Description | <head>Scope and Content</head><p>William, duke of Devonshire, Richard Bagshaw, esquire, Samuel Langford, gentleman, Thomas Gell, apothecary, Samuel Rotherham, gentleman, and other partners (named) in Nether Hubbadale Mine and Whaile Sough, with Henry Thornhill, gentleman, Nicholas Twigg, gentleman, John Burton, esquire, and Anne, his wife, Richard Milnes, gentleman, and Elizabeth, his wife, Thomas Gregson, gentleman, and Jane, his wife, John Bright, esquire, and Richard Fletcher, gentleman, all partners in Nether Hubbadale, and with Richard Bagshaw the younger, esquire, William Bagshaw, gentleman, John Bagshaw, gentleman, and George Hayward, miner, all partners in Whaile Sough. Agreement for draining Nether Hubbadale by extending Whaile Sough and paying in return to the owners of the Sough 1/24th part of all lead ore mined.</p> |