Description | Inquests into the Deaths of the each of the victims of the Disaster were held between 18 April and 4 May 1990 at the Medico-Legal Centre in Sheffield. They are also referred to as the Mini Inquests.
The Inquests were to decide the statutory questions as to whom each of the deceased was and when and where he or she died. The pathologist who had carried out the post mortem would also give evidence and a summary of the deceased's movements would be read out.
The records in this series consist of the transcripts of the Mini Inquests, audio-cassettes of pre-review inquests, audio-cassettes of the proceedings, video recordings of the proceedings, pre-Inquest meetings and administrative documents.
There would have been pre Inquests held in April 1989 for each of the deceased to allow for the release of the body to the families since this was standard procedure. However, there are no records relating to this in the South Yorkshire Police or Coroner's collections.
The video and audio records of the proceedings were not digitised since the Transcripts are available within the South Yorkshire Police collection at POL/15/1. |