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Carpenter - Edward Carpenter (1844 - 1929), Campaigner for Homosexual Equality and Socialist Writer
Library - Books and pamphlets written by Edward Carpenter and others
Mss - Manuscript lecture and research notes, correspondence ordination papers, diaries and note books, and other papers mainly by Carpenter
NC - Press cuttings
Photographs - Photographs
Pub - Offprints etc. of articles relating to Carpenter
W - Personal possessions and artefacts belonging to Edward Carpenter
X - Sandal templates, orders and correspondence
Y - Miscellaneous papers
cper - Periodicals
1 - The Adult: the Journal of Sex
2a - The Albany Review
2b - The Albany Review
2c - The Albany Review
3 - The Amalgamated Engineer's Monthly Journal
4 - The American Journal of Religious Psychology and Education
5a - The Anarchist - Communist and Revolutionary
5b - The Anarchist
6a - The Annals of Physical Science - a monthly journal devoted to critical and experimental research
6b - The Annals of Physical Science
6c - The Annals of Physical Science
7 - The Art Review
8 - The Artist and Journal of Home Culture
9a - The Atlantic Monthly
9b - The Atlantic Monthly
10 - The Bookman
11 - Brighton College Magazine
12 - The British Review
13a - Brotherhood - a monthly magazine designed to help the peaceful evolution of a juster and happier social order
13b - Brotherhood - designed to help, through truer thought, the haalthy reconstruction of souls and bodies and the peaceful evolution of a juster and happier social order
14 - The Cambridge Review
15 - Notes of a lecture delivered in Caxton Hall to the Humanitarian League
16 - Christian Science Quarterly
17 - The Coming Nation
18 - The Commonweal - The Official Journal of the Socialist League
19 - The Commonwealth - A Christian Socialist Magazine
20a - The Comrade - An Illustrated Socialist Monthly
20b - The Comrade - An Illustrated Socialist Monthly
21 - The Conservator
22 - The Contemporary Review
23 - The Co-operative News
24 - The C.O.'s Hansard: A Weekly Reprint from the Official Parliamentary Reports
25 - Demain: pages et documents
26 - The Dublin University Review
27 - The Eastern Buddhist: A Bi-monthly Magazine Devoted to the Study of Mahayana Buddhism
28a - The English Review
28b - The English Review
28c - The English Review
28d - The English Review
28e - The English Review
28f - The English Review
28g - The English Review
28h - The English Review
28i - The English Review
28j - The English Review
28k - The English Review
29a - The Epoch
29b - The Epoch
30a-b - L'esprit International: The International Mind
31a - The Ethical World'
31b - The Ethical World'
31c - The Ethical World'
31d - The Ethical World'
32 - The Ethical World: An Organ of Democracy, In Religion, Education, Art, Industry, and Politics
33-34 - Everyman: his life, work and books
35a - The Fortnightly Review
35b - The Fortnightly Review
35c - The Fortnightly Review
35d - The Fortnightly Review
36 - The Forum
37a - The Free Comrade: An Utterance of the Free Spirit
37b - The Free Comrade: An Utterance of the Free Spirit
38 - The Free Oxford: A Communist Journal of Youth
39a - The Free Review: A Monthly Magazine
39b - The Free Review: A Monthly Magazine
40 - Freedom: A Journal of Anarchist Communism
41 - The Freethinker
42 - The Freewoman: A Weekly Feminist Review and [and] The New Freewoman
43 - The Friend: A Religious, Literary and Miscellaneous Journal
44 - The Gentleman's Magazine
45 - The Great Central Railway Journal
46 - The Halifax Review
47 - The Herald
48 - Number not used
49a-b - The Hibbert Journal
50 - Hull Literary Club Magazine
51 - The Humane Review
52 - The Humanitarian: A Monthly Magazine
53 - The Humanitarian: The Journal of the Humanitarian League
54 - L’Humanité Nouvelle : Revue International
55 - Humanity : The Journal of the Humanitarian League
56 - The Independent Review
57 - The Inquirer: A Journal of Liberal Religious Thought and Life
58 - The Integral Co-operator
59 - The International Herald: Official Organ of the British Section of the International Working Men’s Association
60 - The International Journal of Ethics: Devoted to the Advancement of Ethical Knowledge and Practice
61 - The International Review
62 - The International Socialist Review: A Monthly Journal of International Socialist Thought
63 - Jahrbuch der Frien Generation
64 - Jahrburch fur Sexuelle Zwischenstufen mit Besonderer Berucksichtigung der Homosexualitat
65 - Journal of the British Astronomical Association
66 - Justice: The Organ of the Social Democracy
67 - Kalendar Dlia Vsia Na 1908 God
68 - The Labour Leader: A weekly records of social and political progress
69 - The Labour Prophet: The Organ of the Labour Church
70 - Land and Labour: The Organ of the Land Nationalisation Movement
71 - Light: A Journal of Psychical, Occult and Mystical Research
72 - The Literary Digest
73 - The Literary Guide
74 - Lucifer: A Theosophical Monthly
75 - Macmillan’s Magazine
76 - The Madras Christian College Magazine
77 - Le Magazine International: Organe Trimestriel de la Société Internationale Artistique
78 - Manchester Guardian China Number
79 - Don Marzio
80 - Mother Earth
81 - The Nation
82 - Nature: A Weekly illustrated journal of science
83 - The Navy and Army Illustrated
84 - The New Age
85 - The New Century Review: A Monthly International Journal of Literature, Politics, Religion and Sociology
86 - The New England Magazine
87 - The New England Quarterly: An Historical Review of New England Life and Letters
88 - The New International Review [formerly The Race-builder]
89 - The New Statesman: Special War Supplement
90 - New York Times: Lincoln Birthday Number
91 - The Nineteenth Century and After
92 - La Nuova Parola
93 - The Observatory : A Monthly Review of Astronomy
94 - The Occult Review
95 - The One Life: A Free Occasional Paper
96 - Our Corner
97 - Papers for the Times: a Magazine for Letters and Ethics
98 - Penal Reform League Quarterly Record
99 - Il Pensiero: Sociologia, arte, letteratura
100 - The Pioneer
101 - Progress: A Monthly Magazine
102 - The Progressive Review: A Monthly Review of Progressive Thought
103 - The Quest
104 - Rassegna Di Studi Sessuali Demografia Ed Eugenica (Genesis)
105 - The Reader: An Illustrated Monthly Magazine of Literature
106 - The Reformer
107 - Renaissance
108 - The Republican Herald
109 - The Review of Reviews
110 - La Revue Blanche
111 - La Revue Des Idées : Études Critiques Générales
112 - Revue D’ethnographie et de Sociologie
113 - La Revue Spirite : Journal D’etudes Psychologique et Spiritualisme Experimental
114 - Rivista Della Società Internazionale Degl’ Intellettuali (scienze, lettere, arti)
115 - The Round Table : A Quarterly Review of the Politics of the British Empire
116 - Sandow’s Magazine
117 - Science Progress in the Twentieth Century: A Quarterly Journal of Scientific Work and Thought
118 - The Scottish Art Review
119 - The Scout: Official Organ of the Boy Scouts
120 - Seed-Time: The Organ of the New Fellowship
121 - The Sheffield Anarchist
122 - The Sheffield Guardian
123 - The Social-Democrat: A Monthly Socialist Review
124 - The Socialist Review: A monthly Review of Modern Thought
125 - La Societe Nouvelle: Revue Internationale
126 - Spolia Zeylanica
127 - Sunset: A Magazine of the Border
128 - The Sunset of Bon Echo
129 - The Syndicalist
130 - Tilskueren
131 - To-day
132 - T.P.’s Weekly
133 - The Tribunal
134 - The Twentieth Century: A Weekly Radical Magazine
135 - The U.D.C.
136 - The Vaccination Enquirer and Health Review: Organ of the National Anti-Vaccination League
137 - The Vegetarian News
138 - The Vineyard: A Monthly Magazine
139 - The Vote: The Organ of the Women’s Freedom League
140 - Vremui Noi: Revista Libertara Lunara
141 - The Walsall Anarchist
142 - War and Peace
143 - The Wheatsheaf: A Monthly Co-Operative Record
144 - Wilshire’s Magazine
145 - Wohlstand fur Alle
146 - Woman’s International Congress: Towards Permanent Peace
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