DescriptionIncludes various appendices (reports, surveys, summaries).

Labelled No. 4. Indexed. Unsigned.

Contemporary index (scanned July 2010)
Note: details of named individuals' appointments, promotions and regradings, etc. have been removed from this index (Data Protection Act (exempt under section 41 of the Freedom of Information Act)).

Accidents, claims in respect of, 46, 102, 178
Accounts, Annual, Consolidated Loans Fund, 62
Accounts, Annual, General Rate Fund, 61
Accounts, Annual, Housing Advances on Mortgage, 40
Accounts, Annual, Housing, 77
Accounts, Annual, Insurance Fund, 40
Accounts, Annual, Printing and Stationery Department, 62
Accounts, Annual, Superannuation Fund, 40
Accounts, Annual, Trading Department, 62
Accounts, Annual, Waterworks, 77
Aircraft Landing Facilities for the City, [airport] 64, 100
Allowances, Members' Travelling, 65
Ambulance Service, dispute re, 148
Ambulance Service, revised working arrangements of, 140, 149, 208
A. M. C., [Association of Metropolitan Councils], invitation for City Treasurer to act as adviser to Salaries and wages Sub, 41
Appropriation of land and property, 174 (See also under name of)
Auction, Sale, bid at, 64
Audit, District, report for 1971/72, 20
Authority to sign documents, 86

Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Act, 1963 Greyhound Race Tracks, Payment of annual Licence fee re, 85
Bills, Sheffield Corporation, issue of, 41t 137
British Leyland Motor Corporation Ltd. and Guest, Keen & Nettlefolds Ltd., future development by, 46
British Waterways Bill, introduction of, 156, 168, 199
Budget Sub-Committee, Attendance of District Budget Sub-Committee members at, 182
Budget Sub-Committee, Minutes of, 25-27, 52-53, 68, 70, 77, 99, 113, 167, 175,189, 198
Building Contracts, Meeting re, 138
Burdall's Buildings, Penistone Road, Report on, 115

Capital Estimates, Supplementary Votes, Diversions, etc. 3, 62, 63, 82, 83, 94, 104, 113, 117, 151, 155
Capital Estimates, City Treasurer's Comparative Statement re, 96, 106, 119
Capital Estimates, Locally Determined Expenditure 1973-74, 127, 130, 131, 137, 198, 202
Capital Estimates, Revision of, 84
Capital Estimates, withdrawals from,' 62, 63, 94
Car Parking Facilities for Members of the City Council, 80
Catering at Civic Functions, Charges re, 79, 141
Central Purchasing, Contracts for supplies and services, submitted monthly,
Central Purchasing, supply of petrol, 98
Central Purchasing, Variations in price, 154, 197
Chairman, Appointment of, 36
Channing Street, No.27, Appropriation of, 174
Chief Constable, Annual Report of, 65
Chilean Government, Assurances from, [Chile] 139
Christmas Illuminations Scheme, 1973, Supplementary Vote re, 77 (See also under "Publicity")
City Council, Final Meeting of, 65, 153
City Treasurer Establishment, Proposals re, 76, 137
City Treasurer Rate Rebate Section, 118
City Treasurer, Report of, Submitted monthly
Coat of Arms, consent to reproduce, 65
Civic Plate, design and production of, 100
Conference, European, invitations to appoint delegates to attend, 45
Clerical Grade I and Related Grades, Salaries in, 91
Commonwealth Sugar Agreement, Imports of Raw Cane Sugar, 140, 177
Corporation Departments, Office Hours, electricity restrictions as affects,[three day week] 167
Counter Inflation Bill, Weights and Measures Inspectors, Duties of, 7
Courts Act, 1971, Use of existing Court House for Crown Court purposes, 6
Courts, New Magistrates', appropriation of Site, 42
Courts, new Magistrates', mechanical services, 42
Cricket Development Centre, Scheme re, discontinuence of, 102
Crucible Theatre Trust Ltd., application for financial assistance, 64
Crucible Theatre Trust Ltd., appointment of additional representatives on Management Committee, 64, 140
Crucible Theatre Trust Ltd., resignation of member from, 116

Danish Barge Carrying Service, demonstration of, 190
Deputy Chairman, appointment of, 36
Deputy City Treasurer, appointment of, 102
Deputy City Treasurer, thanks to, 201
Disabled Persons Employment Act, 1944, Appointment of representative order, 110
Dogs, Stray, control of, 20-21
Don, River, [River Don] in Sheffield Area, 20
Donetsk, USSR, visit to, 100, 116

Education Department buildings, Leopold Street, 4
Education Department, financial staff, 7
Elderly, Survey of the needs of, 99, 175
Employing Committee Recommendations, submitted monthly
Employment Agencies, authority to enter and inspect, 85
European Economic Community [EEC / EU] Public Sector Building and Civil Engineering Contracts, 138
European Economic Community Regional Development in, 139
European Educational Research Trust, invitation from, 178
European League for Economic Co-operation, invitation from, for delegates to attend Conference, 21

Festival, Sheffield, [Sheffield Festival], 20
Films Sub-Committee, meeting with the Festival of Light, 158
Films Sub-Committee, minutes of, 16, 116, 156, 189
Financial Assistance, applications for, 77
Foremen and Supervisors Differentials, maintenance of, 90
Fuel and Energy Supplies Crisis, [three day week], 134, 163, 164, 165, 166, 169-172, 176, 179, 190, 195, 201, 212
Fuel and Energy Supplies Crisis, Special Sub re, minutes of, 156, 167, 175

Gaming Act, 1968, Provision of amusements with prizes under, application for, 85
General Manager and Engineer, Water Department, Release from duties of, 102
General Rate Fund, Report re, 197
General Vesting Declaration, acquisition of lead under, 213
Gifts to City, 65
Goldsmiths, Worshipful Company of, thanks to, for gift to City, 65
Government work from London, dispersal of, Hardman Report on, See under "H"
Grants, applications for, Chesterfield Parish Council, 20
Grants, applications for, National Gypsy Council, 19
Grants, applications for, Nijmegen (Holland) Marches, 1971, 44
Grants, applications for, Sheffield Amenities Council, 3
Grants, applications for, Sheffield Festival Trust Ltd., 3
Grants, applications for, Sheffield Society for Mentally Handicapped Children, 3
Grants, applications for, United Kingdom Committee for the United Children's Fund, 19

H. M. Government, congratulations to, 210
Hackney Carriages, application for licences by, 85
Hackney Carriages, drivers, medical examination of, 85
Hackney Carriages, mechanical inspection of, charges re, 85
Hackney Carriages, rates and fares, effect of VAT on, 17
Hackney Carriages, increase in, 177, 209
Hardman Report on Dispersal of Government work from London, 64, 78, 99, 139
Highways and Transport Co-ordinating Joint Committee, minutes of, 49-51, 115, 137
Home Defence College, Easingwold, summon of Elected Members of Local Authorities, 95, 101,
Housing, Corporation, Reports re, 115
Housing advances on mortgage, report on average time taken to deal with applications, 64
Housing advances on mortgage, revision of interest rate re, 137
Housing advances on mortgage, mortgage arrears, seeking of ejectment warrants in respect of, 22, 46, 65, 101, 156
Housing advances on mortgage, statistics, 113
Housing Department, caretakers, etc., rent allowances, increase in, 90, 123
Housing Department, Rent Collectors, dispute re, 97, 123

Illuminations (see under "Publicity")

Judges' Lodging, 43
July Meetings of Committees, amendments to, proposals re, 80
July Meetings of Committees, confirmation of minutes of, 79

Letting of Corporation Properties, hire charges for, 4
Licensing Sub-Committee, minutes of, 14-15, 47, 79, 98, 140, 177, 212
Live Food Animals, export of, 64,-65
Local Authorities Conditions of Service Advisory Board, correspondence from, 188
Local Authorities (England) (Property, etc.) Order, 1973, 178
Local Authority Establishment and Office Accommodation, letter from Chamber of Trade regarding, 79
Local Government, re-organisation of, Chief Officers and Deputy Chief Officers of existing authorities, 22
Local Government, re-organisation of, Fire Brigade HQ, re-location of, 40
Local Government, re-organisation of, Health, Regional, Authority HQs, Regional Health Authority] 6, 21, 45
Local Government, re-organisation of, Health, Regional, Authority, appointment to, 46
Local Government, re-organisation of, Joint Committees, County and District, 6, 21
Local Government, re-organisation of, Local Joint Committee and City and District Councils and Staff, 78
Local Government, re-organisation of, marking of, proposed functions re, 100, 140, 177, 189, 210
Local Government, re-organisation of, public relations film, production of, 77
Local Government, re-organisation of, salaries and temporary allowances under, payment of, 111
Local Government, re-organisation of, Sheffield District Council, supply of printed minutes of the City Council, 78
Local Government, re-organisation of, South Yorkshire County Council, 45
Local Government, re-organisation of, temporary allowance, payment of, 92, 124
Local Government, re-organisation of, water and sewage services, 6
Local Government Finance in England and Wales, papers regarding, 83
Local Government (Retirement of Chief Officers) Regulations, 1973, application of, 101, 116, 157, 177
Local Government Superannuation, medical examination of manual workers, 93
Local Government Superannuation, report on developments in, 76
Local Joint Committee of City Council and Staff, 45, 60, 111
Local Taxation and Motor Licensing Office, Structural alterations at, 86
Longshaw Estate Management Committee, contribution towards, 98

Magistrates' Courts, new, catering facilities at, 115
Maplin, proposed development at, 156, 200
Markham Colliery Disaster Fund, grant towards, 102
Meetings of City Council and Committees in January, 1974, alterations to, 141
Meetings of City Council and Committees in January, 1974, Non-attendanc e at, 178
Meetings of Committee, alterations to, 6, 65
Meetings of Committee, date and times of, 36, 116,
Messengers, uniformed clothing for, 124
Minutes, alterations to, 39, 75
Monitoring Sub-Committee, minutes of, 69, 77, 93, 99, 114
Motor Drivers Licences, Applications for, 86

NALGO, Sheffield Branch of, grievances of, 175, 191, 195, 200, 210, 212
National Negotiating Bodies, decisions of, reported monthly

Overtime by officers who do qualify for overtime payment, proposals regarding, 92

Parking Meters, recovery of excess charges, appointment of Mr. [redacted name] to deal with proceedings regarding, 2
Parliamentary elections, leave of absence for members employees who are candidates at, 201
Parks and Gardens, training of employees in, 91
Peacetime Emergencies, proposals re, [emergency planning] 139
Pension Schemes, appointment of "administrator" for, 62
Personnel Services Committee, additional members of, appointment of, 79
Personnel Services Committee, minutes of, 8-13, 28-35, 54-58, 71-74, 79, 94, 101, 116, 140, 156, 177, 200, 212
Personnel Services Committee Emergency Sub, minutes of, 59
Planning and Housing Co-ordinating Group Committee, minutes of, 189
Police Headquarters, provision of new, 199, 209
Post Office matters, public telephones in City, 5
Post Office matters, Sub-Post Office, closing of, 299 Langsett Road, 5
Press Dispute, Corporation advertisements, 128
Prices and Incomes Policy, Stage III of, 113, 114, 118
Printing and Stationery Department, cleaning and printing of, 136
Printing and Stationery Department, plant report of, 136
Printing and Stationery Department, repairs to, 112
Printing and Stationery Department, report on progress of work of, Submitted quarterly
Printing and Stationery Department, revised revenue estimates of, 196
Public Expenditure, 1974-75, Government Circular 157/73 regarding, 173, 180
Public Sector Construction Work, Contracting procedures in, 176
Public Works Department, staff of, overtime payment to, 2, 17
Publicity matters, illuminations, 19, 129, 154
Publicity matters, "Operation Airlift", 61
Publicity matters, postmark slogans, 93
Publicity matters, Sheffield Publicity Advisory Committee, minutes of, 23-24, 66-67, 93, 113, 154, 197

Rail passenger services, Chesterfield - Dronfield - Sheffield service, 44, 79, 99, 116, 129, 155
Rail passenger services, Intercity Services, new timetable for, 44
Rail passenger services, proposed extension in South Yorkshire, 138
Rail passenger services, Sheffield - London Service, 155, 199
Rate Rebate Scheme, Summary of Report on as at 31 Mar 1973, 19
Rateable Values, alterations to, 129
Rates, relief from, writing-off of as irrecoverable, 19
Rating and Valuation Association, appointment of delegates to attend conference of, 41
Rating Valuation matters, submission, of report on, submitted quarterly
Regional Health Authority, siting of, 80
Representative on other bodies, appointment of, 38-39
Revenue estimates , 1973/7 4, supplementary hotel, diversions, etc., 3, 83, 113, 117, 152

Selby Abbey Restoration Appeal, 212
Sheaf Market, site of former, 189
Sheffield Assay Office, bicentenary celebrations of, 93
Sheffield Convalescent Unit Ltd., application for financial assistance by, 99, 156, 212
Sheffield Corporation, banking arrangements of, 211
Sheffield Corporation Act, 1928, payment of gratuities to widows of officers who die whilst in service, 211
Sheffield District Council, attendance of members at meetings of the City Council and its Committees, 101
Sheffield Family Association Ltd., capitalisation of interest charges on mortgage lands, 43
Sheffield taxi services, application for increased charges, 154
Social Services Committee, membership of, 22
South Yorkshire County Council, letter of thanks from, 213
Standing Orders of the City Council, amendments to Orders Nos. 39 and 40, 94
Street Collections, applications for, 86
Sub-Committees, appointment of, 36-37
Superannuation, Local Government, 2, 41, 98, 124, 175, 197

Television Licence charge for old age Pensioners, abolition of, 20, 44, 45f
Tenter Street Bus Garage, site of former, 189
Tor Line, [Norway], gift of Christmas tree to City, 46
Town Clerk, retirement of, 201
Town Clerk's Department, staff, Lord Mayor's Attendant, offer of accommodation to, 46
Town Clerk's Department, staff, Retirements of, 46, 65, 95
Town Clerk's Department, staff, proposals regarding, 141
Town Hall extensions, proposed, Phase I
Trade Unions, Comprehensive agreement between manual and craft, 148
Train, boat, Manchester-Harwich, re-routing of, 5
Transport and Road Research Laboratory Minitram Studies, [tram], proposed public demonstration system for Sheffield, 78, 114, 128, 137
Transport undertaking, anticipated deficit of, 102, 114
Transport undertaking, sports ground of, 134, 155, 168
Treasurer, City, Assistant, authorisation to sign documents, 19
Treasurer, City, Assistant, retirement of, 6-7
Treasury, City, receipting equipment, ordering of, 2

Uniform clothing for messengers, provision of, 87
Urban Programme, Eighth Phase, 43
Urban Programme, Ninth Phase, 64, 115

VAT, effect on hackney carriage rates and fares, 17
Vote of Thanks, 214

Waingate, No. 7, acquisition of leasehold interest, 4
Water Committee lands, Special Sub regarding, minutes of, 48
Weights and Measures Inspectors, duties of, in connection with Counter Inflation Bill, 7

Yorkshire and Humberside Development Association, contribution to, 43
Yorkshire and Humberside Development Association, appointment of observers at, 100
Yorkshire and Humberside Development Association, meeting of, 168
DateMar 1973 - Mar 1974
Extent1 item
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