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WWM - Wentworth and Fitzwilliam families of Wentworth Woodhouse (also known as the Wentworth Woodhouse Muniments)
A - Account books and rentals - includes rentals and accounts for English and Irish estates, household, farm, stable and colliery accounts, executors' accounts and inventories
AH - American Handbills
AN - American Newspapers
Alb - Letters and papers of Willem Anne Van Keppel (1702-1754), 2nd Earl of Albemarle
BkP - Papers of Edmund Burke (1729-1797)
BrP - Papers of the Bright Family of Carbrook, Sheffield, and Badsworth (1623-1752)
C - Manorial court rolls and papers for the manors of Tinsley, Wath upon Dearne, Newall Grange, Thornhill Hall, Greasbrough and Barbot Hall, Hooton Roberts, Wentworth, Tankersley, Ecclesall and others
D - Deeds relating to English and Irish estates, including wills and settlements
E - Papers relating to Yorkshire and other elections
EDonc - East Doncaster Estates Company (Cantley Hall estate)
F - Papers of William Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, 4th Earl Fitzwilliam (1748-1833)
G - Papers of Charles Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, 5th Earl Fitzwilliam (1786-1857)
Gov - Papers of Sir John Wentworth (1737-1820) of New Hampshire, USA; Lady Frances Wentworth (his wife) (1745-1813) and Sir Charles Mary Wentworth (his son) (1775-1844)
H - Handbills
M - Papers of Thomas Watson-Wentworth, 1st Marquess of Rockingham (1693-1750)
MP - Maps and plans
MS - Manuscript volumes and treatises
Misc - Miscellaneous papers
1 - Executorship papers for Charles Wentworth Fitzwilliam, 3rd and 5th Earl Fitzwilliam, d. 1857
2 - Executors papers for Hon. George Fitzwilliam (1757-1786), (brother of William Wentworth Fitzwilliam, the 4th Earl)
3 - John Fitzwilliam (c. 1681 - 1728), 2nd Earl Fitzwilliam
4 - Account of the personal estate of the Hon. Lady Harriot Fitzwilliam at her death
5 - Correspondence, extracts from wills, copies of wills concerning the depositions of the Pigott family wills
6 - Pigott family
7 - Letters, accounts and receipts concerning the administration of the will of Countess Charlotte Fitzwilliam (1747 - 1822), née Ponsonby, wife of the 4th Earl
8 - Lady Anne Fitzwilliam (1745 - 1819)
9 - Executors papers of Anne, Lady Godolphin, sister of William, 3rd Earl Fitzwilliam
10 - Various trusts to the Ladies Frances and Dorothy Fitzwilliam and the will of the late Mrs Charlotte Wharton
11 - Wentworth; Charles Watson (1730 - 1782); Marquis of Rockingham
12 - Copy of the will of Lady Dorothy Fitzwilliam
13 - Will of Sir Thomas Gascoigne (1745 - 1810) of Parlington, Yorkshire, baronet
14 - Copy of the will and codicils of Thomas, Lord Dundas
15 - Draft deeds and other papers concerning Lady Frances Fitzwilliam's share of Lord Dundas' money
16 - Correspondence concerning the death of Thomas, Lord Dundas
17 - Correspondence from Viscountess Milton to Earl Fitzwilliam, following the death of Countess Fitzwilliam [Charlotte Fitzwilliam (1747 - 1822)]
18 - Lady Frances Fitzwilliam's account
19 - Papers relating to the estate of Lady Frances Fitzwilliam mostly concerned with legacies and including a copy of her will
20 - Draft conveyances and lawyers letters concerning the Wahrton trust established in land at Gilling, near Richmond, North Yorkshire
21 - McKenzie trust - letters and accounts, mostly from or to the lawyers of interested parties
22 - Copies of various family wills
23 - Assignment (draft) on the marriage of William Charles (1812 - 1835), Viscount Milton and Lady Selina Charlotte Jenkinson (1812-1883)
24 - to check! not on TNA discovery
25 - Abstract of title of the trustees under the settlement made on the marriage of the Hon. and Rev. William Wodehouse to certain funds vested in Earl Fitzwilliam
26 - Trust deeds, abstracts of settlement, pre-nuptual agreement etc relating to Lady Selina Charlotte Jenkinson
1-2 - Trust deeds, abstracts of settlement, pre-nuptual agreement etc (parts 1-2)
3-5 - Trust deeds, abstracts of settlement, pre-nuptual agreement etc (parts 3-5)
27 - Copy of articles by Earl Fitzwilliam for the settlement of the real estate on the marriage of the Hon. Charles William Wentworth Fitzwilliam (1826-1894), to Miss Anne Dundas (died 1925)
28 - Mr Simpson's observations on the draft final deed and the scheme of apportionment regarding Mr Swithinbank's schedule of liabilities charged on the Wentworth and Milton estates, by the deed of arrangement of November 1856
29 - Deed of appointment for the Wentworth and Milton estates
30 - Observations by Mr C.T.Simpson, of 9, Old Square, Lincoln's Inn [London] concerning the Fitzwilliam arrangement
31 - Mortgage (copy) of the barony of Ballinecor als. Ballynacor, co. Wicklow [Ireland], with all appurtenances, and all towns in Wicklow (listed in full); the rectory impropriated of the Church of Newcastle, co. Wicklow, and all tythes from the rectory of Newcastle, and all lands within the parish of Newcastle.
32 - Writ of entry to Sir George Armytage, baronet, Charles Bowns, esquire, and others, to the barony of Ballinacor, the half barony of Shelalowe, and other named territories in Wicklow, Ireland, to be attornies for Charles William, Viscount Milton
33 - Schedule of leases with rough notes, made out for the Irish estates
34 - Registration of a deed (draft) Settlement of the Irish estates
35 - Memorial of a settlement executed by William, 4th Earl Fitzwilliam and Viscount Milton, his son, of estates in Ireland, including the Barony of Ballinacor, the half barony of Shelelowe als. Shelelagh, and the manors of Wicklow, Newcastle, Fairwood Park and Carnew on 22nd and 23rd April 1810
36 - Deed of arrangement for the Wentworth and Milton estates in Cos. Wicklow, Wexford and Kildare [Ireland]
37 - Memorial of a deed (redemption of a mortgage)
38 - Copy of a certificate of registration of a deed, issued at Rotherham - Charles Marquis of Rockingham assigns to his mother Mary, Dowager Marchioness of Rockingham, the Hon William Murray, His Majesty's Solicitor General, and John Hill, of Thornton, Yorkshire, esq., named premises in Wicklow, including the barony of Balencor and the manor of Wicklow [Ireland]
39 - Lease of messuages with a brewhouse, lofts, stableyards and other appurtenances in Old Street, parish of St Gyles within Cripplegate, Middlesex
40 - Draft of the abstract of title (1719 - 1726) of the Rt. Hon. Earl Fitzwilliam to houses and premises in Clerkenwell Close, parish of St James, Clerkenwell, Middlesex
41 - Papers regarding house at Grovesnor Street / Square, Middlesex
42 - Lease (draft) of a parcel of ground on which a messuage lately stood, with a garden and appurtenances in Clerkenwell Close, near Clerkenwell Church, parish of St James, Clerkenwell, Middlesex, and 2 messuages with gardens and appurtenaces abutting on Clerkenwell Close (location given)
43 - Assignment of a term of years, in trust to attend the inheritance
44 - Assignment (draft) of capital messuage in Grosvenor Square, parish of St George, Hanover Square, with the stables, coach houses or outbuildings and appurtenances, together with all books, furnishings and fittings belonging to the capital messuage
45 - Assignment (draft) of capital messuage in Grosvenor Square, parish of St George Hanover Square, with stables, coach-houses and other outbuildings, with all household goods, furniture, etc., belonging to the capital messuage
46 - Lease of a messuage in Upper Dorset Street, Bryanstone Square, parish of St Marylebone, Middlesex, number 3 in the street
47 - Deed to lead the uses of a common recovery - all parties agree to suffer a common recovery in the manors of Milton, Marham, Woodcroft, Etton, Castor, Helpstone and Norborough, Northamptonshire, (land specified in full): manors of Sechey, Northruncton cum Hardwick, Kenwick, Wormegay, Westwinch, South Lynn, Thorpeland, Middleton, Wattlington, Tottenhill, Gaywood, Tilney, Clenchwharton, and Eastwinch, Norfolk.
48 - Exemplification of a common recovery, with single voucher
49 - Release and settlement
50 - Deed to lead the uses of a common recovery
51 - Release and settlement of Manor of Newhall, with the manor house, barns, stables, yards, gardens and orchards; arable land, pastures and marsh ground in Tilney and Islington (c. 90 acres), in Norfolk; messuage and lands, (186 acres 2 rods) in Tilney and Ishington; messuage and lands, (126 acres) in Clenchwharton, Norfolk
52 - Release (draft copy) of lands in Peterborough, Boroughbury and Stanground, Northamtonshire (listed in full)
53 - Release (draft) of All manors and lands at Thorpe als. Longthorpe, near Peterborough, Northamptonshire (listed in full)
54 - Copy of a bill for Irthlingborough, Northamptonshire reciting that the Dean and Chapter of Peterborough Cathedral claim to be the sole lords of the manor of Irthlingborough, but that Earl Fitzwilliam is patron of the rectory of All Saints and the vicarage of St Peter, both within Irthlingborough
55 - Lease and release (copy) of manors or lordships of Milton, Marham als. Marholm, Etton, Woodcroft, Castor, Helpstone, Norborough als. Northborough, Maxey and Upton, Northamptomptonshire: mansion house in Milton, Northamptonshire., occupied by Earl Fitzwilliam, with Milton Park adjoining: all messuages and lands in Milton, and in the parish of Castor, containing in all 722 acres; all tolls or other customary payments arising out of the navigation of the River Nene, Northamptosnhire, and those due at Gunnwade Ferry or Gunnwade Ferrybridge; all lands within the parish of Marham, 1302 acres, and all other lands (fully listed)
56 - Deeds relating to Manors of Helpstone, Norborough als Northborough, and Maxey, Northamptonshire and lands in Great and Little Harrowden, Northamptonshire
57 - Articles of agreement concerning the purchase of the lordship of Great Harrowden, Northamptonshire., with all appurtenances: the advowson of the vicarage of Great and Little Harrowden; the rectory and parsonage impropriated of the parish church of St Peter in Irthingborough als Arthingborow, Northamptonshire; advowson of the vicarage of Arthingborow; parke or enclosed ground, called Withmale Parke, together with the walke land in Orlingbury, Northamptonshire., and all messuages and lands in the above mentioned places
58 - Final concord - various property, alnd and rights in Yorkshire and other places
59 - Common recovery with single voucher releating to all the lands mentioned in WWM/Misc/58
60 - Conveyance to secure an annuity - messuages and land in Hooton Roberts, Yorks., including some recently enclosed common land
61 - Final Concord
62 - Agreement (draft) - William, Earl Fitzwilliam and Charlotte, Countess Fitzwilliam, direct Charles, Marquis of Rockingham, and the Hon. Aubrey Beauclerk, only son and heir apparent of the Rt. Hon. Vere, Lord Vere, to dispose of all tithes arising within the townships of Womersley, Stubbs Walden and Little Smeaton, Yorkshire
63 - Settlement concerning the manors of Wentworth, Wentworth Woodhouse, Tankersley, Tinsley, Newall, Newall Grange, Thornhill Hall, Greasebrooke, Barbott Hall, and Hooton Roberts. Lands and messuages in the parishes of Wentworth, Wentworth Woodhouse, Tankersley, Wath, Street, Rhodes, Brampton, Brampton Byerly, Melton, West Melton, Newall, Newall Grange, Thornhill Hall, Tinsley, Catcliffe, Hayfield, Whitehill, Orgrave, Brinsforth etc., all in Yorkshire.
64 - Final Concord in the manors of Badsworth, Billingley and Ecclesall
65 - Conveyance by Revocation, new Appointment and Grant (rough draft)
66 - Manor of Tinsley with appurtenances, land in Tinsley, Brinsworth, Catcliffe and Orgrave [Orgreave]
67 - Deeds regarding the Manor of Hoyland
68 - Lawyers letters and accounts concerning the settlement of the Hoyland estate
69 - Letters and papers concerning a mortgage on the manor of Hoyland
70 - Lease and release (copy) of a parcel of ground in Tinsley, being the west end of an ancient enclosure called Sough Banks, measuring 2,660 square yards, bounded on the east by another part of the said ancient enclosure, on the west, by premises belonging to J. M. Coupland, on the north by the road to the Canal and to Tinsley Wharf, and on the south by the public highway from Rotherham to Sheffield
71 - Release (draft) of the rectory of Lyth, Yorkshire, together with all houses and buildings etc., belonging to the rectory, and all lands and money in lieu of tithes
72 - Assignment of a bond from Thomas Life esquire, to Miss M. St Aubyn, for £4,000 charged on the Wentworth and Milton estates, in Yorkhire, Northamptosnhire, etc.
73 - Assignment of a mortgage
74 - Copies of schedules for Tinsley, Rawmarsh, Greasbrough and Kimberworth
75 - Grant of land in the parish of Wath upon Dearne, known as Gams Greave, Common Plough, Hay Shough, Stone Query and Skiers Spring allotment
76 - Agreement (draft) concerning the transport and sale of coal from the Barnsley soft coal seam
77 - Lease and Release (part of a rough draft only) concerning tolls to be charged to the people of Malton, for the use of the wharf at Malton, locks on the river etc
78 - Particular of estates in the manor of Tinsley, with Catcliffe and Orgrave [Orgreave], in the townships of Tinsley and Brinsworth, proposed to be mortgaged to William Baldwin esquire
79 - Abstract of title (1722 - 1728) of the Rt. Hon. William, Earl Fitzwilliam to estates at Fosdyke, in the parishes of Sutterton and Alderkirke, Lincolnshire
80 - Accounts, bills, lists and copies of conveyances concerning the North Kyme and other estates in Lincolnshire
81 - Miscellaneous bundle, mostly of very rough abstracts of deeds
82 - Assignment (draft) of the advowson of the parish church of Fletton alias Flettens, Huntingdonshire, and all the remainder of the term of 499 years
83a-b - Conveyance of the advowson of the parish of Fletton alias Flettens, Huntingdonshire
84 - Draft lawyers letters concerning the sale of the advowson of Fletton, Huntingdonshire
85 - Correspondence and other papers concerning the mortgage of the Duke of Devonshire's Derbyshire estates
86 - Draft deeds to property known as 'The Hut' at Bird in hand lane, Bickley, Kent and belonging to Mrs L. M. Power
87 - Bonds of John Bright
88 - Bond - George Westbie of Gilthwaite, in the parish of Whitstone, Yorkshire, gentleman, to King James I
89 - Bond - Roger Beldon of Brookflathouse, Handsworth, Yorkshire, cutler, is bound to John Bright of Badsworth, in £14, to abide by the conditions of a lease and release of even date
90 - Bond - Joshua Stocke of Bentihaigh, Sheffield, taylor [sic], is bound to John Bright, of Badsworth, Yorkshire, in £40 to abide by the terms of a lease of even date
91 - Assignment - Jonathan Acklam of Furnivall Inn, London, gentleman, to Mark Lune, of St Paul's, Shadwell, Middlesex, brewer
92 - Bond - Elizabeth Taylor of New Malton, Yorkshire, widow, is bound to the Hon. Thomas, Lord Malton, of Wentworth, Yorkshire, in £40, to repay £20
93 - Bond - Charles, Marquis of Rockingham, is bound to George Quarme, of Grosvenor Square, Middlesex, esquire, in £5,000, to pay Quarme an annuity of £500
94 - Declaration of trusts
95 - Bond (copy) - Charles, Marquis of Rockingham, is bound to Samuel Tooker of Moorgate, Rotherham, Yorkshire, esquire, and Samuel Buck, of Lincoln's Inn, Middlesex, in £28,000, to repay £14,000 plus interest
96 - Schedules of deeds
97 - Bond - Rt. Hon. William, Earl Fitzwilliam, is bound to the Hon. George Fitzwilliam, esquire, his brother, in £6,000, to repay £3,000, plus interest, by a specified date
98 - Deed of covenants (copy) - all parties agree that, if necessary, they will lease the manors and lands held by the late Charles, Marquis of Rockingham, in Ireland
99 - Bond - Rt. Hon. William Wentworth, Earl Fitzwilliam, is bound to Joseph Allen of Hunter Street, Brunswick Square, St George, Bloomsbury, in £4,000, to abide by the agreement whereby the Earl purchased the coal seam under Allen's land in Hoyland, in exchange for an annuity of £350
100 - Bond - John Johnson of Micklegate, in the Ainsty of York, gentleman and Maria Jones of the same place, spinster are bound to the Rt. Hon. Charles William Wentworth Fitzwilliam, Viscount Milton in £600 to repay £300
101 - Bond
102 - Bond - James Ellis of Armley, Leeds, Yorkshire, stone merchant is bound to Rt. Hon. Charles William Wentworth Fitzwilliam, Viscount Milton in £800, to repay £400
103 - Abstract of mortgage security from the Rt. Hon. William Wentworth, Earl Fitzwilliam, and the Rt. Hon. Viscount Milton to William Baldwin, esquire for securing £30,000 plus interest
104 - Bond - St Andrew Warde of Hooton Pagnell, Yorkshire, esquire, is bound to the Rt. Hon. Earl Fitzwilliam, of Milton, Northamptonshire, in £1,000, to repay £500
105 - Assignment of an annuity and securities for the same (draft)
106 - Declaration of trusts (draft) concerning the 2 legacies left to Charlotte and Mary Isabella Jenkins (infant daughters of Edward Jenkins), by the will of Charlotte, late Countess Fitzwilliam (30th July 1817)
107 - Release (draft) transferring and releasing £2,000 4% consolidated stocks into the joint names of Poynton Pigott and John Archer Houbton, by Earl Fitzwilliam
108 - Release (draft) - Charlotte Jenkins, having reached the age of 21, becomes absolutely entitled to the sum of £626 19s. 2d., 3% consolidated bank annuities which were being held in trust for her by Sir John Dean Paul and Edward Jenkins, whom she releases, in return for transfer of the sum
109 - Release (draft) - Charlotte Jenkins, having attained the age of 21, became absolutely entitled to £626 19s. 2d., 3% consolidated bank annuities standing in the names of Sir John Dean Paul and Edward Jenkins and Charlotte Jenkins, who invested the above sums, so that the total now stands at £720 16s. 7d. therefore, all parties agree to transfer the total to Charlotte Jenkins
110 - Statement of building leases, by Earl Fitzwilliam
111 - Rough conveyances and legal letters concerning an agreement to execute a mortgage by way of indemnity, between the Hon. Frederick Ponsonby, Earl Fitzwilliam, and Viscount Milton, and concerning property in Ireland
112 - Assignment in trust for creditors (draft) - the goods of J. W. Fowler are assigned to his creditors, to pay debts
113 - Attested copy of a release - G.W. Fitzwilliam releases Thomas Dundas, and Sir John Dean Paul from payment of £7,618 1s 3d 3% consolidated bank annuities, and all proceeds which have accumulated since the Deed poll of 1st July 1822
114 - Release (copy) - all parties release Earl Fitzwilliam from payment of all sums of money due them under the terms of 2 deeds poll, dated respectively 29th March 1805 and 17th April 1809
115 - Bonds and assignments
116 - Agreement - Elias Marsden agrees to sell half the hay, and all the straw, except 40 thrave, in his barn
117 - Declaration of trusts of the sum of £722 6s 9d, 4% consolidated bank annuities, part of the residuary estate of the Lady Dorothy Fitzwilliam
118 - Rider 'H' to an un-named deed
119 - Details of the leasing of the manor of Howden, Yorkshire
120 - Papers concerning the bankruptcy of Tyrce Birch, for whom Earl Fitzwilliam was a creditor
121 - Vouchers for Viscount Milton's account, settled to 1811
122 - Wentworth Savings Bank: Depositors Books
122a - Wentworth Savings Bank: ledger of depositors
123 - Wentworth Savings Bank: books no. 67-1094
124 - Wentworth Savings Bank, books no. 1103-1612
125 - Banking vouchers
126 - Banking vouchers and used cheques
127 - Cheque book stubs
128 - Used cheques, drawn on the London and Westminster bank
129 - Page from the account book of the 'special loan account' of Earl Fitzwilliam in the Temple Bar branch of the London and Westminster bank for 1871
130 - Vouchers for work done (place unspecified)
131 - Vouchers for work done at Grosvenor Square, London
132 - Voucher from the Marquis of Rockingham to Henry Savory Hubert, for wood
133 - Vouchers and accounts for work done on a house in Stratton Street [London?]
134 - Vouchers and accounts for household goods, repairs done, etc., for Lady Godolphin
135 - Account books
136 - Vouchers for taxes paid on the Grosvenor Square house [London]
137 - Vouchers concerning the Wentworth house, mostly doctor's bills for tenants
138 - Cash accounts giving details of payments to Earl Fitzwilliam, John Frith, Thomas Binks, and various other labourers
139 - Vouchers for building and repairs, property tax, purchases of estates, promiscuous payments etc
140 - Accounts and Vouchers
141 - Vouchers for taxes and outpayments from the estate; spring woods and plantations; property repairs
142 - Bottom half only of the schedule of debts of Thomas late Marquis of Rockingham
143 - Lawyers accounts for all business, estate and militia, done for the Marquis of Rockingham
144 - Notes of money received from the Marquis of Rockingham by M. Rockingham, Charlotte and Mary Wentworth
145 - Receipt for rent from Samuel Rush to the Marquis of Rockingham
146 - Accounts for the legal transactions for the 4th Earl Fitzwilliam
147 - Bill of costs, from Charles Bowns, to Earl Fitzwilliam, for general business
148 - Accounts
149 - Vouchers from Viscount Milton to Mr Wheatley, for payments for the Rotherham to Swinton turnpike road
150 - Bill of costs to Earl Fitzwilliam, from Charles Cookney, for legal business
151 - Bill of costs from Charles Cookney to Earl Fitzwilliam until his death (1833), and thereafter to Viscount Milton
152 - Bill of costs (draft) from Charles Cookney to Earl Fitzwilliam in the matter of the advowson of Fletton, Huntingdonshire
153 - Account by Earl Fitzwilliam as trustee of a sum of £12,447 19s 3½d due on a bond from the late Sir Lawrence Dundas, baronet, and Thomas Dundas, esquire, afterwards Lord Dundas
154 - Vouchers for payment of taxes, annuities etc., by the Ladies Frances and Dorothy Fitzwilliam
155 - Account books
156 - Notebook giving details of Lady Frances Fitzwilliam's account with Messrs. Snow, Paul and Paul
157 - Account for R. Waterhouse
158 - Account by the Most Noble Aubrey Beauclerk, Duke of St Albans of all money received by him on the sale of his estates in Billinghay, Kyme, and other towns in Lincolnshire, and Eaton, Ordsall, and other towns in Nottinghamshire
159 - Account of fees and expenses incurred by Messrs Benson on behalf of Mr Bowns
160 - Account of Mr Biram with Mr Newman
161 - Yorkshire Estates - Rough notes on rents, with an agreement to 'cutt and bind and river all the oats on Hoober'
162 - Yorkshire Estates - valuation of fallows
163 - Yorkshire Estates - rentals
164 - Rental of Harpole Rectory
165 - Yorkshire Estates - papers concerning the Milton estate, in North Yorkshire
166 - Yorkshire Estates - details of money gained from estates on rent days in 1822
167 - Yorkshire Estates - steward's account of receipts and payments on rent days at Wentworth
168 - Yorkshire Estates - copy of a valuation of tenants rights, stock, produce, and implements
169 - Yorkshire Estates - papers giving details of the revenues from the ironworkings at Tankersley
170 - Yorkshire Estates - papers concerning the Badsworth rentals
171 - Yorkshire Estates - Account of the valet of widow Hirst, endorsed 'Mr Heathcoate's lands'
172 - Northamptonshire Estates - survey of lands in Chelveston cum Caldecott, in the manor of Higham Ferrers, Northants., late the lands of the King
173 - Northamptonshire Estates - Papers on the estate of Higham Ferrers
174 - Northamptonshire Estates - papers concerning the lordship of Higham Ferrers
175 - Northamptonshire Estates - papers concerning the lordship of Higham Ferrers (part of the Duchy of Lancaster, and leased by the Marquis of Rockingham)
176 - Irish Estates - papers concerning the appointment of Robert Challoner as steward of the Irish estates, and granting him power of attorney
177 - Norfolk Estates - Mr Hampson's particulars of lands in Norfolk belonging to Earl Fitzwilliam and payable to the honour of Clare
178 - Notice of the verdict given in favour of his Highness, the Lord Protector and against the inhabitants of the parish of St Gyles, Cripplegate, London, who were indicted for not repairing the Common highway
179 - Memorandum - George Morsland declares that the fittings etc., of the house and gardens that he now stands tenant of owned by the Hon. Colonel Bright, are in good repair
180 - Handwritten extract from 'An Act for the better maintenance of curates, and for preventing any Ecclesiastical Persons from bying the next avoydance of any Church preferment'
181 - Warrant to Mr Francis Taylor, Mr Walkinson Sotheby and Mr Francis Langley, or any other attorney, to appear at the Court of Common Pleas, to hear Joseph Winskell of Caldwell, Yorkshire, yeoman, John Savile of Caldwell, Yorkshire, mason and Thomas Wilkinson of Kirkbridge, Yorkshire, on an action of debt for £100
182 - Bill of complaint - Sir Hungerford Hoskyns, baronet against Canston, in a dispute over a loan of £100
183 - Bill of complaint - Sir Hungerford Hoskins, of Hardwood, Hertfordshire, baronet, against Elias Haskett, moneylender, for defrauding him of a promised loan of £150, and taking out an action against him
184 - Notes about William Tate's proposal for his holdings in Newcastle and Ballivolan [Ballyvolan, both in Wicklow, Ireland]
185 - Petition to George Carter, master of a vessel called 'The Content' to Mark Braithwait esquire, commissioner of the Court of Admiralty, held at Cawood, for the River Ouse
186 - Declaration by Ann Young, Lawrence Bolton and Henry Coates to pay themselves £10 6s 8d p.a. for 21 years, or the duration of the life of John Sharp, son-in-law of Ann Young, payable from a certain holding (unspecified)
187 - papers regarding the Act of Parliament, for regulating the proceedings in personal actions in the Courts Baron of the manors of Sheffield and Ecclesall
188 - Legal correspondence concerning the house in Upper Wimpole Street, the property of Lady Frances Fitzwilliam
189 - Affidavit sworn by the inhabitants of Cripplegate Ward without, and parish, London certifying to the integrity of Samuel Godfrey, inhabitant of the said parish, who had lately been deprived of his attorneyship, through a charge of libel (copy)
190 - Summons to appear at the Assize Court, York
191 - Correspondence and other papers on various legal matters mostly between lawyers Cookney and Newman
192 - Copy of 'An act for effecting the sale of part of the settled estates of the Hon. Charles Cecil Cope Jenkinson'
193 - Lawyers briefs, accounts, and correspondence, concerning the case brought against Earl Fitzwilliam, by George, Ann and Martha Platel for recovery of a debt
194 - Notebook containing rough notes on the evidence given in cases heard at Sheffield Sessions
195 - Legal papers of Charles Cookney, Earl Fitzwilliam's London lawyer
196 - Business letters from Charles Cookney to Earl Fitzwilliam
197 - Legal correspondence, mostly to Earl Fitzwilliam
198 - Order from George IV to William, Earl Fitzwilliam, on his election as one of the Lords Temporal to represent Ireland
199 - Drafts of letters between Charles Cookney and Earl Fitzwilliam and the various interested parties about various annuities the Earl was paying
200 - Correspondence between Charles Cookney and Earl Fitzwilliam concerning Messrs. Gibbons & Co., and the transporting of Earl Fitzwilliam's coal
201 - Solicitors papers (Charles Cookney and Messrs. Frere and Foster)
202 - Correspondence between Lady Frances Fitzwilliam and Charles Cookney About her financial affairs.
203 - Licence to have a patent
204 - Memorandum of an agreement between John Day and Earl Fitzwilliam, in which Day agrees to let a stallion horse, called 'The Hero', to Earl Fitzwilliam, for 2 years, for 500 guineas.
205 - Papers concerning T.D. Simpson's bankrupt
206 - Copy of petition delivered to King George III at Kew, at Leonard Hamond
207 - Statement of Sir William Glynne's case in opposition to a bill intended for an Act of Parliament to restore the Earl of Derby to the Manor of Hawarden, Flintshire
208 - Heads of an Act 'for the more speedy and easy recovery of small debts within the jurisdiction of the manors of Sheffield and Ecclesall'
209 - Manuscript copy of 'A bill to enable the Rt. Hon. Earl Fitzwilliam, to make long leases of part of his estate in the County of Wicklow'
210 - Contemporary copy (?) of a letter from Thomas Wentworth Earl of Strafford, to Mr Frenche About the appearance of Nicholas Satterthwaite at Tickhill court
211 - Letters to Earl Fitzwilliam from Thomas Mander, concerning the Tidmington [Warwickshire] estate
212 - Copy of a letter from Frances, wife of George Bussy Villiers, fourth Earl of Jersey
213 - Letters to Earl Fitzwilliam from C. Pepys, of Lincoln's Inn, London, concerning a Mr Birch, a mortgagee of the Earl, who was requesting the Earl's support for his application for the stewardship of the Bethlem Hospital
214 - Letters to Earl Fitzwilliam from Rogers Parker of Munden, nr. Watford Offering an allotment of a piece of land in Peterborough Common
215 - Letters to Earl Fitzwilliam, from Lord Yarborough, at Brocklesby, near Brigg discussing Lord Pelham's election tactics
216 - Letters to Earl Fitzwilliam from James J. Cleaver, of Sowerby [Yorkshire] requesting the Earl's permission for his father to resign the living of Malton and for the curate R. Davies to be appointed in his stead, and a letter from R. Davies to Earl Fitzwilliam, asking for the appointment
217 - Letters and papers concerning inter alia the discovery of deeds of a transaction made in 1717
218 - Letter to Earl Fitzwilliam, to inform him that certain goods have arrived by ship
219 - Letter to Earl Fitzwilliam, from B. Corbett concerning a pair of black storks
220 - Letters and notes on Lady Hussey's trust
221 - Letter from W. Birks to Earl Fitzwilliam Concerning the account book of Silkstone colliery
222 - Letter unsigned, which explains the contents of boxes of salt sent to Earl Fitzwilliam
223 - 'A true account of my Lady's [Lady Bright?] clothes sent to London, October 19th by Mrs Rushworth'
224 - Various accounts of wine etc in the cellars at Grosvenor Square, London
225 - List of books in the book cases in the Gallery at Wentworth
226 - List of doe venison given by the Rt. Hon. Earl Fitzwilliam, to various people
227 - Buck Venison lists given to various people (listed)
228 - Account of sundries 'removed from the house in the wood to Wentworth House'
229 - Notebook giving details of all post sent from Wentworth
230 - Catalogue of pictures and statues at Wentworth House
231 - Volume entitled 'Quotations from the rain gauge fixed on Wentworth House'
232 - List, endorsed 'Ideas of Lord Rockingham for decorations at Wentworth'
233 - List of plate, endorsed 'weights of new plate'
234 - Inventory of plate
235 - Bundle of recipes and a menu
236 - Lists of the nobility created by King James I, King Charles I and King Charles II
237 - List of members of the House of Lords and Commons, who held official positions under the Crown, from December 1779 - September 1780
238 - Political poem, entitled Oczakow
239 - Enumeration of the upper division of Strafforth and Tickhill
240 - List of the numbers of houses in the Kingdom, paying hearth tax
241 - Blank form, parchment, Latin. Perhaps a nomination form for MPs
242 - Account of the sheep belonging to Earl Fitzwilliam at Wentworth and Tankersley
243 - List of hunters and hacks at Wentworth
244 - Draft pedigree showing Sir John Bright's matrimonial relationships, by his first two marriages
245 - Pedigree of Watson - Wentworth
246 - Pawnbrokers bill for the Marquis of Worcester
247 - A note concerning 'Mrs Vane's linen'
248 - Copy of one page of Wentworth constable's accounts
249 - Certificate granting the Most Hon. Charles, Marquis of Rockingham, freedom of the City of Bristol
250 - Letter from E. Wolley at York, to Thomas Marshall, at the Stamp Office, London offering assistance with a loan of money, and suggesting how to raise the remainder of the money required
251 - Bacon's Country Map and guide for Cumberland
252 - Pamphlet on the visit of the Prince of Wales to Sheffield
253 - Report of the Museum and Mappin Art Gallery
254 - Notebook on farming, annotated with Latin quotations, and headed 'property of William Payne'
255 - Notes on the Export trade to Ireland
256 - Notes on terms for the sale of wool
257 - Letter from Mr Goodman, concerning the consumption of tea in a farmer's family
258 - Philip's map of London
259 - Inventory of the house and farm of William Hall, at Tinsley, Yorkshire, taken by Charles Turner, sheriff
260 - Sturgeon Manuscripts
N - Newspapers (English, Scottish, Irish, French and Australian)
O - Opencast mining papers
P - Pamphlets and books
R - Papers of Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2nd Marquess of Rockingham (1730-1782)
StrP - Papers of Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of Strafford (1593-1641)
StwP - Stewards' correspondence and papers
T - Papers of William Thomas Spencer Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, 6th Earl Fitzwilliam (1815-1902)
Vouchers - Vouchers to accounts - includes estate and household vouchers etc, and vouchers for personal and family expenses
Y - Papers relating to West Riding Militia, Yeomanry and Volunteers
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