Description | Band 1. Tom Swain M.P. Talk-in programme. Discussion on the general wages situation. Caller compares waterworks offered 10%plus and council workers offered less than 10%. Answers point to effects of Tory control in some local authorities, benefit of flat rate increases. Cleer complains of heating problems in Holme hall estate, Chesterfield. Caller deals with public service employment, compares fire, police and ambulance services. Caller praises James Callaghan as leader of labour party. Tom Swain agrees.
Band 2. Children. News interview with Boris Taylor, recluse, whose children were taken into care against his wish. He outlines his case, children have been kidnapped, he hopes for pressure from Civil Rights bodies for children to be returned, children have changed while in care. City Council are telling lies to the press, believes strongly in educating children at home. Mrs Taylor gives her thoughts on education. Problems in the home, how she feeds the children etc. |