Title | Deed of Exchange between Anthony Blythe of Grennyll [Greenhill], Derbyshire, esquire and John Parker of Little Norton, yeoman regarding Middle Lowedge [Lowedges], Little Cleylandes, Norton, Derbyshire |
Description | Date: 7 Mar in the 31st year of Elizabeth, 1589.
Deed of Exchange by way of mutual demises between Anthony Blythe of Grennyll [Greenhill], Derbyshire, esquire and John Parker of Little Norton, yeoman; whereby the said Anthony Blythe demised and granted to John Parker for 700 years, a piece of land containing 1 acre 0 roods 32 perches, 6 yards, lying in the upperside of a close called Middle Lowedge; and a close containing 2 roods 16 perches, 11 yards, lying on the east side of a field belonging to the vicar of Norton called Little Cleylandes, both in the parish of Norton and fully described, with names of adjoining owners ; and the said John Parker demised and granted to the said Anthony Blythe for 700 years, a piece of land containing 1 acre 1 rood 21 perches, 14 yards, lying on the nether side of a close called Myddle Lowedge ; and a close containing 2 roods, lying in a field called the Cleylandes, and adjoining the pathway leading from Little Norton to the parish church of Norton; both fully described with names of adjoining owners
Witnesses : James Baite, William Rawlinson, Williame Mawer, Phillip Bate senior, Thomas Bullocke junior, Henrie Tayler. |