Description | Date: 2 Dec in the 20th year of James I, 1622.
'all those two watercorne milnes under one roufe commonly called or knowne by the name of the New Milnes,' [water mills] with the appurtenances, situate in Norton 'and one water wheele commonly called a cutlers wheele, used for the grinding of sythes and knives, being within or neere adioyning to the afforesaid milnes with foure acres of meadow and pasture' to the same milnes belonging, together with 'all the soke, suit and moulture to the said milnes or water wheele belonging or in any wise appertayning'; and also all buildings 'waters, rivers, bankes, water courses, pooles, streames, fishinges, waies, suites, easements, customes, proffittes, commodities and hereditaments' etc, then or then late in the occupation of the said Francis Parker or of John Parker esquire then deceased, elder brother of Francis; and the said John Bullock in consideration of the grant of the milnes as aforesaid, granted to the said Francis Parker 'all and all manner of tythes of corne, sheaves and blade of corne, hey, money for tythe hay, wool, lambe, woode, herbage [the right of pasture on another person’s land] and all other tythes, profittes, rentes, revercons,' etc whatsoever, being parcel of or of right belonging to the rectory of Norton, arising out of certain hereditaments, the inheritance of John Parker, nephew of the said Francis Parker, situate in Norton; in the description of which the following names of persons and places occur: namely, Carrfeild, Longe Shereollers, Midle Shereollers, Folliambes Shereollers or Pond Feild, Lees Crofte, Newfeild, Storrs, Ryefeilde, Breary Feild, Ashes, Harey Cloughe, Wade Crofte, Thunderbourne Feild, Lightwood Walls, Hacking, Upper Cockshutt, Nether Cockshutt, Easte Cliffe, Roughe Cliffe, Weste or Meadowe Cliffe, Whitefield, Whitefeild Springe, Hauke Springe, Roehaghe, Roehaghe Springe, Mouse Parkes, Water Storth, Little Hanging Storth, Blacke Storth, John Greenes House called the Cliffyate, Meadow Cliffe, Robert Eyres House called The Smithies, Dry Meddowe, Wett Meadowe, Broade Water, Smithie Wood, Smithie Place, Wheele House Meadowe, John Barnes Wheele, Broade Water called Sheve 'which devydeth Yorkeshire from Darbyshire,' Bamforde House near to Hiley Milne [?Heeley mill], the dissolved monastery of Beaucheife [Beauchief Abbey], Richard Tyte, Roberte Tyte, George Tyte, the manor of East Greenwich
Witnesses: Nicholas Lowe, George Granvile, John Luptonn, Hammond Noble, Richard Edwards, Thomas Bullok, Godfrey Frogat, Jo Rodgers, Nich Bradbury, James More, Thomas Swifte, Edward Jackson.
Notes : endorsed is a memorandum that the tenants paid a penny in recognition of their new landlord John Bullock.
[cutlery, scythes] |