Description | These records are the Messages received by West Midlands Police. Messages were taken verbally, via phone or from officer's information by West Midlands Police officers. The types of Messages typically found include, the recording of the queries from members of the public regarding lost property, members of the public providing information and opinions, enquiring about missing persons and members of the public offering themselves at witnesses.
The Message Forms are prefixed with an 'M' followed by the next available number. The Message Forms state the nature of the message, the date the message was taken, the message type, the police officer's collar number who received the message. Some also include instructions for action to be taken or a blank space for the actioning police officer to handwrite the result of that action. The Messages in this series are the original typed (Green/Yellow copies).
The messages were typed onto HOLMES and a version(s) printed to be indexed (Incident I02- West Midlands Police Inquiry). See POL/8/3 for the digitised indexed messages. |