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SYCC - South Yorkshire County Council
ADMIN - Administration Department
CLLR - South Yorkshire County Council, Councillors' Papers
CTTE - South Yorkshire County Council Committees
JTPU - South Yorkshire County Council: Joint Transport and Planning Unit (JTPU)
LUTS - Sheffield/Rotherham Land Use Transportation Study (LUTS)
MIN - Signed Minutes of Council and Committees
MISC - Audio visual material and printed publications
NALGO - National Association of Local Government Officers (NALGO) - South Yorkshire branch
P - Planning Department - Photographic Collection
PAM - Sheffield and Rotherham Police Authority Signed Minutes
PL - Planning Department
1 - Planning - general (BA)
1a - South Yorkshire Structure Plan - general (BB/BC)
1 - South Yorkshire Structure Plan - general (BB01)
2 - Policy options and sets (BB02-03)
3 - Structure Plan Sub-Committee (BB04)
4 - Structure Plan techniques (BB05)
5 - Derivation and underlying philosophy (BB06)
6 - Liaison - Local Government Authorities (BB07)
7 - General strategy and resources (BB09)
8 - Liaison - Central Government Departments (BB12-13)
9 - Liaison - South Yorkshire internal (BB14)
10 - Land Commitments Study (BB15)
11 - Project report (BB20)
12 - Problems, satisfactions, opportunities (BB31)
12a - Issues (BB25-26)
13 - Examination in public - transcripts
1 - Issue 1: Derivation of the strategy
2 - Issue 2a: General strategy and resources
3 - Issue 2b: Justification for resource assumptions
4 - Issue 3a: Assumptions for net job shortfall
5 - Issue 3b: Justification for Job Priority Areas
6 - Issue 3b: Justification for Job Priority Areas
7 - Issue 3c: Scope for attracting new industry
8 - Issue 4a: Green belt
9 - Issue 5a: Resources for transport
10 - Issue 5b: Maximum use from the existing and proposed infrastructure
11 - Issue 6a: Housing and land supply
12 - Issue 7a: The policy imposing limits on sales floor space in the main centres
13 - Issue 7b: Shopping policies elsewhere in the county
14 - Issue 9b: The Adequacy of the provision for long term spoil disposal
15 - Issue 10a: Policy consistency
16 - Issue 10b: The need to establish relative expenditure priorities
17 - Mineral workings and after use
18 - Continuation of discussion on assumptions for net job shortfall
19 - South Yorkshire Structure Plan examination in public - daily summaries
20 - South Yorkshire County Council Planning Examination in Public
21 - Index to transcripts
22 - Issue 2b: Justification for the general resources assumptions on which the plan is based
23 - Issue 5d: The priorities for transport proposals envisaged in the plan
24 - Issue 3a: Assumptions for net job fall
25 - Issue 9a: Mineral workings and after-use
26 - Issue 6a/b (continued): Housing land distribution
27 - Issue 4a: Green belt (continued)
28 - Areas of county landscape value
29 - Issue 5a: Resources for transport
30 - Issue 5b: The maximum use from the existing and proposed infrastructure
31 - Issue 3a: Assumption for net job shortfall, justification for new industry and commerce
32 - Issue 8: Open space in Envirnoment Priority Areas (EPAs)
33 - Issue 5b - Mr Roper, South Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce
34 - Issue 5b - Councillor Patnick
35 - Issue 10b - The need to establish relative expenditure priorities
36 - Issue 9b - The adequacy of the provision for long term spoil disposal
37 - Issue 10a - Policy consistency
38 - Extract from the verbatim account of the discussion on Issue 3b
39 - Extract from discussion with Mr MacDonald on Issue 2b
40 - Extract from discussion with Mr George, Industrial Development Officer at Sheffield
41 - Issue 4a - Green belt
42 - Derivation of the strategy
43 - The justification for job priority areas in the light of regional focal points for growth policy, in the Regional Strategy
44 - Issue 3b - Justification for job priority areas
45 - Issue 3c - Scope for attracting new industry
46 - Issue 6a - Housing land supply
47 - Issue 6a (continued) - Housing land supply
14 - Examination in public - discussion statements
15 - Examination in public - administrative arrangements
15a - Structure Plan progress reports, monitoring and review (BB47-48)
16 - Phase two arrangements (BB50)
17 - Statement of existing policies (BB53)
18 - Options spatialising (BB56)
18a - Reports of Surveys (BB59-61)
19 - Initial strategies (BB62-64)
20 - Preparation of written statement (BB65-76)
21 - Technical Reports
22 - Objections/representations submitted (BB77)
23 - Modifications/alterations (BB83-87)
24 - Major reports by the County Planning Officer
25 - Structure Plan Kit
26 - Draft Structure Plan, South Yorkshire - complete set of published documents
27 - Consultation
28 - Papers of the Technical Committee (BC04)
29 - Structure Plan annual statements (BB79)
30 - Implementation of Structure Plan policies (BB81)
1b - South Yorkshire Structure Plan Discussion Papers
1c - South Yorkshire Structure Plan - working parties (BE)
1d - South Yorkshire Structure Plan - public participation (BF)
1e - Doncaster Structure Plan (BK-BL)
2 - Development Plan (CA)
3 - Local plans (CF)
4 - Development control (DA)
5 - Regional planning (DR)
6 - Environment (EA/EF)
7 - National Parks (EQ)
8 - Green belt (EW)
9 - Landscape (FL)
10 - Geology, minerals and land use (GA/GB/GE)
11 - Ownership of land (GF)
11a - Agriculture (GH)
12 - Regional industry and employment (LA/LD)
13 - Industry (LG)
14 - Employment promotion (LI)
15 - Industrial sites - tenancies (LIN)
15a - Industrial Development - Administration (LIO)
16 - Industrial enquiries (LJE/LJF)
16a - Industrial Sites (LJ/LK)
17 - Employment (LI/LN)
17a - Offices (LL)
18 - Learning and training programmes (LT)
19 - Sociology - general (SA)
20 - Transport - general (TA)
21 - Railways (TC)
21a - Airports (TN)
22 - Canals (TU)
22a - Roads (UC)
23 - Recreation and leisure (VC)
24 - Municipal functions - Archives (VD)
25 - Police (VF)
26 - Water (VJ)
27 - Sewage disposal (VN)
28 - Refuse disposal (VM)
29 - Hotels (VT)
30 - Shopping (VW)
31 - Administration - general (ZA)
31a - Council minutes, committee meetings etc. (ZC)
31b - Chief Planners - management meetings (ZD)
32 - Social Programme Area Team (PAT) (ZE)
33 - Economic Development Programme Area Team (PAT) - Housing (ZE)
34 - Economic Development Programme Area Team (PAT) - Population (ZE)
35 - Economic Development Programme Area Team (PAT) - minutes and reports (ZE)
36 - Economic Development Programme Area Team (PAT) - Employment (ZE)
36a - Economic Development Programme Area Team (PAT) - Shopping (ZE)
37 - Transport Programme Area Team (PAT) (ZE)
38 - Leisure Programme Area Team (PAT) (ZE)
39 - Working groups and sub-committees (ZE)
40 - Accommodation (ZG)
41 - Staff (ZM/ZN)
42 - Other Planning Department files
43 - Estates Surveyor - photographs and negatives
44 - Indexes to Planning Department files
REC - Department of Recreation, Culture and Health
WRYCC - West Riding of Yorkshire County Council
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