Title | Lease and release (copy) of a parcel of ground in Tinsley, being the west end of an ancient enclosure called Sough Banks, measuring 2,660 square yards, bounded on the east by another part of the said ancient enclosure, on the west, by premises belonging to J. M. Coupland, on the north by the road to the Canal and to Tinsley Wharf, and on the south by the public highway from Rotherham to Sheffield |
Description | Rt. Hon. Charles William, Earl Fitzwilliam, and the Rt. Hon. William Thomas Spencer Fitzwilliam, Viscount Milton, his eldest son and heir, of the first part:
John Baldwin of Dover, Kent, esquire, of the second part:
John Moore Coupland, of Tinsley, Yorkshire, gentleman, of the third part:
William Hounsfield of Tinsley farmer, of the fourth part.
Reciting the settlement of 3rd July 1838
For £116 |