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CA665 - Sheffield City Council, Lord Mayor's Secretariat
1 - Correspondence and papers relating to the World Cup
2 - Air Raid Distress Fund (file no.3)
3 - Sheffield Cathedral Enlargement Fund
1 - Booklet:The Cathedral Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, Sheffield: enlargement scheme
2 - Letter from Director of the Appeal Fund to the Lord Mayor inviting him to become Vice-President
3 - Finance Committee report
4-5 - Correspondence with Lord Mayor (Alderman J. Curtis) relating to acceptance of Vice-Presidency
6-11 - Finance Committee reports
12-14 - Correspondence with Lord Mayor Elect (Alderman Robert Neill) concerning the Vice-Presidency
15-24 - Finance Committee reports
25-26 - Correspondence with Lord Mayor concerning the first £100,000 of the Appeal having been reached
27-28 - Minutes of the Enlargement Committee and report of Finance Committee
29 - Letter to Alderman Ballard inviting him to fill the Vice-Presidency
30 - Finance Committee report
31-32 - Correspondence relating to CA665/3/29 (Alderman Ballard inviting Lord Mayor) to fill the Vice-Presidency
33-35 - Minutes of General Committee and report of Finance Committee
36-37 - Correspondence relating to the Archbishop of York's visit to inaugurate the appeal to complete the Cathedral enlargement
38-46 - Finance Committee reports, General Committee minutes and agendas
47 - Letter concerning arrangements for the Enlargement Luncheon
48 - General Committee minutes
49-50 - Papers relating to the Cathedral Enlargement Luncheon
51-58 - Minutes of meetings and financial reports
59-61 - Correspondence concerning Vice-Presidency of the Fund
62-77 - Minutes of meetings, agendas and financial reports
78 - Invitation to Lord Mayor (Alderman A. B. Wolstenholme) to assume the Vice-Presidency
79 - Finance Committee report
80 - Copy letter to Robert Dayson replying to CA665/3/78 - invitation to Lord Mayor (Alderman A. B. Wolstenholme) to assume the Vice-Presidency
81-95 - Minutes, agendas and financial reports
96-97 - Letter to Lord Mayor Elect (Alderman Harold Slack) inviting him to become Vice-President of the Fund, and copy of his reply
98-106 - Finance Committee reports
107-108 - Correspondence concerning the Lord Mayor Elect's (Alderman J. W. Sterland) Vice-Presidency of the Fund
109 - Report of Enlargement Fund Committee
110 - Copy letter from Lord Mayor's Secretary regarding a Special meeting
111-115 - Minutes and financial reports
116-118 - Correspondence relating to the Vice-Presidency of the Fund
119 - Offprint from Sheffield Telegraph, Old and new merge at the Cathedral
120-121 - Copy letters concerning Vice-Presidency and apologies for absence from a Committee Meeting
122-123 - Agenda and minutes of General Committee meeting
124 - Leaflet Help the million shilling fund to complete Sheffield Cathedral
125-126 - Correspondence concerning the launching of the Million Shilling fund
4 - Correspondence and papers relating to the Wesleyan Reform Church
5 - Correspondence and papers relating to the York and Lancaster Regiment
6 - Correspondence and papers relating to local arrangements for celebrating the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II
7 - Sheffield Good Neighbour Flood Appeal, 1958
8 - Voluntary Association for Mental Welfare
9 - Correspondence and papers relating to the Edgar Allen Institute
10 - Sheffield and District Kings' Roll Committee
11 - Sheffield Schools' Clothing Guild (formerly Sheffield Voluntary Schools and Council Schools Clothing Guilds)
12 - Sheffield Hospitals Council
13 - Correspondence, papers and photographs relating to Edward, Prince of Wales (later King Edward VIII) visit to Sheffield in 1923
14 - Jessop Hospital for Woman
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