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LC - Leader Collection
1 - Various items
2 - Various printed items
3 - Various printed items
4 - Various Printed Items
5 - Various printed items
6 - Various printed items
7 - Proposed new workhouse for Sheffield, 1804
8 - Various printed items
9 - Miscellaneous newspaper cuttings
10 - Lease of land at Norton between John Bullocke of Derley [Darley] (Derbyshire), esquire to John Weynewright of Jordenthorpe [Jordanthorpe]
11 - Deed relating to land at Norton, Derbyshire (Le Lane, Le Okes Medowe, Cockshoote Bank, Dobb Croft [Dobcroft], Le Sick)
12 - Recovery of land at Norton [Derbyshire]
13 - Great to lead to a Common Recovery relating to land at Norton [Derbyshire]
14 - Mortgage of Carwood House, Norton [Derbyshire]
15 - Release of Carwood House, Norton [Derbyshire]
16 - Probate of the will of Storey Wingfield of Hassleborough [Hazelborough, Norton]
17 - Probate of the will of Frances Hastlehurst of Eckington [Derbyshire], widow
18 - Deed confirming a Common Recovery relating to Lands in Cold Aston [Coal Aston, Derbyshire] and Norton
19-20 - Lease and release settling a messuage at Sicklebrooke, Cold Aston [Coal Aston, Derbyshire] on Sarah, wide of William Shepley and daughter of Thomas Harwood, late of Sheffield, cutler, deceased
21-22 - Lease and release regarding lands at Cold Aston [Coal Aston, Derbyshire]
23-24 - Lease and release of Settlebrook or Ridding House, Cold Aston [Coal Aston, Derbyshire]
25 - Lease of Smithy Cliffe and Little Ridding, in Cold Aston [Coal Aston, Derbyshire]
26 - Eckington Court Baron - admittance of Edmund Swift of Darnall [Eckington, Derbyshire]
27 - Eckington Court Baron - admittance of Anne, daughter of Edmund Swift deceased of Darnall [Eckington, Derbyshire]
28 - Feoffment of a messuage at Oakerside, Darley, Derbyshire
29 - Bargain and sale of a messuage called Hallcliffe House at Brampton [Eckington, Derbyshire]
30 - Assignment of bond and judgements
31 - Acknowledgement of indebtedness
32 - Indenture of millinery apprenticeship
33 - Curious will of James Green, clothworker, London
34 - Feoffment of a messuage situate between the parish church of Balme Green [Balm Green], Sheffield
35 - Lease of a messuage in Sheffield
36 - Feoffment of a messuage situate between the head of Dixon Lane and the Bullstake, Sheffield
37 - Feoffment of Nicholas Broadbent’s House, Hartshead, Sheffield
38 - Deed Poll under the hands and seals of Thomas Duke of Norfolk and others granting to William Steer the advowson and free disposition of the rectory of the Parish Church of Handsworth near Sheffield
39 - Settlement on Mrs Burton of Royds Mill
40 - Probate of the will of Claudius Lord of Sheffield, saddler
41 - Feoffment of land at Darnall
42 - Bond between George Harrison of Orgreave and Robert Chappell senior of Darnall
43 - Mortgage security for £120
44 - Feoffment of part of a messuage at Brincliffe Edge, Sheffield
45 - Deed of release - refers to Bullstake and Folly, Fargate, Sheffield
46 - Deed to declare uses of a fine [?Fargate, Sheffield]
47 - Lease of lands at Darnall and Attercliffe
48 - Mansfield Court - admittance of Robert Snoden to a selion of land in the fields of Mansfield Woodhouse
49-50 - Fragments of deeds - one relating to Beeley (Derbyshire)
51 - Deed given at Westminster relating to a messuage in Sheffield
52 - Part of an abstract of title (1752 - 1779) to an estate at Grimesthorpe belonging to Mr Hawley and others
53 - Marriage settlement by Ann Witaker of Doncaster and William Percival of lands at Grimesthorpe
54-55 - Draft precipes and concords, Hawley and others to Pearson relating to land at Grimesthorpe, Sheffield
56 - Manor of Ecclesall, Court Leet: one messuage, appurtenances and 24 acres of land at Greystones now in the occupation of John Brown, Doctor of Physick and John Hay
57 - Will of Christopher Capper, alias Hudson, of Sheffield, tanner
58 - Will of Joshua Beardmore of St Giles, Cripplegate, London, founder
59 - Lease (for 7 years) of a preaching house or chapel in Lee Croft, Sheffield
60 - Bond for securing repayment of £50 with interest
61 - Copy will of Robert Woodruf of Nether Handley, Staveley, Derbyshire, yeoman
62 - Copy will of Edward Gill of Dunston, Dronfield, Derbyshire
63 - Copy will of Rachel Gill of Summerly, Dronfield, Derbyshire, widow
64 - Fulwood Chapel
1 - Declaration of trust touching the £400 left by William Ronksley of Gunthwaite [West Yorkshire] for the building of the chapel
2 - Accounts of receipts and payments by W. Shore
65 - Rough draft or copy of the court roll of Bolsover manor (the court of Lord and lady Oxford) loosely bound in vellum
66 - Rough list of pedigrees, letters, certificates, etc at Revell Grange, Stannington, the seat of Francis Sutton, esquire, made by John Daniel Leader
67 - Two pages extracted from John Sleigh’s History of Leek, being facsimiles of the charter of Richard Abbot of Dieu la Cresse (Leek, Staffordshire] to the town of Leek (Staffordshire) (c. 1215) and of a grant of free warren to the abbot (1282)
68 - List and description of Nos. 690-710 of Cod. Mss Tenisoniani [Shrewsbury Papers] , in Lambeth Palace Library
69 - Correspondence of Thomas, 1st Earl of Strafford by the 3rd creation [Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of Strafford, 1672-1739] and a few miscellaneous papers
70 - Letters between John Smith of Sheffield and his wife Rebecca, whilst he was on a mission to London on business concerning the River Dun [River Don] Navigation Bill
71 - Personal letters from Robert Newton of Norton (Derbyshire) to John Girdler of Sheffield
72 - Miscellaneous documents
73 - Notes on the Cutlers Company in Joseph Hunters handwriting, with an explanatory letter from his son
74 - Accounts of, and relating to Daniel Leader
75 - Will and probate of Daniel Leader, silver plater
76 - Family letters to Daniel Leader from his son Robert and others, to Robert from his uncle J. Beardmore and between members of the family, 1805-1841; and items relating to the Woodruff family of Nether Handley [West Yorkshire], 1819-1820
77-79 - Notebooks, etc of Robert Leader (1779-1861) as a young man
80 - Papers concerning Robert Leader’s, including a draft advertisement on his taking over the management of the Independent
81 - Papers concerning Robert Leader’s tenancy of various properties
82 - Letters to Joseph Read of Wincobank on family matters
83 - Letters mainly to John Read of Norton and later of Derwent Hall
84 - Letters to and from John Read and others about the River Dun [River Don] Navigation Company
85 - Papers relating to canal projects (including Dun Navigation) [River Don] and deeds concerning shares in them
86 - Printed and manuscript papers relating to railway projects
87 - Printed report of James Mills on the Sheffield-Barnsley Turnpike Road, 1829; and letter to John read as a mortgagee of the Owler Bar Turnpike Road, 1888
88 - Letter from William Wake to John Read concerning the Sheffield Book Club
89 - Notes for the Burgery of Sheffield by J. D. Leader
90 - Notebook of J. D. Leader with extracts from the accounts and minutes of the Town Trust
91 - Exercise book, with list of names of persons connected with the Town Trust, to which J, D. Leader evidently intended to add particulars
92 - Index of Town Trust accounts for 1566 - 1707 by J. D. Leader
93 - J. D. Leader’s notebook kept during the excavations at the Roman camp at Templeborough [Rotherham]
94 - Templeborough Excavations - ‘Hinchliffe notes’
95 - Templeborough Excavations
96 - Leader’s notes for an article or lecture on ‘Sheffield and the iron industry
97 - Miscellaneous notes by J. D. Leader (part 1 of 2)
98 - Miscellaneous notes by J. D. Leader (part 2 of 2)
99 - J. D. Leader’s index book
100 - J. D. Leader’s papers concerning the Society of Antiquaries, London - letters about the existence of court rolls in the Sheffield district and Leader’s certificates as local secretary
101 - Correspondence between J. D. Leader, Sir Alfred Scott-Gatty, and T. R. Gainsford, as to whether the Lord Mayor of Sheffield has the right to be styled ‘Right Honourable’
102 - J. D. Leader: Letters from Burdekin and Co., solicitors and Rev J. T. F. Aldred (on the Coke family of Totley Hall); biographical notes on John Bower Brown
103 - J. D. Leader: Letters about the visit of the Prince and Princess of Wales to Sheffield
104 - Letters between J. D. Leader and Alfred Scott-Gatty suggesting a new edition of Hunter’s South Yorkshire
105 - Letters to J. D. Leader from: C. Roach Smith, Henry Waterhouse, H. Croyd-Smith, W. J. Thomas, John Guest, R. Blacklock Smith, John Sykes
106 - J. D. Leader’s notes and correspondence for his books
107 - Funeral cards and mourning circulars
108 - Folder entitled Notes and Queries containing suggestions and copy for the Local Notes and Queries column of the Independent, some of which are noted as printed
109 - List of portraits in the Council Chamber; and list of portraits and busts in Sheffield Public Museum; with letters showing that they were copied by J. [Brigge] who intended to make a full list of Sheffield portraits preserved in public rooms
110 - Letters from T. Brittain, of Manchester [Lancashire], on old Sheffield matters
111 - Minute book of the Marriage Law Reform Association, Sheffield Local Committee
112 - Notes, etc for Notes and Queries including notes on Waterhouse family (of many places)
113 - J. D. Leader’s notebook: notes from Church Burgesses accounts and the British Museum
114 - J. D. Leader’s notebook: notes from British Museum
115 - J. D. Leader’s notebook: notes from Heralds College and Lambeth Palace
116 - J. D. Leader’s notebook: notes from Sheffield Manor Court Rolls
117 - J. D. Leader’s notebook: notes made in the Norfolk Estate Office
118 - J. D. Leader’s notebook: notes of the earl of Shrewsbury’s accounts, 1589
119 - J. D. Leader’s notebook: notes of the Stewards ‘ accounts of the Earl of Shrewsbury, 1585 - 1588
120 - J. D. Leader’s notebook: notes of Hunter and other manuscripts in the British Museum
121 - J. D. Leader’s notebook: notes on the College of Arms G.ff150 et seq [Sheffield Castle inventory, 1582]
122 - J. D. Leader’s notebook: notes on early coal workings from the British Museum
123 - Account book, with a note ‘account of my grandfather Daniel Leader, with my father Robert Leader …’
124 - Notes relating to the Smith family (later Pye-Smith) and the non-conformist cause
125 - Note book labelled by J. D. Leader - pedigree of Hatfield of Laughton and notes on non-conformity in Sheffield written by Joseph Hunter; and extract from the diary of Mrs Timothy Jollie
126 - Note book with entries in Latin, signed John Jolly / Jollie
127 - Lectures on Preaching
128 - School exercise book, containing exercises in mathematics and the use of the globes
129 - Cash book
130 - Copy (unfinished) of the Journal of Dominique Bourgoing, Physician to Mary, Queen of Scots, translated from the French by Josiah Marples
131 - Draft of a Bill to amend the law relating to the Company of Cutlers in Hallamshire
132-133 - Accounts of the surveyors of the highways for the township of Brightside Bierlow
134 - Accounts of the Overseers of the highways in the division of Shiregreen and Wincobank
135 - Scrapbook containing receipted bills of Joseph Read of Wincobank 1807-1815; John Read of Norton House, 1805-1854; John Wilson, trustee of Joshua Turner, 1758 - 1767; and the Rawsons and Wilsons of Nottingham, 1811 - 1878
136 - Autobiographical miscellany of Rev Joseph Hunter, FSA - guard book containing some of Hunter’s own notes, and many letters and other odd manuscript items
137 - Guard book containing pedigrees and certificates of birth, marriage, etc of the Bailey and Eadon families
138 - Letters to John Read, mainly from, or about, Sir Francis Chantrey
139 - Papers of John Read - bill (on behalf of Chantrey) 1820; bill (to Chantrey) for work at Norton Church, 1832; copy of petition to Lady Chantrey from poor cousins of Sir Francis [Chantrey]
140 - Letters to J. D. Leader, and scrap pedigrees of Read and Chantry
141 - R. E. Leader lecture notes: Surveyors and architects of the past
142 - R. E. Leader lecture notes: Alien refugee cutlery traditions
143 - R. E. Leader lecture notes: Highways and byways of Old Sheffield
144 - R. E. Leader lecture notes: Articles from the British Association for the Advancement of Science handbook and guide
145 - R. E. Leader lecture notes: Addresses to the Hunter Archaeological Society
146 - R. E. Leader lecture notes: Political articles
147 - R. E. Leader lecture notes on various subjects delivered mainly in connection with the Wicker Congregational Church and Mutual Improvement Society
148 - R. E. Leader lecture notes: early history of electro silver-plating
149 - R. E. Leader lecture notes: Electro and silver plating - correspondence relating to the records of Elkington and Co.
150 - The Sheffield Banking Co Ltd by R. E. Leader
151 - Notes etc., regarding early Sheffield Bankers
152 - Notes on early Sheffield banking
153 - Notes from old deeds and other sources relating to old Sheffield inns
154 - Notes from old deeds and other sources relating to Churchgates; High Street, North; Hartshead
155 - Notes from old deeds and other sources relating to High Street, North; Angel Street, Bank Street, Balm Green and Park Farm
156 - Notes from old deeds and other sources relating to High Street, South; Snig Hill and River Don Navigation
157 - Notes from old deeds and other sources relating to Broom Hall, Glossop Road and sick clubs
158 - Notes from old deeds and other sources relating to Hartshead, Bank Street, Market Place, West Bar and Norton
159 - Notes from old deeds and other sources relating to Machon Bank, Hawksworth, Campo Lane, Pye Bank, Attercliffe and Thrift House
160 - Notes from old deeds and other sources relating to Yeomans Papers, King’s Head and Wincobank Hall
161 - Notes relating to Queen Street Chapel [Queen Street Congregational Church]
162 - Notes relating to Mount Zion Chapel and Broom Park Chapel [Broompark]
163 - Notes relating to Howard Street Chapel and Zion Chapel, Attercliffe
164 - Memoranda and sermons of Rev Samuel Smith, minister of Stannington Chapel
165 - Diary ascribed to Joseph Priestley of Heckmondwike [West Yorkshire]
166 - Attercliffe Chapel of Ease - history and copies of registers
167 - Copy of Holmesfield [Derbyshire] parish registers, 1721 - 1812
168 - Attercliffe old burial ground - monumental inscriptions
169 - Rate assessment book for inclosing Sheffield parish churchyard
170 - Copies of various rate books
171 - Pedigrees of local families
172 - Pedigrees of local families
173 - Pedigrees of local families
174 - Wills and register entries connected with the Smith family
175-176 - Material relating to R. E. Leader’s History of the Cutlers’ Company [published 1905-1906]
177 - Book of letters dealing mainly with the publication of R. E. Leader’s History of the Cutlers Company [published 1905-1906]
178-179 - Annotated copy of Peeps into the Past: passages from the diary of Thomas Asline Ward [published 1909], with supplement of cuttings
180 - Annotated copy of the Autobiography and Letters of J. A. Roebuck
181 - Manuscript copy of Judith Lee
182 - Cuttings, notes and letters relating to R. E. Leader’s municipal and parliamentary election campaigns, including Ecclesall municipal contests, Ecclesall parliamentary election, 1891 - 1892 and Bassetlaw (Nottinghamshire) parliamentary election, 1894
183 - Cuttings, notes and letters relating to Town Trust elections
184 - Collectanea Topographica: Sheffield - cuttings and correspondence relating to various Sheffield subjects
185 - R. E. Leader’s manuscript index to all his cuttings books, annotated copies, notes, etc
186 - Volume entitled Sheffield Political History: Letters (vol. II)
187 - Volume entitled Sheffield Political History: Letters (vol. III)
188 - Volume entitled Sheffield Political History : Letters (vol. IV)
189 - R. E. Leader’s notes and cuttings relating to the Twelve Capital Burgesses [Church Burgesses]
190 - Original pen drawings of old Sheffield, by Wainham Topham
191 - Hallamshire Glossary
192 - R. E. Leader lecture notes: Ebenezer Elliott as poet and as politician; the great Yorkshire elections of 1807 and 1784
193 - R. E. Leader lecture notes: An Editors wastepaper basket - miscellaneous verses, etc sent to R. E. Leader as editor of the Independent
194 - R. E. Leader lecture notes: Our Afghan Policy - the story of a crime and blunder
195 - Notes etc on Upper Chapel and its early members and on the origin of non-conformity in Sheffield
196 - Letter from W. C. Beardsall, a Sheffield emigrant to Williamsville, Upper Canada [Ontario]
197 - Letters from C. Stokes to Mr Read about John Holland
198 - Guard book of letters and autographs of celebrated persons, some addressed to the Leader family
199 - Letters to J. D. Leader on antiquarian subjects
200 - Several letters from M. S. Westerby about deeds and papers of the Montfort family of Kilnhirst and Conisbrough Court Rolls he alleged he had seen
201-202 - Volume relating to the British Archaeological Association, of which Leader was the President in 1903-1904 and sometime member of Council, 1896 - 1916
202 - Volume relating to the British Archaeological Association, of which Leader was the President in 1903-1904 and sometime member of Council, 1896 - 1916
203 - Manuscript poems by John Holland
204 - Memoir of the Rev. W. Mason of Aston
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