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Carpenter - Edward Carpenter (1844 - 1929), Campaigner for Homosexual Equality and Socialist Writer
Library - Books and pamphlets written by Edward Carpenter and others
1 - Publications by Edward Carpenter
1 - Prefatory Note to Verses by James. M. Brown of Glasgow
2 - Fly Messenger! Fly
3 - Notes and Criticisms of ‘Midnight’
4 - Co-operative Production
5 - Co-operative Production
6 - Desirable Mansions: A Tract
7 - Desirable Mansions: A Tract
8 - Desirable Mansions: A Tract
9 - Modern Money-Lending and the Meaning of Dividends: A Tract
10 - Modern Money-Lending and the Meaning of Dividends: A Tract
11 - England’s Ideal: A Tract
12 - Modern Science: A Criticism
13 - Social Progress and Individual Effort
14 - A letter to the employees of the Midland and other railway companies
15 - England, Arise!
16 - The Enchanted Thicket: an appeal to the “well-to-do”
17 - El Matorral Encantado
18 - Our Parish and Our Duke: A letter to the parishioners of Holmesfield, Derbyshire.
19 - Report of a lecture on The Smoke Nuisance and smoke preventing appliances
20 - Defensa de los Criminale: Critica de la Moralidad
21 - Paragraph on Walt Whitman
22 - A letter relating to the case of the Walsall Anarchists
23 - Vivisection
24 - E. Carpenter’s Proof of Taylor’s Theorem
25 - Woman, and Her Place in A Free Society
26 - Das Weib, und seine Stellung in der freien Gesellschaft;
27 - Marriage in Free Society
28 - Die Ehe In Der Freien Gesellschaft
29 - Die Homogene Liebe und Derend Bedeutung In Der Freien Gesellschaft
30 - Sex-Love: and Its Place In a Free Society
31 - Die Geschlechtsliebe, und deren Bedeutung in der freien Gesellschaft
32 - St George and the Dragon: a Play in Three Acts for Children and Young Folk
33 - St. George and the Dragon: a Play in Three Acts for Children and Young Folk
34 - The Humanising of Our Prisons
35 - Modern Science: A Criticism
36 - England, Arise!
37 - England, Arise!
38 - Midnight
39 - April: A Poem
40 - England, Arise!
41 - England, Arise!
42 - England, Arise!
43 - England, Arise!
44 - England, Arise!
45 - England, Arise!
46 - England, Arise!
47 - Homogenic Love, and Its Place in A Free Society
48 - L’amour Homogenique, et sa place dans une société libre
49 - Love’s Coming of Age: A Series of Papers on the Relations of the Sexes
50 - Love’s Coming of Age: A Series of Papers on the Relations of the Sexes
51 - Love’s Coming of Age: A Series of Papers on the Relations of the Sexes
52 - Love’s Coming of Age: A Series of Papers on the Relations of the Sexes
53 - Love’s Coming of Age: A Series of Papers on the Relations of the Sexes
54 - Love’s Coming of Age: A Series of Papers on the Relations of the Sexes
55 - Love’s Coming of Age: A Series of Papers on the Relations of the Sexes
56 - Love’s Coming of Age: A Series of Papers on the Relations of the Sexes
57 - Love’s Coming of Age: A Series of Papers on the Relations of the Sexes
58 - Love’s Coming of Age: A Series of Papers on the Relations of the Sexes
59 - Love’s Coming of Age: A Series of Papers on the Relations of the Sexes
60 - Love’s Coming of Age
61 - Love’s Coming of Age: A Series of Papers on the Relations of the Sexes
62 - Vivisection
63 - A Visit to a Gnani; from ‘Adam’s Peak to Elephanta’
64 - A Visit to a Gnani
65 - A Visit to a Gnani, or Wise Man of the East
66 - A Visit to a Gnani, or Wise Man of the East
67 - I Am! [Russian version of ‘A Visit to a Gnani’]
68 - The Religious Influence of Art
69 - England’s Ideal, and other Papers on Social Subjects
70 - England’s Ideal, and other Papers on Social Subjects
71 - England’s Ideal, and other Papers on Social Subjects
72 - England’s Ideal, and other Papers on Social Subjects
73 - England’s Ideal, and other Papers on Social Subjects
74 - England’s Ideal, and other papers on social subjects
75 - England’s Ideal, and other papers on social subjects
76 - England’s Ideal
77 - Civilisation: Its Cause and Cure and Other Essays
78 - Civilisation: Its Cause and Cure and Other Essays
79 - Civilisation: Its Cause and Cure and Other Essays
80 - Civilisation: Its Cause and Cure and Other Essays
81 - Civilisation: Its Cause and Cure and Other Essays
82 - Civilisation: Its Cause and Cure and Other Essays
83 - Civilisation: Its Cause and Cure
84 - Civilisation: Its Cause and Cure and Other Essays
85 - Civilisation: Its Cause and Cure and Other Essays
86 - Civilisation: Its Cause and Cure and Other Essays
87 - Civilisation: Its Cause and Cure. And Other Essays
88 - Civilisation: It’s Cause and Cure, and Other Essays
89 - Civilisation: Its Cause and Cure, and Other Essays
90 - Die Civilisation : ihre Uraschen und ihre Heilung
91 - Die Beschaving: Hare Oorzaak en Hare Genezing
92 - Civilisation: Its Cause and Cure, and Other Essays
93 - Civilisation: Its Cause and Cure
94 - Civilisation: Its Cause and Cure
95 - Syllabus of Courses of Lectures
96 - Modern Science, and The Science of The Future; with an essay on defence of criminals.
97 - England, Arise!
98 - Chants of Labour: A Song Book of the People
99 - Chants of Labour: A Song Book of the People
100 - Chants of Labour: A Song Book of the People
101 - Chants of Labour: A Song Book of the People
102 - Narcissus and other poems
103 - Towards Democracy
104 - Towards Democracy
105 - Towards Democracy
106 - Towards Democracy
107 - Who Shall Command the Heart?
108 - Towards Democracy
109 - Towards Democracy
110 - Towards Democracy
111 - Towards Democracy
112 - Towards Democracy
113 - Towards Democracy
114 - Towards Democracy
115 - Towards Democracy
116 - Vers L’affranchissement (translation of ‘Towards Democracy’)
117 - Demokratie (translation of ‘Towards Democracy’)
118 - Freiheit (translation of ‘Towards Democracy’)
119 - Der Freiheit Entgegen (translation of ‘Towards Democracy’)
120 - Der Freiheit Entgegen (translation of ‘Towards Democracy’)
121 - Verso La Democrazia (Towards Deomocracy)
122 - I Arise Out of the Night
123 - Towards Democracy
124 - Extracts from Towards Democracy
125 - England, Arise!
126 - England, Arise!
127 - England, Arise!
128 - England, Arise!
129 - The Smith and the King
130 - The Age-Long War
131 - What Is Freedom?
132 - Moses: A drama in five acts
133 - Moses: A drama in five acts
134 - The Promised Land: A drama of peoples’ deliverance in five acts (in the Elizabethan style).
135 - The Promised Land: A drama of peoples’ deliverance in five acts (in the Elizabethan style).
136 - From Adam’s Peak to Elephanta: Sketches in Ceylon and India
137 - From Adam’s Peak to Elephanta: Sketches in Ceylon and India
138 - From Adam’s Peak to Elephanta: Sketches in Ceylon and India
139 - Reply to Creaghe
140 - Message of congratulation to Walt Whitman on his seventieth birthday
141 - The Need of a Rational and Humane Science: a lecture given before the Humanitarian League
142 - Foreword to ‘Revival of the Inquisition’, by the Spanish Atrocities Committee
143 - Affection in Education
144 - Boer and Briton
145 - Boer and Briton
146 - Boer and Briton
147 - Empire: in India and Elsewhere
148 - Empire: in India and Elsewhere
149 - Imperialismo in India ed Altrave
150 - The May-Fly
151 - Vivisection
152 - Vivisection
153 - An Unknown People
154 - An Unknown People
155 - An Unknown People
156 - The Art of Creation
157 - The Art of Creation: Essays On the Self and Its Powers
158 - The Art of Creation: Essays On the Self and Its Powers
159 - The Art of Creation: Essays On the Self and Its Powers
160 - The Art of Creation: Essays On the Self and Its Powers
161 - The Art of Creation: Essays On the Self and Its Powers
162 - The Art of Creation: Essays On the Self and Its Powers
163 - Die Schöpfung Als Kunstwerk
164 - L’arte della Creazione
165 - The Art of Creation
166 - L’avènement de L’amour : série d’articles traitant des rapports de sexes
167 - Wenn Die Menschen Reif Zur Liebe Werden: eine Reihe von Aufsäten uber das Verhältnis der bieden Geschlechter
168 - L’amore Diventa Maggiorenne
169 - Liefde’s Meerderjarigheid: een verhandeling over de onderlinge verhouding der beide seksen
170 - Evolution Creatrice
171 - Forecasts of the Coming Century, by a decade of writers
172 - Cause of Industrial Panics
173 - Prisons, Police and Punishment: An Enquiry Into the Causes and Treatment of crime and criminals
174 - Prisons, Police et Châtiments
175 - Prisons, Police and Punishment
176 - The Need of a Rational and Humane Science
177 - Angels’ Wings: A Series of Essays On Art and Its Relation to Life
178 - Angels’ Wings: A Series of Essays On Art and Its Relation to Life
179 - Angels’ Wings: A Series of Essays On Art and Its Relation to Life
180 - Angels’ Wings: A Series of Essays On Art and Its Relation to Life
181 - Angels’ Wings: A Series of Essays On Art and Its Relation to Life
182 - Angels’ Wings: A Series of Essays On Art and Its Relation to Life
183 - Three Songs: Men of England (Shelley); The People to Their Land; and England Arise! ; set to music.
184 - The People to Their Land: words and music
185 - Men of England: words by P.B. Shelley
186 - The People to Their Land
187 - Iolaus: [An Anthology of Friendship]
188 - An Anthology of Friendship (Iolaus)
189 - Iolaus: An Anthology of Friendship
190 - Iolaus: An Anthology of Friendship
191 - An Anthology of Friendship (Iolaus)
192 - The People to Their Land
193 - The People to Their Land
194 - The Simplification of Life
195 - The Story of Eros and Psyche From Apuleius, and the First Book of the Illiad of Homer
196 - The Story of Eros and Psyche (retold from Apuleius); together with some early verses
197 - Vivisection: deux discourses prononcés devant La Ligue Humanitaire de Londres
198 - The Great Kinship
199 - The Village and The Landlord
200 - British Aristocracy and The House of Lords
201 - The Wreck of Modern Industry and its Re-organisation
202 - The Intermediate Sex: A Study of Some Transitional Types of Men and Women
203 - The Intermediate Sex: A Study of Some Transitional Types of Men and Women
204 - The Intermediate Sex: A Study of Some Transitional Types of Men and Women
205 - The Intermediate Sex: A Study of Some Transitional Types of Men and Women
206 - The Intermediate Sex: A Study of Some Transitional Types of Men and Women
207 - The Intermediate Sex: A Study of Some Transitional Types of Men and Women
208 - The Intermediate Sex: A Study of Some Transitional Types of Men and Women
209 - The Intermediate Sex: A Study of Some Transitional Types of Men and Women
210 - Das Mittelgeschlecht: eine Reihe von Abnhandlungen uber ein zeitgemässes Problem
211 - Das Mittelgeschlecht: eine Reihe von Abnhandlungen uber ein zeitgemässes Problem
212 - The Minimum Wage: A Benefit To Employers as well as Workers; with some remarks on its effect on foreign trade
213 - The Village and The Landlord
214 - The Awakening of China
215 - The City of The Sun
216 - The City of The Sun
217 - The City of The Sun
218 - The City of The Sun
219 - Die Stadt Der Sonne
220 - The City of The Sun
221 - Sketches from Life in Town and Country, and Some Verses
222 - Days with Walt Whitman, with some notes on his life and work
223 - Days with Walt Whitman, with some notes on his life and work
224 - The Drama of Love and Death: A Study of Human Evolution and Transfiguration
225 - My Days and Dreams: Being Autobiographical Notes
226 - My Days and Dreams: Being Autobiographical Notes
227 - My Days and Dreams: Being Autobiographical Notes
228 - Uber die Beziehungen Zwischen Homosexualität und Prophetentum, und die Bedeutung der sexuellen Zwischenstufen in fruhen Kulturepochen
229 - Non-Governmental Society
230 - The Inner Self
231 - The Story of My Books
232 - The Healing of Nations, and The Hidden Sources of the Strife
233 - The Healing of Nations, and The Hidden Sources of the Strife
234 - The Healing of Nations, and The Hidden Sources of the Strife
235 - The Healing of Nations
236 - The Healing of Nations, and The Hidden Sources of the Strife
237 - The Fighting and The Friendly Instinct
238 - Two Contributions on War
239 - On the Connexion Between Homosexuality and Divination, and the Importance of the Intermediate Sexes Generally in Early Civilisations
240 - Sport and Agriculture
241 - The Teaching of the Upanishads: Being the Subject of Two Lectures to Popular Audiences
242 - The Teaching of the Upanishads: Being the Subject of Two Lectures to Popular Audiences
243 - The Drama of Love and Death: A Study of Human Evolution and Transfiguration
244 - The Drama of Love and Death: A Study of Human Evolution and Transfiguration
245 - Das Wechselpspiel von Liebe und Tod: Eine Studie uber die Menschliche Entiwcklung und Verwandlung
246 - Love and Death
247 - The Teaching of the Upanishads
248 - Intermediate Types Among Primitive Folk: A Study In Social Evolution
249 - Intermediate Types Among Primitive Folk: A Study In Social Evolution
250 - Introduction to Voices of ‘Dawn Over the Hills’, by R.E. Sharland.
251 - Introduction to ‘Beethoven’,
252 - Bibliography of The Writings of Edward Carpenter: A Bibliographical Handbook for Collectors
253 - Never Again! : A Protest of Warning Addressed to the Peoples of Europe
254 - Never Again! : A Protest of Warning Addressed to the Peoples of Europe
255 - Never Again! : A Protest of Warning Addressed to the Peoples of Europe
256 - Never Again! : A Protest of Warning Addressed to the Peoples of Europe
257 - Never Again! : A Protest of Warning Addressed to the Peoples of Europe
258 - Plus Jamais! : Une Protestation et un Avertissement Addressés aux Peuples de l’Europe
259 - Aldrig Mer! : En Protest og en advarsel til Europas folk
260 - Three Ballads (an intermezzo in war-time)
261 - Some Friends of Walt Whitman: A Study in Sex Psychology
262 - Light from the East: being letters on gnánam, the divine knowledge, by P Arunáchalam; edited by Edward Carpenter
263 - Pagan and Christian Creeds: Their Origin and Meaning
264 - Pagan and Christian Creeds: Their Origin and Meaning
265 - Towards Industrial Freedom
266 - Towards Industrial Freedom
267 - Towards Industrial Freedom
268 - Edward Carpenter. Selected Writings. Vol 1: Sex
269 - Towards Democracy
270 - Mot Solrenning
271 - The Psychology of the Poet Shelley
2 - Publications by others
Mss - Manuscript lecture and research notes, correspondence ordination papers, diaries and note books, and other papers mainly by Carpenter
NC - Press cuttings
Photographs - Photographs
Pub - Offprints etc. of articles relating to Carpenter
W - Personal possessions and artefacts belonging to Edward Carpenter
X - Sandal templates, orders and correspondence
Y - Miscellaneous papers
cper - Periodicals
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