorder, Honorary, appointment of, 100
Recruitment Schemes, 18
Register Office, new, official opening, 374
Registration Acts, increased scale of fees, notification of, 254
Registration, Sheffield (Amendment) Scheme 1972, 218
Re-organisation of Local Government (See under "Local")
Rent Act, 1968, contravention of, legal proceedings, 146
Representatives on other Bodies, appointment of, 2, 3, 212-213
Research and Intelligence Unit, Progress report, 31, 143, 196, 252
Research and Intelligence Unit, Authority to arrange Conference in Sheffield,183
Revenue & Capital Estimates, revised timetable of meetings to consider, 166
Revenue Estimates, diversions in, 5, 120, 161, 288, 301
Revenue Estimates, Supplementary Votes, 34, 38, 142
River Don Works, 98
River Don Works, Shop Stewards Committee, 100
RSPCA, National Campaign to Stop Export of Live Food Animals, Slogan Plates for Franking Machines & Posters, 346

Security Measures, installation of lockers and provision of insurance cover, 94
Sharrow / Heeley Area - proposed Advice and Opinion Centre (See under "Advice")
Sheffield, Proposed City Trust(See under "City Trust")
Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation, 33
Slaughter, Ritual, of Animals for Human Consumption, [Halal / Kosher / Muslim / Jew], 62
Slum Clearance Programme and Central Area Redevelopment, Financing of (See under "Central Area")
Small Tenements Recovery Act, 1838, results of repeal of, 301
Social Services Department, transfer on functions from Education Welfare Service (See under "Education")
Soulbury Committee for Inspectors, Organisers and Advisory Officers of Local Education Authorities, decisions of, 171
Staff, appeal against dismissal, 134, 151
Staff, Appeals against grading, 43, 93, 134, 137, 173
Staff, Appointments, etc., Revised Procedure, 43
Staff, Committees, Departmental, 18
Staff, Grading of, Parity View, 138
Staff, new Appointments, Expenses for, 155
Staff, recommendations of Employing Committees (See under "Personnel Services Minutes")
Staff and Workpeople, Sicknell allowances, 195
Staff and Workpeople, Statement of Establishment, 111
Standing Orders of the Council, amendments to, 9, 27
Storekeepers, Grading of, 73 Street .Collection, District, 201
Sub-Committees, appointment of, 1, 211-212
Sub-Committees, Budget Sub-Committee (See under "B")
Sub-Committees, Films Sub-Committee (See under "F")
Sub-Committees, Licensing Sub-Committee (See under "L")
Sub-Committees, Monitoring Sub-Committee (See under "M")
Sub-Committees, Vacancies on, filling of, 33, 377
Suggestion Scheme, 18, 74
Superannuation, conversion of non-contributory service to contributory service, special case, Mrs. [redacted], 26
Superannuation, Improvements in benefits, 180
Superannuation, Injury allowance, Payment of, 57( 183, 356
Superannuation, Deferment of consideration of payment of, 63
Superannuation, Part-time Official Staff, grants to retired employees, 75
Superannuation, Part-time Official Staff, inclusion of in Scheme, 44
Superannuation, Quinquennial Valuation, 119
Superannuation, Accident, ex-gratia payment in respect of (See under "A")

Technicians, Grading of, 73
Telephones, Home, for Council Members, 62, 290
Telephones, Home, Assistant Town Clerk (Man. Serv.), 183
Telephone Switchboard, Town Hall, proposed new, 5, 236, 290
Tendering Procedures, Selective (See under "Building; Contracts")
Town Clerk's Department, Register Office, Theft of overcoat, payment of ex-gratia sum, 183
Town Clerk's Department staff, accelerated increment, 102
Town Clerk's Department staff, appointment of Principal Supplies Officer, Common Law and Prosecutions Staff, 124
Town Clerk's Department staff, Common Law Section, appointment of legal
Town Clerk's Department staff, assistants, 360
Town Clerk's Department staff, creation of additional post, submission to Personnel Services Committee, 124
Town Clerk's Department staff, extension of service of, 34
Town Clerk's Department staff, honorarium to member of, 34, 63, 93, 173
Town Clerk's Department staff, new substantive post of Legal Asst., 102
Town Clerk's Department staff, promotion, 34
Town Clerk's Department staff, regradings, 102, 378
Town Clerk's Department staff, resignation, 102
Town Clerk's Department staff, retirement, 290, 306, 321
Town Clerk's Department staff, Superintendent Registrar, payment of Local Allowance to, 63, 93
Town Clerk's Department staff, Senior Rent Officer, increase in salary, 1C Third Rent Officer, appointment of, 102
Town Clerk's Department staff, establishment, proposed changes in to be submitted to Personnel Services Committee, 147, 166
Town Hall Extensions, 235, 359, 373
Town Twinning, Bilbao, Spain, letter suggesting twinning arrangements with, 53
Town Twinning, I.U.L.A. [International Union of Local Authorities] Conference, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, October 1971, 53
Trades, Sheffield, and Labour Council, [Sheffield Trades and Labour Council], proposed street collection, 87
Trading Depts., Annual Accounts of (See under "Accounts")
Traffic, and Transport Plan, Draft, Joint Sub-Committee regarding Minutes of, 20
Traffic and Transport Plan, Draft, 34, 56
Traffic and Transport Plan ,Joint Report of C.P.O. & A. and Transport Manager, consideration of, 52
Trans-Pennine Motorway, Sheffield-Manchester, [M62] 28,58
Transport Undertaking, Bus Crews, National Pay Award, 305
Transport Undertaking, concessionary fares, 23
Transport Undertaking, land and properties of the, 269-270, 356
Transport Undertaking, statement of accounts, 11
Transport Undertakings, Municipal Passenger, National Joint Council for Craftsmen in, decisions of, 41
Travel Concessions Act, relating to mentally handicapped persons, 215

Uganda Resettlement Board, setting up of Special Sub-Committee, 289
Ugandan Asians, Resettlement of in U.K., 302-303
Urban Aid Programme, 252, 51, 323, 343, 374

Valuation Lists, new,
Value Added Tax, Authority to C.T. to submit registration particulars etc., 290
Vote of Thanks to Chairman and Deputy Chairman, 201

Waingate Development, authority to carry out, 255
Water Committee Lands, Special Sub-Committee (Policy) regarding, minutes of, 117, 215, 258, 309, 329
Water recreational facilities, 269, 283, 342, 357-358
Waterworks Undertakings Industry, National Joint Industrial Council for, decisions of, 40
Welfare of the elderly, 196
Whitley Councils for the Health Services, decisions of, 68, 91, 109, 153
Widows, Grants to, 112

Yorkshire Cricket Club, 162
Yorkshire and Humberside Development Association, proposed, 374
Yorkshire and Humberside Regional Economic Planning Board, proposed economic study of Sheffield area, 200
Yorkshire and Humberside Regional Economic Planning Council, membership of, 199, 304,
Yorkshire and Humberside Regional Economic Planning Council, representations to Secretary of State regarding, 52, 87
Yorkshire and Humberside Regional Economic Planning Council, Regional Strategy 1971-1981, 10,28
Yorkshire and Humberside Regional Economic Planning Council, Industrial Development Association, proposed, (see under "Industrial")
Yorkshire and Humberside Regional Sports Council, financial grants to local sports clubs, 97
Yorkshire Naturalists Trust Ltd. (see under "Nature Reserve")
Yorkshire Tourist Board (See under "Publicity")
DateMay 1971 - Mar 1973
Extent1 item
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