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WWM - Wentworth and Fitzwilliam families of Wentworth Woodhouse (also known as the Wentworth Woodhouse Muniments)
A - Account books and rentals - includes rentals and accounts for English and Irish estates, household, farm, stable and colliery accounts, executors' accounts and inventories
AH - American Handbills
AN - American Newspapers
Alb - Letters and papers of Willem Anne Van Keppel (1702-1754), 2nd Earl of Albemarle
BkP - Papers of Edmund Burke (1729-1797)
BrP - Papers of the Bright Family of Carbrook, Sheffield, and Badsworth (1623-1752)
C - Manorial court rolls and papers for the manors of Tinsley, Wath upon Dearne, Newall Grange, Thornhill Hall, Greasbrough and Barbot Hall, Hooton Roberts, Wentworth, Tankersley, Ecclesall and others
D - Deeds relating to English and Irish estates, including wills and settlements
E - Papers relating to Yorkshire and other elections
EDonc - East Doncaster Estates Company (Cantley Hall estate)
F - Papers of William Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, 4th Earl Fitzwilliam (1748-1833)
G - Papers of Charles Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, 5th Earl Fitzwilliam (1786-1857)
Gov - Papers of Sir John Wentworth (1737-1820) of New Hampshire, USA; Lady Frances Wentworth (his wife) (1745-1813) and Sir Charles Mary Wentworth (his son) (1775-1844)
H - Handbills
1 - Admiral Augustus Keppel, 1st Viscount Keppel (1725-1786)
2 - Anti-slavery handbills
3 - Canal handbills
4 - East India Company and Indian affairs
5 - Economic matters
6 - Literary and Miscellaneous
7 - Requests for Literary and other Patronage
8 - Parliamentary Affairs
1 - By the King a proclamation concerning His Majesties' gracious pardon, in pursuance of His Majestie's former declaration
2 - Abstract of the clause in the Act of Parliament of the 6th year of Queen Ann with respect to servants carelessly setting fire to houses
3 - An Ordnance for regulating and establishing the Courts of Judicature ... Quebec [Canada]
4 - The Humble petition of the universities of Mahon, Aleyor and Mercadal in the island of Minorca
5 - Petition of the gentlemen, clergy and freeholders of the county of York
6 - [Resolutions passed] at a meeting of the county of York, held in the Assembly Room at York on 30th December, 1779
7 - An Authentic list of the minority and majority on Sir James Lowther's motion, December 12, 1781
8 - An Authentic list of both minority and majority on the motion of Sir John Rous, on Friday, March 15, 1782
9 - An Authentic list of both the majority and minority on the Rt. Hon. General Conway's motion, Feb. 27, 1782
10 - General heads of the proposed bill for extending and regulating the ancient Court Baron, at Wakefield, belonging to the most noble Thomas, Duke of Leeds
11 - The Speech of Charles James Fox at a general meeting of the electors of Westminster ...
12 - An Account of the annual net produce from 5th April 1775 to 5th April 1785 of the several taxes now subsisting ...
13 - An Account of the net produce of all the taxes granted since the 5th January, 1776, for one year ended the 5th April, 1785
14 - The Irish propositions
15 - Jovis, 14 Februarii, 1799: resolutions of the Commons communicated at a conference relative to Ireland
16 - Petition of the gentlemen, clergy and freeholders of the county of York
17 - By the King, a proclamation for suppressing riots and tumults, and for protecting and encouraging the free supply of the markets
18 - Declaration [on renewal of war]
19 - The Answer of Henry, Lord Viscount Melville, to the articles exhibited by the knights, citizens and burgesses in Parliament assembled ... in maintenance of their impeachment of him ...
20 - A further article...exhibited by the knights, citizens and burgesses in Parliament assembled... against Henry, Lord Viscount Melville, in maintenance of their impeachment of him...
21 - Account of the expenses of His Majestie's civil Government in Scotland in the years 1801, 1802, 1803, 1804, and 1805
22 - [Resolution that this house will not receive any petitions for private bills after the 27th day of February next]
23 - The petition of St John Mason as presented to the House of Commons, May 17, 1811, by R. B. Sheridan
24 - Copy of a circular letter from Viscount Sidmouth to His Majestie's Lieutenants of counties in England and Wales, dated 27th March, 1817
25 - Opinion of the law officers of the crown referred to in the circular letter from Viscount Sidmouth to His Majestie's Lieutenants of counties in England and Wales
26 - The case of William Lee, High Constable of Westminster
27 - House of Lords. Minutes of proceedings, die Martis, 29 Aprilis, 1828
28 - [Map] in support of the Lancashire sessions bill
29 - Petition for a free paper currency convertible at all times into gold ad valorem
9 - Political affairs
10 - The Poor
11 - Prisons
12 - Racing
13 - Reports of charities
14 - Reports of Institutions
15 - Reports of Schools
16 - Reports of Societies
17 - West Riding
18 - Miscellaneous
M - Papers of Thomas Watson-Wentworth, 1st Marquis of Rockingham (1693-1750)
MP - Maps and plans
MS - Manuscript volumes and treatises
Misc - Miscellaneous papers
N - Newspapers (English, Scottish, Irish, French and Australian)
O - Opencast mining papers
P - Pamphlets and books
R - Papers of Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2nd Marquess of Rockingham (1730-1782)
StrP - Papers of Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of Strafford (1593-1641)
StwP - Stewards' correspondence and papers
T - Papers of William Thomas Spencer Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, 6th Earl Fitzwilliam (1815-1902)
Vouchers - Vouchers to accounts - includes estate and household vouchers etc, and vouchers for personal and family expenses
Y - Papers relating to West Riding Militia, Yeomanry and Volunteers
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