Alternative Reference numberLD2100-2117
TitleHallam Conservative Association (previously Hallam Conservative and Liberal Association)
AdminHistoryThe Hallam Conservative Association is based at 193 Baslow Road.
DescriptionUnlisted records:

(Acc. 2012/91):
Hallam Division of Conservative and Constitutional Association minute book, Feb 1918 - Feb 1934 (signed).

Sheffield Conservative and Liberal Federation/Municipal Committee minute book, Apr 1946 - Oct 1954 (signed).

Sheffield City Council Group of Conservative and Liberal Federation file of minutes, May 1950 - Dec 1967 (signed).

Sheffield Conservative and Liberal Federation (later Conservative Federation) Executive Committee minutes (x 2 files) (signed): Jan 1959 - Dec 1964 and Jan 1965 - Nov 1970.

Hallam Conservative Association (previously Hallam Conservative and Liberal Association):
Minute book, Feb 1961 - Feb 1974 (signed).
Executive Council and Finance and General Purposes Committee minute books (signed) (x 2): Feb 1967 - Nov 1981 and Jan 1982 - Jul 1987.
Executive Council minute book, May 1987 - Jul 1992 (signed).
Minute book, Jan 1995 - Dec 1996 (signed).
Great Hallam Show Committee (previously Donkey Derby Committee) minute book, Jun 1973 - Mar 1985 (signed).
Council house sales monitoring books (x 2), c. 1980 - 1990 (include names and addresses - ACCESS RESTRICTED) .
General Election appeals file, 1979 - 1983 (includes names, addresses and donations - ACCESS RESTRICTED).
Cash book (including receipts and payments), c. 1968 - 1979.
Cash book (including income and expenditure), 1970 - 1975.
Social Committee minute book, Jul 1973 - Sep 1980 (signed).
Social events attendance lists and seating plan book, Sep 1973 - Mar 1978.
Women's Branch minute book, Mar 1949 - Nov 1959 (signed).
Women's Executive Committee/Women's Advisory Committee minute book, Jan 1968 - Jan 1981 (signed).
Women's Advisory Council minute book, Jan 1979 - Apr 1987 (signed)
Women's Executive Committee attendance book, 1973 - 1985.
Women's Constituency Committee minute book, May 1987 - Mar 1994 (signed).
Carterknowle Road Polling District Branch minute book, Nov 1981 - Mar 1983 (signed).
Donkey Derby programme, c. 1971.
Committee and rule book, 1981.

Dore Women's Branch (previously Progressive Party Dore Women's Branch): Minute books (x 4), Jan 1946 - Jun 1956, Jul 1956 - Apr 1970, Sep 1970 - Sep 1982, Oct 1982 - May 1995 (all signed); account book (receipts and payments), 1976 - 1995; copies of audited accounts, 1988 - 1995.

Whirlow and Ringinglow Women's Branch: petty cash book, May 1938 - Jul 1999; cash book, Jan 1958 - Dec 2007; fund-raising account books (x 2), May 1938 - Nov 1973 and Mar 1974 - Dec 1997.
Whirlow and Bents Green Ladies Branch file of minutes and accounts, 1995 - 2007 (signed)..
Moorvales and Leavygreave Women's Branch (later Leavygreave and Mooroaks Polling District Branch) minute book, Feb 1929 - Dec 1934 (signed).

Broomspring Havelock and Leavygreave Women's Branch minute books (x 2), Mar 1948 - May 1959 and Jun 1959 - Mar 1973 (signed).

Ecclesall Ward: minute book, Sep 1930 - Mar 1946 (signed); file of minutes, May 1967 - Feb 1978 (with gaps); minute book, Apr 1995 - Feb 2000 (signed); Women's Branch minute book, Apr 1937 - May 1950 (signed).

Clifford Branch: file of minutes, Apr 1978 - Jan 1988 (signed); file of minutes, financial reports, accounts, etc., 1978 - 1987.

Greystones Branch minute book, Jan 1984 - Feb 2000 (signed).
Nether Edge Women's Branch file of accounts (receipts and payments), 1976 - 1986.

Heatherfield (Totley) Conservative Club Ltd:
Minute books and files (signed) (x 5) Jan 1978 - Jul 1985, Aug 1985 - Mar 1989, Apr 1989 - Mar 1992, Mar 1992 - Apr 1997 and Jun 1997 - May 1999.
AGM file (including details of committee/officers, notices, agendas, year end accounts, etc.), 1983 - 1997.
Files (x 3) relating to rules and associated correspondence, c. 1971 - 1994, correspondence with members/Hallam Conservative Association etc., Jun 1982 - Dec 1994 (ACCESS RESTRICTED), and correspondence relating to licences, etc., May 1992 - Sep 1999.

Sheffield Conservative Women's Coordinating Council financial reports and accounts, Dec 1978 - Dec 1986.

Hallam Joint Ward Committee minute book, Apr 1951 - Jan 1968 (signed).

Sheffield Conservative Associations Management Committee minute book, Sep 1975 - Feb 1988 (signed).

Attercliffe Conservative Association:
AGM file (minutes, reports, accounts), 1990 - 2006.
file of minutes and financial reports, Feb 1997 - Aug 2004.
file of papers relating to campaign subscriptions, membership applications, councillor elections, etc., May 1996 - Feb 2006 (ACCESS RESTRICTED).

(Acc. 2017/36)
Sheffield Hallam Conservative Association:
Executive Committee and Finance & General Purposes Sub-Committee signed minutes, accounts and other papers, 1948-1967 (Box 1), 1988-1990 (Box 3), 1992-1994 (Box 2)
Social Committee signed minutes, 1953-1973 (2 vols.) (Box 1)
Crosspool Branch minutes and papers, 1976-1990 (Box 2)
Local Government Advisory Committee agendas and minutes, 1989-1990 (Box 3)
Conservative Women's Constituency Committee agendas and minutes, 1988-1990 (Box 3)

City of Sheffield Conservative and Constitutional/Unionist Association:
Secretaries' and agents' salary book, 1913-1919
[Salaries paid to Albert E. Jameson, Central Division; Charles James Preston, Park Division; E.M. Truelove, Hallam Division; Reginald Ashworth, Ecclesall Division; Arthur Charles Everest, Brightside Division. Also records wages paid to H[arry] H[orace] Gilbert, B. Harrison and H. Bingham.] (Box 2)

Hallam Division Women's Conservative and Constitutional Association:
Executive Committee/AGM minutes (signed), 1934-1949 (Box 1)

City of Sheffield Conservative Women's Advisory Committee:
Account book, 1937-1987 (Box 2)

Heatherfield (Totley) Conservative Club Ltd.:
Agendas, minutes, annual reports and accounts, 1999-2003 (Box 3)

City Council Group of the City of Sheffield Conservative Federation:
Signed minutes, 1967-1973 (Box 3)
Date1918 - 2007
Extent39 items (plus unlisted records)
AccessConditionsAccess may be granted under the Data Protection Act (1998) s.33 'Research, History and Statistics' ss. 4b which states that personal data which are processed only for research purposes are exempt from section 7 ('Right of Access to Personal Data') "if the results of the research or any resulting statistics are not made available in a form which identifies data subjects or any of them".
RelatedMaterialUniversity of Sheffield (Special Collections):
Records of the Ecclesall Division of the Hallam Conservative Association, 1885 - 1929 (MS147).

For a full list of political party records at Sheffield City Archives and Local Studies Library, see our online guide to political records (collections page), 2016 (www.sheffield.govuk/archives).
CustodialHistoryItems LD2100-2117 were deposited by the former Chairman of both Hallam Conservative Association Ecclesall Ward and Heatherfield (Totley) Conservative Club Ltd, and former President of the Hallam Conservative Association Greystones Branch in 1980. Items LD2528/1-21 were deposited in 1997. He donated further records on behalf of the Association (acc. 2012/91 and acc. 2017/36) in 2012 and 2017.
AcquisitionSourceThese items were donated by an Association member l in 1980, 1997, 2012 and 2017.
ArchNoteTypescript lists (LD2100-2117; LD2528/1-5) typed up by Joanne Gawthorpe; catalogue prepared by Cheryl Bailey, Feb 2017.
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