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Carpenter - Edward Carpenter (1844 - 1929), Campaigner for Homosexual Equality and Socialist Writer
Library - Books and pamphlets written by Edward Carpenter and others
Mss - Manuscript lecture and research notes, correspondence ordination papers, diaries and note books, and other papers mainly by Carpenter
NC - Press cuttings
Photographs - Photographs
Box 8 - Photographs - mainly of Edward Carpenter
1 - Edward Carpenter - head and shoulders
2 - Edward Carpenter - full length standing
3 - Edward Carpenter - head and shoulders
4 - Edward Carpenter - 3/4 seated
5 - Edward Carpenter -3/4 seated
6 - Edward Carpenter - head and shoulders
7 - Edward Carpenter -3/4 seated
8 - Edward Carpenter - head and shoulders
9a-b - Edward Carpenter - head and shoulders
10 - Edward Carpenter - postcard of above
11a - Edward Carpenter - seated outdoors
12 - Edward Carpenter - head and shoulders
13 - Edward Carpenter - 3/4 seated
14 - Edward Carpenter - head and shoulders
15 - Edward Carpenter - standing in doorway
16 - Edward Carpenter - 1/2 portrait
17 - Edward Carpenter - 1/2 portrait profile
18 - Edward Carpenter - standing
19 - Edward Carpenter - seated
20 - Edward Carpenter - 1/2 portrait
21 - Edward Carpenter - 3/4 seated outdoors
22 - Edward Carpenter - 1/2 portrait
23 - Edward Carpenter - 1/2 portrait
24 - Edward Carpenter - 1/2 portrait
25 - Edward Carpenter - in garden at Millthorpe
26 - Edward Carpenter - head and shoulders
27 - Edward Carpenter - head and shoulders
28 - Edward Carpenter - head and shoulders in Florence [Italy]
29 - Edward Carpenter - enlargement of Carpenter/Photograph Box 8/28
30 - Edward Carpenter - head and shoulders outside at Millthorpe
31 - Edward Carpenter - outside cottage in Millthorpe
32 - Edward Carpenter - 3/4 seated profile
33 - Edward Carpenter - 3/4 seated profile
34 - Edward Carpenter - 3/4 seated
35 - Edward Carpenter - head and shoulders profile
36 - Edward Carpenter - head and shoulders profile
37 - Edward Carpenter - head and shoulders
38 - Edward Carpenter - 3/4 standing
39 - Edward Carpenter -3/4 standing
40 - Edward Carpenter -3/4 standing
41 - Edward Carpenter -head and shoulders
42 - Edward Carpenter -head and shoulders
43 - Edward Carpenter -head and shoulders
44 - Edward Carpenter -head and shoulders
45 - Edward Carpenter -head and shoulders
46 - Edward Carpenter - seated
47 - Edward Carpenter - 1/2 portrait by Binny Gibbs
48 - Edward Carpenter & George Merrill - standing outdoors
49 - Edward Carpenter & George Merrill - seated indoors
50 - Edward Carpenter & George Merrill - 1/2 length, standing
51 - Edward Carpenter & George Merrill - 3/4 standing
52 - Edward Carpenter, George Merrill & G Hukin - seated outdoors
53 - Edward Carpenter, George Merrill & + 1 [John Johnson?] - Outdoors
54 - Edward Carpenter, George Merrill, G. Hukin & Charles Sixsmith (and a dog) - seated outdoors
55 - Edward Carpenter & G Hukin - 3/4 seated
56 - Edward Carpenter & E Girdlestone - 1/2 length, seated
57 - Edward Carpenter, Mrs Oates & C. G. O. - Outdoors
58 - Edward Carpenter, Edward Inigan (centre) and George Merrill (right) Outdoors
59 - Sheffield Socialists - Group
60a - Edward Carpenter and a clarion organisation (includes Fred Marshall) - Group
61 - King George V as a boy (signed)
62 - Prince Edward (signed)
63 - Edward & George + 1 - Group (signed)
64 - George Merill feeding the chickens at Holmsfield
65 - George Merill - 1/2 portrait
66 - [?George Hukin] - head and shoulders
67 - [?George Hukin] - 3/4 seated
68 - Lawrence E.G. Oates - head and shoulders
69 - Frieda Girdlestone - seated
70 - Frieda Girdlestone - standing
71a-e - E. Girdlestone
72 - E M Forster - head and shoulders
73 - Alf Mattison - outdoors
74 - Walt Whitman - head and shoulders
75 - Walt Whitman - seated
76a-b - Walt Whitman & Harry Lamb Stafford
77 - Joe Pointer - head and shoulders
78 - Francis Adams - head and shoulders
79 - Leo Charlton - head and shoulders
80 - P. Kropotkin - Portrait
81 - Havelock Ellis - Outdoors
82 - Havelock Ellis - seated
83 - Louise Michand
83a-d - Edith Ellis
84 - Siegfried Sassoon - in a rowing boat
85 - Mrs Oates - seated indoors
86 - William Morris (1834 - 1896), designer, author, and visionary socialist
87 - A.Y.? - Artist with portrait
88 - Robert Blatchford - head and shoulders
89 - George Hukin - head and shoulders
90 - Olive Schreiner, black boy & dog - seated outdoors at [Kimberley, South Africa]
91 - Cronwright & Olive Schreiner - In a doorway
92 - H. David Thoreau - head and shoulders
93 - H. David Thoreau - head and shoulders
94 - Postcard portrait of Tolstoy, taken in 1873
95 - Edward Carpenter, George Merrill and 2 others - in the garden at Millthorpe
96 - Sir Henry Barnster Daubeney - portrait
97 - Enlargement from Mattison slide No 18 (of the hut in the garden at Millthorpe)
98 - Photograph of bronze bust of Edward Carpenter
99 - Photograph of bronze bust of Edward Carpenter
100 - Photograph, mounted of landscape
101a - Watercolour of Millthorpe Cottage by Florence Mackley
101b-f - Letters
101g - Watercolour of Millthorpe Cottage by Florence Mackley
102 - Woodcut of Millthorpe Cottage by H. Allen
103 - E. Carpenter as a boy
104 - Case containing portraits of E. Carpenter & G Hukin
105a - e - Portraits of nine Russians: Stephan Valerianovitch Balmastaff Nicolai Alexandrovitch Morosoff Peter Savrovitch Laviov Michael Valselieovitch Novorussky Joseph Dernenlebitch Lulcashevitch Sergei Andrevitch Luanoby? Nicolai Petrovitch Starodvovsky Peter Lerntevitch Antonoff
106 - Various newspaper cuttings: Hermann Sundermann (cutting) Mona Limerick (postcard) Maksum Gorky (book plate) Edmund Spenser (book plate) Walter Pater (cutting) Commander Hirose (cutting) Head of Dante and bronze bust of Dante (cutting) Sinoza (cutting) Madame Blavatsky (book plate) Elie Reclus (book plate) Elisee Recluse (book plate) George Bernard Shaw (cutting) Price Bismark (book plate) Father Gapon (book plate) G K Chesterton (cutting) R L Stevenson (cutting) Dante (cutting)
107 - Edward Carpenter aged 81 at Guildford
Box 9 - Photographs - mainly of friends and celebrities
Box 10 - Photographs and travel postcards
Box 11 - Photographs acquired from a variety of sources after the Carpenter papers had been donated to Sheffield Libraries
Pub - Offprints etc. of articles relating to Carpenter
W - Personal possessions and artefacts belonging to Edward Carpenter
X - Sandal templates, orders and correspondence
Y - Miscellaneous papers
cper - Periodicals
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