Title | Indenture of Lease, dated at Medbourne (Leicestershire), from Thomas de Chaworth "chivaler" to John de Lounds of Tykill [Tickhill] and Henry his son, for the term of their lives, of a messuage and oxgang of land which John Molot lately held by villein tenure in Norton [Derbyshire] near the Abbey of Beauchef, [Beauchief Abbey] saving to the lessor and his heirs the mining of coal, the quarrying of stone, the conveyance of them thence; and the right of selling them, and the cutting and carrying away of wood on the land, at a yearly rent of 7s 1d payable at the usual terms of the manor, and in consideration of doing suit at the manor court twice yearly, of paying "lokhennys" if any were due, at the usual terms, and of doing forinsec service at Tykill, Chesterfeld [Chesterfield] and elsewhere, and of carting at the lord's pleasure |
Description | Date: Tuesday next after the Feast of Saint Bartholomew the Apostle in the 32nd year of Edward III.
Witnesses: Adam de Gotham, Robert Seliok, William Hervy.
Vellum: one skin, seal missing.
Notes: John and Henry were to have timber for repairing their houses and underwood for fuel.
Lokhennys possibly means gift-hens, a very common form of rent for copyhold and even freehold land. Lok, loke , and lake are variant forms of a word bearing the meaning gift, in Old and Middle English.
A chivaler is a horseman. |