Description | Medical inspection of children attending elementary schools under the Education Committee of the City of Sheffield was first undertaken in 1905, when a part time Medical Officer (Dr Porter) was appointed. At the time of his appointment he was Lecturer in Bacteriology at the University of Sheffield, and Deputy Medical Officer of Health for the City. Dr Ralph P Williams succeeded Dr Porter in September 1906.
The School Medical Officer reported to the Education Committee.
The report for 1909 includes: Adenoids; Anaemia; Blind Children; Body (Cleanliness of); Breathing Exercises; Bronchitis; Bursars; Chart (facts disclosed by Routine Inspections (deaths from Measles) (free breakfasts provided); Chicken Pox; Chorea; Cleanliness Scheme; Cleansing of floors; Clogs; Clothing; Cripples; Deaf Children; Deafness; Deaths from Burning; Debility; Dental Treatment; Discharging Ears; Ear -Diseases; Eczema; Epilepsy; Eye Diseases; Feeding of School Children; Feeble-Minded Children; Following Up; Footwear; General Information; Glands (Enlarged); Head (Cleanliness of); Heart; Height; Hospital Treatment; Impetigo; Improvement at Schools; Industrial School; Infantile Paralysis; Infectious Diseases; Labour Bureau; Lateral Curvature; Lectures; Lung Diseases; Women Sanitary Inspectors; Malnutrition; Measles; Medical Certificates; Medical Practitioners; Mentally Defective Children; Mumps; Night Dresses; Nurses; Nutrition; Office Accommodation; Office Examinations; Open-Air Recovery School; Personal Hygiene; Physical Exercises; Physically Defective Children; Pocket Handkerchiefs; Prosecutions; Pupil Teachers; Rheumatism; Rickets; Ringworm; Routine Inspection; Scabies; Scarlet Fever; Schedule for Medical Inspection; Selected Cases; Shower Baths; Skin Conditions; Slippers; Sore Head; Special Schools; Speech Defects; Squint; Staff; Summary of Work; Teeth; Temperance; Tonsils; Treatment; Tuberculosis of Bones & Joints, Glands, Lungs; Ventilation; Vision; Visits to Schools; X-Rays Weight; Whooping Cough.
The reports include sections on the Open Air Recovery School at Whiteley Wood. Open Air Recovery Schools were provided for children in poor health as an alternative to convalescent homes (which meant the child missed out on their education). The Sheffield Education Committee decided to establish such a school in March 1909. It chose the disused Whiteley Wood Council School.
The report for the Open Air Recovery School for 1909 includes: Introduction; Arrangements at the School; Staff Selection of Children; Transit of Children; Teeth; Feeding; Water Supply; Milk Supply; Educational Work; Rest; Shower Baths; Cost; Results Appendices - General Condition of Children; Time Table; Dietary; Roll of Average Attendance; Report on weather Conditions; Reports by Head Teachers of Contributory Schools; Report of Head Mistress of the School; Letters from Parents. |