Description | The properties were first acquired by the Hancock family and subsequently by the Watkinsons of Clowne subsequently of Woodhouse. Parcels of land in the fields are named and described.
[Originally "Bundle 1"] 1. Thomas Reyvell of Handsworth Woodhouse, miller, settled on his daughter Elizabeth and her husband John Hancock (24 Feb 1576/7) a messuage called Le Neither House and land etc.
2. Inquisition post mortem of Godfrey Hancock in Handsworth Court Baron (1625). Son Godfrey admitted.
3. Two deeds by which Godfrey Hancock acquired parcels of land from Thomas Marriott and Margaret Harries (and others), 1654.
4. Settlement by Godfrey Hancock, as jointure for wife Mary, of part of a messuage (rooms etc., named) and lands, 29 April, 1659.
5. Inquisition of John Hancock and Mary Hancock (1670) in Handsworth Court Baron.
6. Fine: Godfrey Watkinson and Anne his wife v. Godfrey Hancock and Mary his wife, of 2 messuages, 2 cottages, 40 acres of land, etc. in Handsworth and Woodhouse (1678).
7. Leases, deeds of exchange etc., of property in Handsworth Woodhouse, 1619 and 1678 - 1706 [6 items].
8. Marriage settlement of Godfrey Beard of Whittington, blacksmith, and Elizabeth, sister of Godfrey Watkinson, 1702.
9. Quaker marriage certificate of Godfrey Watkinson of Handsworth Woodhouse and Mary Hardcastle of Kirkby Malzeard, at Dacre meeting house in Ripon parish, (1718).
10. Two copies of court roll of the manor of Bolsover relating to the Watkinsons and land in Clowne, 1634 and 1636.
11. Conveyance by Godfrey Watkinson to James Watkinson (in conformity with will of their late father) of land at Romley in Clowne, (1667).
12. Note of a fine (6 Feb 1729): Timothy Buck v. Francis Cooper and his wife Sarah, Mark ? and William Milner and James Thomason and wife Anna relating to lands in Richmond and Munckbretton in the parishes of Handsworth and Royston.
[Bundle 2] 13. Deed of exchange, John Nodder of Handsworth Woodhouse to Godfrey Hancock, 1631
14. Deed, Margaret Harries, Rebecca Rodgers, Sara Rodgers and Elizabeth Rogers (all of Rotherham) to Godfrey Hancock, 1650
15. Obligation, Margaret Harries, Rebecca Rodgers, Sara Rodgers and Elizabeth Rogers (all of Rotherham) to Godfrey Hancock, [1650]
16. Obligation, Thomas Marriott to Godfrey Hancock (both of Handsworth Woodhouse), 1653
17. Deed of exchange, Thomas Marriott to Godfrey Hancock, 1655
18. Deed, Godfrey Watkinson and Thomas Stacy of Clowne, to William Banes of Nottingham, 1677
19. Inquisition of Godfrey Watkinson and Godfrey Newbold in Handworth Court Baron, 1707
And 6 unidentified [16th/17th cent.] items |