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WWM - Wentworth and Fitzwilliam families of Wentworth Woodhouse (also known as the Wentworth Woodhouse Muniments)
A - Account books and rentals - includes rentals and accounts for English and Irish estates, household, farm, stable and colliery accounts, executors' accounts and inventories
AH - American Handbills
AN - American Newspapers
Alb - Letters and papers of Willem Anne Van Keppel (1702-1754), 2nd Earl of Albemarle
BkP - Papers of Edmund Burke (1729-1797)
BrP - Papers of the Bright Family of Carbrook, Sheffield, and Badsworth (1623-1752)
C - Manorial court rolls and papers for the manors of Tinsley, Wath upon Dearne, Newall Grange, Thornhill Hall, Greasbrough and Barbot Hall, Hooton Roberts, Wentworth, Tankersley, Ecclesall and others
D - Deeds relating to English and Irish estates, including wills and settlements
E - Papers relating to Yorkshire and other elections
EDonc - East Doncaster Estates Company (Cantley Hall estate)
1 - Board and Shareholders' Meetings
2 - Memoranda and articles of association
3 - Directors' Reports and Accounts
4 - Annual Estate Accounts
5 - Private Ledgers
6 - Financial records
7 - Rentals
8 - Sales
9 - Valuations and tenant right valuations
10 - Miscellaneous Files
11 - Plans
12 - Title deeds
1 - Childers Estate - deeds relating to the acquisition of the Cantley Hall Estate by the Childers family
2 - Doncaster and Wheatley
3 - The 'Cantley Estate'
4 - Sale of land from the Estate
5 - Copy agreements for sale
6 - Miscellaneous agreements
1 - Agreements, Box 100, Bundle 1
2 - Agreements, Box 92, Bundle 3
3 - Miscellaneous orders and agreements
4 - Miscellaneous orders and agreements
5 - Miscellaneous deeds
1 - Copy conveyance of land in Cantley formerly part of the glebe land in exchange for an annual rent charge of £440
2 - Copy conveyance by Miss Rowlanda F.W. Childers et al. to The Grassmoor Co. Ltd., of the Cantley Estate
3 - Draft lease of land in the parishes of Cantley and Armthorpe, for a rifle range and danger zone
4 - Certificate for the redemption of Land Tax for various properties in Armthorpe
5 - Draft conveyance by the Marquis of Zetland to Doncaster Corporation of land (23,512a.) near Doncaster Race Course
6 - Tenancy agreement for Mill Farm in Mill St., Armthorpe
7 - Tenancy agreement for Intake Farm, Doncaster
8 - Draft conveyance by the Marquis of Zetland to the Markham Garden Village Association Ltd., of land in Armthorpe
9 - Copy agreement for sale and purchase between Earl Fitzwilliam and Doncaster Corporation relating to land (40a) in Cantley for a new cemetery
10 - Draft conveyance by Earl Fitzwilliam to Doncaster Corporation of 92a. 2r. in the Town Fields of Doncaster and 95 square yards at Bennetthorpe (87 Bennetthorpe) in Doncaster
11 - Copy lease by Earl Fitzwilliam to Robert Crabtree of ½ acre in the parish of Kirk Sandall
12 - Copy agreement for sale and purchase by Earl Fitzwilliam to The Markham Main Colliery Ltd. of 196 acres 1 rod and 7 perches and 2 cottages in Auckley
13 - Draft tenancy agreement between Earl Fitzwilliam and Doncaster Corporation relating to two fields off Wentworth Road, Doncaster, for allotments
14 - Draft conveyance between Earl Fitzwilliam and Doncaster Corporation, of 40 acres in the parish of Cantley for a cemetery
15 - Draft conveyance between Earl Fitzwilliam and Doncaster Corporation, of 6 acres and 2 rods in Wheatley formerly part of Doncaster Aerodrome
16 - Copy conveyance by Earl Fitzwilliam to Messrs. Warwicks and Richardson Ltd., of 4574 square yards in the parish of Armthorpe
17 - Deeds and papers relating to agreements between Earl Fitzwilliam and Doncaster Main Colliery and Markham Main Colliery for the extraction of coal near Doncaster
18 - Draft grant of a right of way at Edenthorpe near Doncaster
19 - Draft conveyance by Earl Fitzwilliam to Doncaster Corporation relating to 1.57 acres and 1.66 acres near Grand Stand Road, Doncaster
20 - Copy conveyance by Earl Fitzwilliam to C.L. Bailey, of 2350 square yards in the parish of Armthorpe
21 - Draft conveyance by George Parker Brooke to the Marquis of Zetland et al., of a messuage and 1 acre 3 rods and 36 perches in Armthorpe
22 - Draft conveyance by Earl Fitzwilliam to Doncaster Corporation, of 147a. 1r. 28p. and 30a. 2r. 37p. land at Wheatley
23 - Copy conveyance by Earl Fitzwilliam to Doncaster Rural District Council of 1847 square yards of land at Branton, in the parish of Cantley
24 - Deed of exchange between Earl Fitzwilliam and Doncaster Rural District Council relating to land in Armthorpe
25 - Deed of exchange between Earl Fitzwilliam and Miss Esther Park, relating to land in Armthorpe
26 - Copy conveyance between the Trustees of the Armthorpe Primitive Methodist Chapel and Earl Fitzwilliam, relating to the P.M. Chapel, Town Street, Armthorpe
27 - Copy conveyance between Eliza Greaves and Earl Fitzwilliam, relating to a close of land in Tranmoor Lane, Armthorpe
28 - Copy lease by Earl Fitzwilliam to Thomas Bladworth Darley, esquire, of Cantley Hall
29 - Copy conveyance By Earl Fitzwilliam to Doncaster Rural District Council of 4,605 acres in Armthorpe
30 - Surrender of the lease of Cantley Mill and Farm
31 - Deed of dedication of 88 square yards of land in Armthorpe Lane, Armthorpe, by Doncaster RDC
32 - Licence by Earl Fitzwilliam to Thomas Bladworth Darley, esq., to sport on Cantley Estate
33 - Copy compensation agreement for extinguishment of manorial incidents from property at Armthorpe
34 - Contract for a Wolseley car for H. L. Ruck-Keene
35 - Papers relating to an underground cable near the Haycock Hotel, Wansford
36 - Agreement between East Doncaster Estates Co. and Doncaster Corporation for a water main at Nether Cantley, parish of Cantley
37 - Draft tenancy agreement between Earl Fitzwilliam and Doncaster RDC for land at Cantley for a tip
38 - Schedule of conveyances of land in Armthorpe and Cantley to the Earl Fitzwilliam
39 - Agreement for water supply between East Doncaster Estates Co. and Doncaster Corporation
40 - Copy tenancy agreement between Earl Fitzwilliam and Doncaster Amalgamated Collieries Ltd., for a sand and gravel pit at Armthorpe
41 - Schedule of conveyances
42 - Schedule of conveyances made in 1939
43 - Tenancy agreement for land on Auckley Common Road, Auckley
44 - Tenancy agreement (draft) for an unidentified farm
45 - Draft agreement with Yorkshire Electric Power Co. for overhead lines at Cantley and Armthorpe
46 - Schedule of leases and conveyances
47 - Copy conveyance and papers relating to the vesting of mines and minerals of the East Doncaster Estates Co. in the Countess Olive
F - Papers of William Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, 4th Earl Fitzwilliam (1748-1833)
G - Papers of Charles Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, 5th Earl Fitzwilliam (1786-1857)
Gov - Papers of Sir John Wentworth (1737-1820) of New Hampshire, USA; Lady Frances Wentworth (his wife) (1745-1813) and Sir Charles Mary Wentworth (his son) (1775-1844)
H - Handbills
M - Papers of Thomas Watson-Wentworth, 1st Marquis of Rockingham (1693-1750)
MP - Maps and plans
MS - Manuscript volumes and treatises
Misc - Miscellaneous papers
N - Newspapers (English, Scottish, Irish, French and Australian)
O - Opencast mining papers
P - Pamphlets and books
R - Papers of Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2nd Marquess of Rockingham (1730-1782)
StrP - Papers of Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of Strafford (1593-1641)
StwP - Stewards' correspondence and papers
T - Papers of William Thomas Spencer Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, 6th Earl Fitzwilliam (1815-1902)
Vouchers - Vouchers to accounts - includes estate and household vouchers etc, and vouchers for personal and family expenses
Y - Papers relating to West Riding Militia, Yeomanry and Volunteers
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