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SSC2 - Sheffield Smelting Company Limited, Smelters and Refiners of Gold, Silver and Other Precious Metals, Sheffield
1 - Partnership Deeds and papers relating to the Directors/Shareholders
2 - Premises
3 - Finance and Accounts
4 - Stock and Equipment
5 - Trading
1 - Book containing notes of assays of sweep, offers and purchases
2 - Sales and purchases day book
3 - Town and Country Ledger of the Sheffield Smelting Company Limited
4 - Receipted accounts from the Sheffield Smelting Company Limited to T. Bradbury and Son Sheffield
5 - Notes and calculations of profit and loss for the Sheffield Smelting Company Limited
6 - Miscellaneous printed terms for buying, trade cards and notices sent to customers by the company
7 - A few letters concerning the supply of silver
8 - Town and Country Ledger of the Sheffield Smelting Company Limited
9 - 2 bundles of engraved and printed trade cards
10 - Some bills and accounts from Haggard and Company, bullion merchants in London
11 - Letters from John Giles
12 - A letter of complaint to John Wycliffe Wilson
13 - Town Ledger of the Sheffield Smelting Company Limited
14 - Country Ledger of the Sheffield Smelting Company Limited
15 - Miscellaneous letters and papers relating to platinum metals
16 - Miscellaneous notes and calculations on the pricing of sweep
17 - Notes and calculations relating to attempts to provide scales for buying sweep as the price of metal fluctuated
18 - Receipted bill from H. L. Raphael of London, refiners, for gold, silver and sweep
19 - Duplicate ledger kept at Mansfield Notts by J. P. Sanders
20 - File of miscellaneous papers all relating to costs and pricing
21 - Bond by Robert Harper and John Robert Harper of Clerkenwell, Middlx., silversmiths, and others to the Sheffield Smelting Company Limited
22a - Country Ledger A
22b - Country Ledger B
23 - Letters
24 - Some printed trade cards of the Sheffield Smelting Company Limited
25 - Account, letter and printed notice announcing postage concessions of Messrs. Groser and Son, bullion dealers and refiners
26 - Letter from W. Coghill
27 - Letter from the Royal Mint inviting tenders to buy sweep from the gold and silver coinages
28 - Correspondence concerning the sale of precipitates to the Sheffield Smelting Company Limited after ores had been treated by Claudet's process
29 - Letters to John Wycliffe Wilson from Linklater, Hackwood, Addison and Brown
30 - Letters relating to the sale of silver ores by S. and J. J. Auerbach to the Sheffield Smelting Company Limited
31 - Memoranda by Henry Joseph Wilson on trying to make the Blue Shop pay and on the sale of scoria
32 - Book of notes and memoranda
33 - Printed trade card of Lees and Sanders giving prices for gold and silver, etc
34 - Letters from F. Claudet
35 - Letter relating to a proposed advertisement in The Minting Journal by the Sheffield Smelting Company Limited
36 - A bundle of miscellaneous invoices and letters kept as specimens
37 - Letters and notes relating to offers for silver ore in Liverpool and the competition of Johnson, Matthay and Company
38 - Two notebooks glued together
39 - 2 letters from a Coventry jeweller, W. William
40 - Notes and calculations by John Wycliffe Wilson comparing the profits of 1884 and 1885
41 - Miscellaneous papers relating to the trading of the company
42 - Correspondence relating to the purchase of ore from Johnson, Matthey and Company
43 - Notebook containing the telegraphic codes used by the Sheffield Smelting Company Limited
44 - Some cuttings from 'The Jeweller and Metalworker' (printed)
45 - Two notebooks glued together
46 - Miscellaneous correspondence with the firm of Frederick Claudet, assayers and refiners
47 - Report of an interview by Oliver Charles Wilson with H. Allday
48 - Letters from Johnson and Sons, refiners of London
49 - Correspondence with the Tharsis Sulphur and Copper Company of Glasgow
50 - A letter from Alfred Sanders to John Wycliffe Wilson
51 - Papers relating to the competition offered by D. Pennellier and Co
52 - Letter to the Sheffield Smelting Company Limited from Johnson and Sons
53 - Letters to the Sheffield Smelting Company Limited from B. Rothschild
54 - Bundle of reports of calls at various firms with a view to buying ores and precipitates
55 - Bundle of invoices for gold from Pixley and Abell, bullion brokers of London to Johnson, Matthey and Company Limited
56 - Printed notice from Messrs. Groser and Son
57 - Memorandum on the selling price of copper sulphate
58 - Two letters from the Dental Manufacturing Company about the price of gold and dental alloy
59 - Letter from Henry Joseph Wilson to the directors suggesting an intensive investigation into why profits fluctuate so much from year to year
60 - Tables showing amounts of sweep sampled and bought by sample
61 - File of miscellaneous papers relating to a consignment of platinum burnt in a fire on the railway
62 - Summary of amount of gold and silver etc. bought and sold
63 - Bound volume labelled "Miscellaneous Notes"
64 - Statistics of fine and standard silver bought and sold
65 - Assay Ledger containing assays of material received from firms in Sheffield
66 - Some notes on a proposal to purchase the business of D. Penellier and Company dealers in silver sheet and wire
67 - Copies of schedules for the sale, rolling and melting of silver
68 - Cash purchases book
69 - Summaries of the cost of war prices allowances and notes on the effect of the war on the amount of silver and gold bought and sold
70 - Miscellaneous notes by Ronald Eliot Wilson
71 - Town and Country Ledgers
1 - London Ledger
2 - London Ledger
3 - Birmingham Ledger
4 - Town Ledger
5 - Birmingham Ledger
6 - London Ledger
7 - Country Ledger
8 - Town Ledger
9 - Country Ledger
10 - Birmingham Ledger
11 - Town Ledger
12 - Town Ledger
13 - Country Ledger
14 - Town Ledger
15 - London Ledger
16 - Country Ledger
17 - Town Ledger
18 - Country Ledger
19 - Town Ledger
20 - Town Ledger
21 - Country Ledger
22 - Town Ledger
23 - Country Ledger
24 - Town Ledger
25 - Country Ledger
26 - Town Ledger
27 - Town ledger
28 - Town ledger, 'F'
29 - Town ledger, 'Silver H'
30 - Country ledger, 'no.8'
31 - Town ledger, 'K'
32 - Town ledger, 'Silver M'
33 - Town ledger, 'O'
34 - Town ledger, 'R'
35 - Country ledger, 'no.13'
36 - Town ledger, 'Silver T'
37 - Town ledger, 'Silver U'
38 - Town ledger, 'Silver W'
39 - Sheffield Assay ledger, '6'
72 - Ring binder relating to clients in Italy
73 - Volume relating to clients in all countries
6 - Overseas Trade and Visits Abroad
7 - Processes
8 - Staff and Workpeople
9 - Branches
10 - Correspondence relating to the Business
11 - Business taken over
12 - Papers relating to Theft and Fraud
13 - Miscellaneous
14 - Business Records of Subsidiaries and Associated Companies
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