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SSC3 - Personal Papers of the Read and Wilson Families (of Read and Lucas; Read and Company and; Sheffield Smelting Company Limited), Sheffield
1 - John Read, The Elder, 1744 - 1803
2 - Joseph Read, 1774 - 1837
3 - John Read, The Younger, 1777 - 1862
4 - Elizabeth Read, 1778 - 1865
5 - Hannah Smith, 1788 - 1872
6 - William Wilson, 1800 - 1866
7 - Mary-Ann Rawson, 1801 - 1887
1 - Copy of the will of Thomas Munton late of Nottingham but now of Ruddington, Notts, gentleman
2 - Two letters to Mrs. M. A. Rawson from William Wilson and from Catherine Read
3 - Auctioneer's plan and particulars of sale of Wincobank Hall, Wincobank, Ecclesfield [Sheffield]
4 - Copy of release of bond debts
5 - Draft assignment of bond debt
6 - Some correspondence with the solicitors about the conveyance of Wincobank Hall, Wincobank, Ecclesfield [Sheffield] to Mrs. M. A. Rawson
7 - Letter to Mrs. Rawson from John Read (1777-1862) describing his annoyance at the way William Wilson and Edmund Read had acted during the sale of the business
8 - Letter from Edmund Read to Mrs. Rawson while he was staying in Torquay describing some of the negotiations between the solicitors and William Wilson for the purchase of the stock at the Royds Mills, Brightside Bierlow, Sheffield
9 - Bank book of Mrs. M. A. Rawson with the Sheffield Banking Co. Limited
10 - Bundle of share certificates of Mrs. M. A. Rawson in the South Yorkshire, Doncaster, and Goole Railway
11 - Agreement for lease
12 - Copy of the will of Susanna Hirst living at Wincobank Hall, Wincobank, Ecclesfield [Sheffield] spinster
13 - Note of rents received, and some miscellaneous valuations of tenant right all for land in Wincobank, Ecclesfield [Sheffield] owned by Mrs. Rawson
14 - Draft conveyance
15 - Two newspaper cuttings of advertisements for sale of property in Nottingham, Basford, and Beeston, Notts., of Mrs. Rawson
16 - Printed auctioneer's particulars and plan for the sale of property in Lower Wincobank, Ecclesfield [Sheffield]
17 - Valuation of Wincobank Hall, Wincobank, Ecclesfield [Sheffield] by Frederick Fowler
18 - Agreement for lease
19 - Rent book of Mrs. Rawson
20 - 3 debenture certificates for the Northfield Iron and Tyre Co
21 - Receipted bills for general and personal expenditure of Mrs Rawson
22 - Letters and papers relating to £300 left by Sophia Schaerer to Emily Read which was then to go to Mrs Rawson, and finally to be divided among some of the Wilsons
23 - Receipt by Mrs Rawson for a loan of £100 made to her by the Sheffield Smelting Co. Limited
24 - Letters from Mrs Rawson to Henry Joseph and John Wycliffe Wilson about the purchase of a small piece of land near her house which was to be sold by auction
25 - Printed auctioneer's particulars of sale and plan of property in Sheffield, Wincobank, Ecclesfield [Sheffield] Brightside and Grimesthorpe [all in Sheffield]
26 - Bank book of Mrs M. A. Rawson with the Sheffield Banking Co. continued after her decease by her executors
28 - Printed circular from the trustees of the will of Mrs. M.A. Rawson stating that it is likely that the estate will not be large enough to permit the payment of all the legacies
29 - Notebook containing notes by Henry Joseph Wilson of things to be done and things done relating to the executorship of Mrs Rawson's will
30 - Copy of case and counsel's opinion relating to the will of Mrs Rawson
31 - Printed auctioneer's plan and particulars for sale of Wincobank Hall, Wincobank, Ecclesfield [Sheffield] and estate
32 - Correspondence between Henry Joseph Wilson and Gould and Coombe, solicitors, relating to the executorship of Mrs Rawson's estate and the proposed sale of Wincobank Hall, Wincobank, Ecclesfield [Sheffield]
33 - Correspondence between Henry Joseph and John Wycliffe Wilson about efforts to sell Wincobank Hall, Wincobank, Ecclesfield [Sheffield]
34 - Vouchers for executors' accounts relating to the estate of Mrs. Rawson
35 - Letters to the executors from various legatees under Mrs Rawson's will (Mrs Turner, James Kirk, Miss Droz) asking for loans until their legacies could be paid
36 - Miscellaneous correspondence and some rough notes, of the executors of Mrs Rawson's estate
37 - Some miscellaneous letters from solicitors and some notes by the executors, etc. relating to the administration of Mrs Rawson's trust
38 - Rough notes written on an envelope by Henry Joseph Wilson on the investment of money from Mrs Rawson's estate
39 - A few routine business letters about the administration of Mrs Rawson's Trust
40 - Some letters from John Wycliffe Wilson to Henry Joseph Wilson relating to the administration of Mrs Rawson's trust and a list of mortgages
41 - Bundle of letters to Mrs Mary Anne Rawson, of Wincobank Hall, Wincobank, Ecclesfield [Sheffield] and other papers
8 - Elizabeth Wilson, 1803 - 1851
9 - Catherine Read, d. 1866
10 - Edmund Read, 1815 - 1873, and his wife
11 - Henry Joseph Wilson, 1833 - 1914
12 - John Wycliffe Wilson, 1837 - 1921
13 - Cecil Wilson, 1862 - 1945
14 - Talbot Wilson, 1865 - 1950
15 - Ronald Eliot Wilson, 1894 -
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