AdminHistory | The Sheffield Playgoers' Society was an amateur dramatics society in Sheffield.
The Society was established in 1910 (although the pre-First World War records are no longer extant). The aim of the Society was to foster interest in the theatre, as well as to perform. |
Description | Minutes of the General Committee, 1925 - 1960 (LD1680/1) Treasurers' accounts, 1924 - 1939 (LD1680/2) Bank account books, 1923 - 1932 (LD1680/3) Memoranda book, listing officials and plays performed, 1931 - 1940 (LD1680/4) Scrapbooks, 1927 - 1948 (LD1680/5) Files of vouchers for payments, 1923 - 1952 (LD1680/6) Vouchers for payment and correspondence [loose sheets, unfiled], 1919 - 1968 (LD1680/7) Account book for the production of 'Pride and Prejudice', 1937 (LD1680/8) Manuscript and printed playscripts, [20th cent], (LD1680/9) Licences and agreements, 1922 - 1923 (LD1680/10) Certificates, 1937 - 1938 (LD1680/11) Miscellaneous papers, including a draft constitution, letters, agreements and schedules for scenery hiring, 1927 - 1948 (LD1680/12) [Ticket sales books?], [c.1920 - 1960] (LD1680/13) |