Title | Barnsley, Wilson Place, (Primitive Methodist), baptisms, 1822 - 1837 (RG4/3286); West Melton, Independent Chapel, baptisms, 1795 - 1837 (RG4/2819); Oughtibridge, Zion Chapel (Independent), baptisms, 1833 - 1840 (RG4/3656); Rotherham , Unitarians Chapel, baptisms, 1748 - 1785 (RG4/2195), baptisms, 1785 - 1816 (RG4/2196) and baptisms, 1816 - 1836 (RG4/3206); Rotherham, Wesleyan Chapel and Circuit, baptisms, 1811 - 1837 (RG4/3413); Sheffield, Upper Chapel (Presbyterian - later Unitarian), baptisms, 1759 - 1787 (RG4/4482); |