Description | CC5/5/1 and CC5/5/2 are the original file split into two for ease of use. The original order of the papers has been maintained, however there is some overlap in dates as the original file was not arranged in strict chronological order.
Includes letter from Hillsborough Steering Committee sent to all solicitors acting on behalf of the relatives of the deceased outlining the formalities of the Coroner’s Inquests into named individuals and the Coroner’s Evidence [Body] Files, 9 March 1990.
Draft note for file of meetings between HM Coroner and legal representatives of the relatives of the deceased discussing interim measures with interested parties.
Correspondence relating to the availability of pathologists who may be called to the Inquest and payment of services.
Correspondence relating to the publication of reports in Liverpool Law Library including Notes of conversations.
Letter from Liverpool Children Hospital to HM Coroner requesting copies of Post Mortem Reports, with reply, 27 July 1989.
Letter from Dr Robert Forrest to HM Coroner regarding the reanalysis of blood samples, July 1989.
Correspondence regarding the release of Post Mortem Reports with [solicitors of relatives of the deceased].
List of solicitors representing families of the deceased at the Inquests.
Correspondence and Minutes of meetings held to discuss the procedures of the Resumed Inquest, including: policy, Transcriptions, building arrangements, finances and aspects to be covered in the Inquests and Pre Inquest review.
Gate attendance figures.
Home Office Affairs Report 'Policing Football Hooliganism: Volume 1', February 1991.
Typed Personal Account of [Dr] Robert Forest.
Copy of Coping with Hillsborough leaflet.
Time line of events with timings.
Specimen form to be completed by witnesses.
Correspondence relating to the registration of deaths.
Notes of meetings with Health and Safety Executive and Sheffield City Council. |