AdminHistory | In December 1920 the Mines Inspectorate, the Mining Record Office and the Board for Mining Examinations were absorbed within the new Mines Department who thus took over responsibility for ensuring that basic statutory regulations were being met.
In 1942 the Inspectorate was transferred from the Mines Department to the Ministry of Fuel and Power. The Inspectorate was headed by a chief inspector, under whom were eight divisions based on the coalfields, each of which was headed by a divisional inspector of mines. Each division contained a number of district offices, to which the inspectors were attached. Their duties were to ensure observance of the acts and regulations relating to safety, health and welfare in mines and quarries, to inquire into mine disasters and accidents, and to provide information on matters affecting safety, health and training.
After the Ministry was abolished in 1969, the Inspectorate subsequently came under the Ministry of Technology and the Department of Trade and Industry before passing to the Health and Safety Executive. |