DescriptionLabelled No. 3. Indexed. Signed.

Contemporary index (scanned August 2010)
Note: details of named individuals' appointments, promotions and regradings, etc. have been removed from this index (Data Protection Act (exempt under section 41 of the Freedom of Information Act)).

Accounts, 1972/73 and 1973/74 Audit, 11
Accounts, 1974/75 Audit, 173
Annual Estimates - Special meeting re, 13
Annual Financial Statements, 119
Annual Meeting - Minutes of, 77
Authentication of documents by officers, 16
Association of Metropolitan Authorities, election of Standing Committees, 3, 36, 248
Association of Metropolitan Authorities, Minutes of Committee meetings, 232
Association of Metropolitan Authorities, Rate Support Grant - Increase Order Work, 249
Association of Metropolitan Authorities, representation, 104
Association of Metropolitan Authorities, Urban Aid Grant scheme, 49

Banking arrangements - Overdraft facilities, 84
Banking facilities for employees, 66
Booth, P.M. - Appointment as member of Education Committee, 216
Briarfield Lane - Proposed private street works, 11
Budget Sub-Committee - Minutes of meetings of, 10, 29, 48, 73, 119, 158, 160, 170, 183, 208, 210, 228, 242, 247, 257

Cambridge House - Transfer of, 51
Capital Fund - Financing of schemes from, 48, 73, 170
Capital programme, Abandonment of schemes, 120
Capital programme, Additions to, 73, 161, 170, 208, 210, 243
Capital programme, Advance approval of schemes, 188
Capital programme, Amendments to, 160
Capital programme, Approval of, 31
Capital programme, Community Land Act acquisitions, 99
Capital programme, Deferment of applications for supplementary votes, 170
Capital programme, Diversions in, 96
Capital programme, Education building projects, 96, 120, 161, 185, 188
Capital programme, Family and Community Services projects and E.E.C. Grant Aid, 243
Capital programme, Increase in Education minor works allocation, 73
Capital programme, L.D.S. Allocation, 1976/77, 29
Capital programme, Magistrates Court link block, 98
Capital programme, Progress of expenditure, 10, 29, 48, 119, 160, 170, 184, 208, 226, 242, 257
Capital programme, Provisional schemes, 185, 258
Capital programme, School and nursery building projects, 97
Capital programme, Supplementary votes, 48, 121, 162, 258
Capital programme, Transfer from provisional lists, 242
Capital programme, Uncommittee expenditure, 185
Car Loans, 91
Car Parks, Central Area - Policy re, 18
Car Parks, Management of off-street, 249
[confidential name], termination of services, 200, 250
Caulcott, TH, talk on local government expenditure, 209
Central Transport Fleet - Replacement of vehicles, 209
Cesspools - Charges for emptying, 10, 101
Chamber of Trade and local authority expenditure, 184
Chapeltown Swimming Baths - Transfer of to City Counci1, 35, 261
City centre developments - public spaces in, 15
Coat of Arms, 249
Commission for local administration in England, 16, 174
Commodities - Resolution re prices of, 14
Community Land Act, 1975, appointments to other bodies, 87, 109
Community Land Act, 1975, Appointment of Special Sub-Committee, 38
Community Land Act, 1975, Land Policy Statement, 87
Community Land Act, 1975, Loan Sanctions, 144, 169, 196
Community Land Act, 1975, Minutes of Meetings of Sub-Committee re, 86, 109, 110, 144, 169, 178, 196, 218, 219, 252
Community Land Act, 1975, Report re, 38
Community Land Act, 1975, Rolling Programme, 87, 169, 196
Concessionary travel facilities - Extension of, 3
Conduct in Public Life, 130, 165, 173
Conferences and Seminars, Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy,
Conferences and Seminars, Devolution and Local Government,
Conferences and Seminars, Emergency Planning,
Conferences and Seminars, Institute of Local Government Studies,
Conferences and Seminars, International Union of Local Authorities,
Conferences and Seminars, Royal Commission on the National Health Service,
Conferences and Seminars, University of Bristol - Advanced Urban Studies 129
Conferences and Seminars, Vandalism, 250
Conferences and Seminars, Rating and Valuation Association, 30
Consolidated Loans Fund Report, 119, 160, 170, 182, 208, 226, 242, 257
Contractors Employees - Trade Union membership, 23, 37, 225
Council property - Repair of, 41, 48
Crucible Theatre Trust Management Committee, 128, 166

Deepcar, new road to bypass, 35, 80, 127
Devolution in England, 231, 260
Director of Planning and Design, Retirement of, 16, 7, [sic], 186
Director of Planning and Design, Special Sub-Committee re appointment of, 167, 177, 187
Disabled - Mobility for and road vehicles for, 215, 248
Documents - Authentication of by officers, 16
Donetsk, [USSR], Civic Visit to, 53
Donetsk, [USSR], Sheffield Exhibition, 10
Drought Advisory Committees - Appointment to, 173

Ecclesfield Advisory Committee, 105, 12
Ecclesfield Parish Council, electoral Wards of, 250
Ecclesfield Parish Council, Precept 1976/77, 35, 184
Ecclesfield Parish Council, Review of electoral arrangements for Parish, 175
Ecclesfield Parish Council, Supplementary precept, 102
Ecclesfield Parish Council, Transfer of property from, 35, 184
Education Committee - Appointment of non-Council member, 106, 216
EEC Regional Development Fund, [ERDF], applications for financial assistance, 183
Electoral arrangements, review of, 5, 20, 38, 53, 83, 104, 131, 166
Electoral Wards of the City, 249
[Confidential name], appeal against dismissal, 129
Environmental Health Department - Redesignation of posts, 149
Exclusion of public and press from meetings -Resolutions, 4, 13, 19, 39, 53, 83, 106, 124, 125, 132, 167, 175, 187, 188, 192, 216, 232, 251, 261

Federation of Professional Officers Associations, 113
Financial Statements (Annual), 119
Firth Park Welfare Centre - Transfer of, 38
Flexible working hours (general), 11, 30
Flexible working hours (general), (Revenue budget), 228
Fluoridation of water supplies, 173, 190, 214, 248

Gambling - Royal Commission on, 37
General Rate, 1976/77, 32, 35
General Rate, 1977/78, 258

[Confidential name], transfer of, 50
Head of Administration and Legal Department, appointment of, 108, 124, 125, 126
Health and Safety at Work - report re, 66, 113, 201
Heeley Bank Road sports ground - transfer of 51
High density housing developments, [high rise flats] vandalism at, 15
High density housing developments, problems re living in, 174
High Storrs / Whiteley Woods - land at, 251
Hire charges for Council property, 129, 191, 230
Honorary Recorder - appointment of, 17
Hospital services - future development of, 191, 214
House building - circular re, 131
House improvement and conversion programme, report on, 164, 209, 229, 245, 259
Housing Advances on mortgage account -report re, 102, 229
Housing Associations - report re loans to, 183
Housing Service Department - flexible hours equipment, 101

Industrial Relations - Seminars and courses re, 47
Inflation and the Pay Policy, 182
Inflation, Local authority construction contracts, 4
Inflation, White Paper on, 160
[Confidential name], resignation of, 104

Job Creation Programme, 141
Joint financing of schemes with the Area Health Authority, 132
Joint Negotiating Committee for Teaching Staff in Colleges of Further Education - Membership of, 193
July meetings of Committees, 82, 133
June Council Meeting 1977, 82, 105

Land acquisition and management scheme for South Yorkshire, 4
Land and property resources - reports, 12, 30
Layfield Committee Report and Special Subcommittee re, 123, 217, 231 17
Laundry service - report re public, 17
Lettings policy - hire charges, 129, 191, 230
Local administration in England - Commission for, 16, 174
Local Authority construction contracts, Circular re 4
Local Authority Expenditure, 1976/78 119, 184
Local Authority housebuilding , 131
Local Government Boundary Commission - electoral arrangements, 5, 20, 38, 53, 82, 104, 131, 166
Local Government Finance & Layfield Committee report, 123, 231
Local Government re-organisation, resolution re , 1
Local Government re-organisation, transfer of property, 39, 51
Local Government Training Board - refund by, 47
Local Joint Committees - minutes of meetings of Manual and Craft Employees, 6, 23, 45, 70, 116, 155, 179, 205, 227, 238, 253
Local Joint Committees - minutes of meetings of Staff, 6, 23, 45, 67, 92, 114, 152, 179, 202, 226, 237, 253
Loxley Valley - acquisition of premises at, 10
Lyceum Theatre - purchase notice, 13, 105
Lyceum Theatre request for capital contribution, 82

Manor Welfare Centre - Transfer of, 38
Manpower Services Commission - Job creation programme, [unemployment] 42
Manpower Watch, 12, 20
Meadowhead - former 'Transport Department, sports ground, 4, 40
Medico-legal Centre, staffing, 254
Meetings in June 1977 and September 1976, 82, 106
Mobility for the disabled, 248
Moor, The - Letter from Chamber of Trade regarding pedestrianisation of, 195
Mosborough, Roads and sewers at, 29
Mosborough, Water supply to, 75

National Children's Homes - proposed Family Day Centre, 52
National Health Service - Royal Commission on, 215
National Health Service reorganisation, transfer of property, 38, 105

Osgathorpe Depot -M.O.T. test centre, 209

Parkwood Springs - Job creation scheme, 247
Pay Policy and Inflation, 182
Peak Park Community Land Act Committee, appointment of representative on 87
[confidential name], appointment of, 125
Personnel Services Sub-Committee - Minutes of meetings of, 6, 21, 22, 23, 28, 44, 62, 88, 111, 147, 179, 197, 220, 233, 253
Post Office Review Committee, 14
Private street works schemes in former Wortley RDC area, 11
"Proper Officer" appointments, 83
Public Construction Work (new), programme of, 43
Public Expenditure - Reductions in 1977/78 and 1978/79, 257
Public Laundry service - report re, 17
Public Life - Conduct in, 130
Public spaces in City Centre developments, 15

Ratcliffe, Councillor Mrs. E. - retirement of, 54, 66
Rate, General 1976/77, 32, 35
Rate Support Grant Settlement, 1976/77, 12
Rate Support Grant Settlement, 1977/78, 242, 257
Rates, Annual Billing, 75
Rates, Discount for prompt payment, 102
Rating of empty commercial property, 1974/75 84
Rating of empty property - delegation of powers, re, 164
Rating and Valuation Association Annual Conference , 30
Rating and Valuation matters - report of the Estates Surveyor re, 208, 257
Recorder, Honorary - appointment of, 17
Recruitment subsidy for school leavers, 166
Redundancy or retirement in the interest of the service, 91
Refuse tips, etc - transfer of, 39
Regional Economic Planning Councils, appointments to, 82
Rents for service tenancies - review of, 181
Revenue Budget, 1976/77, additions to, 258
Revenue Budget, 1976/77, Advance approvals, 209
Revenue Budget, 1976/77, Approval of, 32
Revenue Budget, 1976/77, Diversions in, 74, 100, 122, 186
Revenue Budget, 1976/77, Economies in, 138
Revenue Budget, 1976/77, Flexible working hours, 228
Revenue Budget, 1976/77, Monitoring of, 74, 100, 123, 171, 209, 227, 244, 258
Revenue Budget, 1976/77, Requests for financing of schemes, 75, 100
Revenue Budget, 1976/77, Schemes financed by economics, 163
Revenue Budget, 1976/77, Supplementary votes, 100, 122, 162, 164
Revenue Budget, 1976/77, Town Hall catering facilities, 228
Revenue Budget, 1977/78, Draft, 258
Revenue Budget, 1977/78, Preparation of, 164
Ringinglow Road - home for mentally handicapped children, 244
Roach, Professor - appointment to Education Committee, 106
Road vehicles for disabled persons, 215
Royal Commissions on Conduct in public life, 130, 165, 173
Royal Commissions on Gambling, 37
Royal Commissions on National Health Service, 215
RSPCA [Royal Society for the Protection of Animals], grant to, 131

School leavers - Recruitment subsidy for, 166
Security Services - provision of, 261
Seminars - see "Conferences
Service tenancies - Review of rents for, 181
Sewage Agency - Personal accident insurance, 236
Sheffield Area Health Authority, fluoridation of water supplies, 174, 190
Sheffield Area Health Authority, Hospital services, 191
Sheffield Area Health Authority, Joint financing of schemes, 191
Sheffield Area Health Authority, Review of services, 191
Sheffield Chamber of Commerce - Rate matters, 12, 17
Sheffield City Polytechnic, financial rules, 75
Sheffield City Polytechnic, School of Physiotherapy, 75
Sheffield and District Chamber of Trade - Council expenditure, 31
Sheffield and Rotherham District Manpower Committee - Representation on, 3
Sheffield and Rotherham Land Use Transportation Study, 194
Sheffield Show, admission charges, 105, 106, 127
Sheffield Show, Sunday opening, 174
Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation Scheme, 216, 231
Silver Jubilee Celebrations [Queen Elizabeth II], 106
Smoke Control Programme - Financing of, 122
South Yorkshire County Council, Bus shelters - Responsibility for, 37
South Yorkshire County Council, General Powers Bill, 130
South Yorkshire County Council, Highways agency, 52, 83, 167, 176
South Yorkshire County Council, Hospitality for Committees of, 190
South Yorkshire County Council, Joint car parking policies, 127
South Yorkshire County Council, Joint Planning and Transportation Sub-Committee, 81
South Yorkshire County Council, Properties - Transfer of, 40
South Yorkshire County Council, Structure Plan Sub-Committee, 1
South Yorkshire County Council, Superannuation Fund, 52, 80, 123, 165
South Yorkshire County Council, Transport Policies and Programmes, 13, 14, 127, 190, 214
South Yorkshire County Council, [Nuclear war / cold war] War Emergency Planning, 12, 232
South Yorkshire Land Acquisition and Management Scheme - Appointment of Joint Committee, 87, 109
South Yorkshire Metropolitan Boroughs Joint Consultative Committee - Minutes of meetings, 135, 250
South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive [PTE], Meadowhead Sports Ground 4, 39
South Yorkshire Structure Plan, Appointment of Special Sub-Committee re, 1
South Yorkshire Structure Plan, Minutes of meetings of Sub-Committee re, 56, 145, 146
Special Appeals Committee re trade union membership, 175
Special Sub-Committee re South Yorkshire Transport Policies and Programmes, Membership of, 190
Special Sub-Committee re South Yorkshire Transport Policies and Programmes, Minutes of meetings of, 194
Staff, Adult Education - Staffing and development, 90
Staff, Adult residential homes, Reclassification of 64
Staff, Appeals against dismissal, 28, 172
Staff, Appeals against grading, 21, 26, 28, 46, 64, 91, 111, 151, 181, 197, 225
Staff, Art Galleries - Additional staff, 90
Staff, Baths Manager - Salary of, 90
Staff, Care Assistants in residential homes, 64
Staff, Chief Safety Officer - Telephone for, 236
Staff, Christmas Holidays 1976, 65
Staff, City Hall Booking Office, 224
Staff, Cleansing Dept. - 37 hour week for certain staff, 181
Staff, Colleges of Further Education - Additional lecturing staff, 74
Staff, Depot Assistants, Travelling expenses, 90
Staff, Deputy Director of Museums - Release from duties, 224
Staff, Employing Committee recommendations, 7, 24, 44, 63, 88, 111, 148, 180, 198, 221, 230, 233, 253
Staff, Evening meetings of Education Governing Bodies, 45, 64, 224
Staff, Extensions of service, 26, 88
Staff, Flexible working hours, 9, 27, 46, 65, 112, 150, 182, 200, 255
Staff, [Confidential name removed] - Attendances on study tour, 181
Staff, [Confidential name removed]. - Honorarium, 235
Staff, [Confidential name removed] Transfer of, 50
Staff, Health and Safety at Work staffing, 255
Staff, Housing Visitors grading, 64, 91, 236
Staff, Leave of absence, 26, 64
Staff, Local Taxation and Licensing staff, 255
Staff, Lytton Road Home, grading of posts at, 90
Staff, Magistrates Courts Committee staffing, 150, 151, 200
Staff, Medical Lecturers' Fees, 45
Staff, Medico - Legal Centre staffing, 254
Staff, Midhopestones Special School - Headteacher of, 26
Staff, Motor cycle allowances, 225
Staff, National Negotiating Bodies decisions, 6, 23, 45, 61, 88, 111, 147, 179, 197, 221
Staff, Part-time Non-Teaching staff, 224, 254
Staff, Part-time teachers (Adult Education and Youth Service), 200
Staff, Personal accident insurance, 150
Staff, Polytechnic staff structure, 112, 148, 172, 200
Staff, Recreation Department, Indoor Services dispute, 220
Staff, Redesignation of posts, 148
Staff, Retirements, 91
Staff, Schools, non-teaching staff, 26, 36
Staff, Service Engineer, appointment of, 90, 150
Staff, Summer vacation employment, 46, 64
Staff, Supernumerary staff, 112
Staff, Teachers' pay - Consequentials, 27
Staff, Town Hall, catering duties, 179
Staff, Town Hall, Catering staff in extension, 223
Staff, Town Hall, Housekeeping staff, 201
Staff, Trade Union membership, 46, 151, 182
Staff, Training staff in Colleges of further Education, 47, 50
Staff, Vending machines staff, 150
Staff, Wages Assistants - Claim for honoraria, 45
Staff, Works Department, Lunch allowances 224, 236
Staff, Works Department, Time off in lieu, 181
Staff, Works Department, 37 hour week for certain staff, 181
Staff, Works Department, Scheduled overtime, 151, 181
Staff, Works Department, Hours of duty, 255
Standing Committees - Membership of, 129
Standing Orders - Amendment of , 1
Stocksbridge, new road to bypass, 35, 80, 127
Stocksbridge Town Council - Accounts of , 184

Town Hall Extension Catering Staff and facilities, 223, 228
Town Hall Housekeeping Staff - Catering duties, 179
Town Twinning - Appointment of Special Sub-Committee re, 53
Training Services Agency Grants, 255
Tree Planting Scheme - Financing of, 48

Urban Aid Programme, 16th Phase, 244
Urban Aid Programme, Letter from A.M.A. re Submissions under 15th Phase, 11
Unemployed Young People, Grant-aid in respect of first year apprentices 232
Unemployed Young People, Job Creation Programme, 239
Unemployed Young People, Minutes of meetings of Special Sub-Committee, 42, 59, 60, 139, 190, 239
Unemployed Young People, National Computing Centre - Threshold Scheme, 241
Unemployed Young People, Work Experience Programme, 240
Unemployment - Department of the Environment Circulars re, 74

Vandalism at high density housing developments, 15
Vending machines, 150
Vote of Thanks, 54 103

Wards, Electoral, 249
[confidential name], resignation of, 129, 167, 186
Water Charges Act 1976 - General Service charge, 30, 101
Water - Fluoridation of, 174, 190, 214, 248
Water Industry - Consultative document re review of, 81
Water Supply Charges, 1976/77, 34
Water Shortage, 173
Whiteley Woods/High Storrs - Land at, 251
Winter, J., Appointment as Director of Planning and Design, 187
Works Department, Construction work for other authorities, 3
Works Department, Minor construction works, 250
Works Department, Placing of orders with, 1, 37
Works Department, Reduction of scheduled overtime, 91
Wortley R.D.C. - Private street works schemes, 11
Workpeople, Appeals against dismissal, 22
Workpeople, Boiler firing payments, 64, 91
Workpeople, Ex-gratia payments scheme, 47, 50
Workpeople, Mortomley House - Gardens, 254
Workpeople, Motor cycle allowances, 225
Workpeople, Refreshment services, 151
Workpeople, Refuse collection rounds, 107, 113, 255
Workpeople, School meals staff - Dress, 225
Workpeople, Summer vacation employment, 90
Workpeople, Swimming Baths Attendants, 236, 256

Yorkshire and Humberside Economic Planning Council, Regional Strategy, 20
Yorkshire and Humberside Economic Planning Council, Membership of, 36
Yorkshire and Humberside Regional Strategy Review - Minutes of Special Sub-Committee re, 55
DateJan 1976 - Feb 1977
Extent1 item
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