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WWM - Wentworth and Fitzwilliam families of Wentworth Woodhouse (also known as the Wentworth Woodhouse Muniments)
A - Account books and rentals - includes rentals and accounts for English and Irish estates, household, farm, stable and colliery accounts, executors' accounts and inventories
AH - American Handbills
AN - American Newspapers
Alb - Letters and papers of Willem Anne Van Keppel (1702-1754), 2nd Earl of Albemarle
BkP - Papers of Edmund Burke (1729-1797)
BrP - Papers of the Bright Family of Carbrook, Sheffield, and Badsworth (1623-1752)
C - Manorial court rolls and papers for the manors of Tinsley, Wath upon Dearne, Newall Grange, Thornhill Hall, Greasbrough and Barbot Hall, Hooton Roberts, Wentworth, Tankersley, Ecclesall and others
D - Deeds relating to English and Irish estates, including wills and settlements
E - Papers relating to Yorkshire and other elections
EDonc - East Doncaster Estates Company (Cantley Hall estate)
F - Papers of William Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, 4th Earl Fitzwilliam (1748-1833)
G - Papers of Charles Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, 5th Earl Fitzwilliam (1786-1857)
Gov - Papers of Sir John Wentworth (1737-1820) of New Hampshire, USA; Lady Frances Wentworth (his wife) (1745-1813) and Sir Charles Mary Wentworth (his son) (1775-1844)
H - Handbills
M - Papers of Thomas Watson-Wentworth, 1st Marquess of Rockingham (1693-1750)
MP - Maps and plans
MS - Manuscript volumes and treatises
1 - 'A vew of the State of Religion in the Westerne parts of the world written by Sr Edwin Sandes Knightt'
2 - A copy (probably almost contemporary) of the work known as Leicester's Commonwealth, by Thomas Morgan
3 - 'The Humble answer and plea of George Duke of Buckingham to the declaration and impeachmt made agt him...'
4 - Sir Christopher Wandesforde's letter of instruction to his son, dated from Kildare [Ireland]
5 - 'A relation of the State of France by Georg Cary Miles' [Sir George Carew]
6 - 'Remarquer sur l'estat de france 1612'
7 - Life history of the Vicomte de Turenne, a nephew of Anne de Montmorency, from his birth c. 1555 to c. 1611
8 - 'Observations in Parliament'
9-10 - 'The Parliament began on Monday 17 mo Martii, 3 tio Caroli Regis anno Dni, 1627'
11 - Treatise on rights of subject, Parliament etc., setting forth Selden's and Coke's arguments and replies thereto
12 - 'Some observations of the Designs and proceedings of the Independents in by and upon ye parliament and kingdome, since the unhappy beginning of our unnaturall Warr, in the yeare 1642 unto this present time, the ending of the year 1647'
13-14 - 'A Discourse of the Ld. Thomas Fairfax's actions in the late Warrs. Short memorialls of some things to be cleared during my command in the Army'
15 - 'The Grand question concerning the Prorogation of this Parliament for a yeare and 3 months stated and discussed'
16 - A short view of the state and condition of the kingdom of Ireland ...
17 - 'Some breif considerations touching a just and firm settlmt in Church and State' by Edward Lake
18 - 'Some memorialls of my Jurny into England the yeere 1675'
19 - 'A Discourse of the power of pardoning' by Heneage Finch, 1st Earl of Nottingham d. 1682
20 - 'His Majesty's Orders for the government of the bedchamber ... as were made by his majesty's royal predecessors, which said orders are now revived and confirmed ...'
21 - 'The Report No. 10. delivered into the House of Peers, 19 December, 1699'
22 - 'The Voyage and jorney of the right honourable Henry Erle of Derbie [Henry Stanley, 4th Earl of Derby ] .... being sent Ambassadour to the Frenche kinge with the most honorable Ordre of the Garter in Anno 1584'
23 - Sir John Ogle's accounts of military campaigns in the Low Countries and of the Earl of Essex's naval actions against Spain in the reign of Elizabeth, including the seige of Ostend and the battle of Newport
24 - 'Memoirs de Villeroy'
25 - 'Observations' apparently on matters of biblical and classical history
26 - 'Ancient Nobility'
27 - 'The Booke of entrances made in the tyme of the visitation of Yorkesheire by Richard St George esq.
28 - 'Continuation of Silius Italicus' translated into rhyming pentametre by Thomas Ross and dedicated to William Earl of Strafford
29 - 'Antiessaies or contradictions of Alexander Bellus Venetian, Chapellan to the Lord Ambassr for the Republike of Venici'....'
30 - Proceedings of the Parliaments of Edward III (part 1)
31 - Proceedings of the Parliaments of Edward III (part 2)
32 - Contemporary (or nearly contemporary) copies of correspondence between the Archbishop of Canterbury and Burleigh, Walsingham, the Council etc.
33 - Book of coats of arms entitled on spine 'Humfry Hales York MSS'
34 - A treatise showing 'That it hath been an universall course of setteing the succession by the generall Councills or Parliaments of the Kingdom'
35 - Book of extracts from Domesday
36 - 'Copy of Domesday Book, so far as relates to Yorkshire'
37 - Yorkshire Tenures: 'Liber Ricardi St George militis Norroy Regis armorum partium borelium'
38 - 'An enquiry into the nature and properties of tea'
39 - Theory of the planets
40 - History of Charles the Great
41 - The argument of Judge Crooke in the Exchequer concerning ship money
42 - Mr Littleton's argument concerning knighthood
43 - Extracts from treatises on physics etc
44 - A Collection of Pedigrees
45 - Abstract of Patent rolls, Charter rolls, etc., and escheat bundles within the county of York remaining in the Tower
Misc - Miscellaneous papers
N - Newspapers (English, Scottish, Irish, French and Australian)
O - Opencast mining papers
P - Pamphlets and books
R - Papers of Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2nd Marquess of Rockingham (1730-1782)
StrP - Papers of Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of Strafford (1593-1641)
StwP - Stewards' correspondence and papers
T - Papers of William Thomas Spencer Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, 6th Earl Fitzwilliam (1815-1902)
Vouchers - Vouchers to accounts - includes estate and household vouchers etc, and vouchers for personal and family expenses
Y - Papers relating to West Riding Militia, Yeomanry and Volunteers
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