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WWM - Wentworth and Fitzwilliam families of Wentworth Woodhouse (also known as the Wentworth Woodhouse Muniments)
A - Account books and rentals - includes rentals and accounts for English and Irish estates, household, farm, stable and colliery accounts, executors' accounts and inventories
AH - American Handbills
AN - American Newspapers
Alb - Letters and papers of Willem Anne Van Keppel (1702-1754), 2nd Earl of Albemarle
BkP - Papers of Edmund Burke (1729-1797)
BrP - Papers of the Bright Family of Carbrook, Sheffield, and Badsworth (1623-1752)
C - Manorial court rolls and papers for the manors of Tinsley, Wath upon Dearne, Newall Grange, Thornhill Hall, Greasbrough and Barbot Hall, Hooton Roberts, Wentworth, Tankersley, Ecclesall and others
D - Deeds relating to English and Irish estates, including wills and settlements
E - Papers relating to Yorkshire and other elections
EDonc - East Doncaster Estates Company (Cantley Hall estate)
F - Papers of William Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, 4th Earl Fitzwilliam (1748-1833)
G - Papers of Charles Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, 5th Earl Fitzwilliam (1786-1857)
Gov - Papers of Sir John Wentworth (1737-1820) of New Hampshire, USA; Lady Frances Wentworth (his wife) (1745-1813) and Sir Charles Mary Wentworth (his son) (1775-1844)
H - Handbills
M - Papers of Thomas Watson-Wentworth, 1st Marquis of Rockingham (1693-1750)
MP - Maps and plans
MS - Manuscript volumes and treatises
Misc - Miscellaneous papers
N - Newspapers (English, Scottish, Irish, French and Australian)
O - Opencast mining papers
P - Pamphlets and books
1 - Acts of Parliament
2 - Anti-Slavery
3 - Canals, etc
4 - East India Company and Indian affairs
5 - Economic Matters
6 - Elections
7 - Literary and Miscellaneous
8 - Medicine
9 - Parliamentary Affairs
10 - Periodicals
11 - Petitions, etc
12 - Political Affairs
1 - John, Musgrave, Another word to the wise, shewing that the delay of justice is great injustice, by displaying heavier grievances in petitions from severall Counties to the House of Commons and letters to Parliament men ...
2 - Orders and directions set downe and agreed upon by John Lambert, Commander in Chief of the forces in the northern association, and the Council of War held at York, on Friday, the 10th of December, 1647, for the regulation of the inequality of quartering....
3 - [Israel Mauduit] The Parallel: being the substance of two speeches supposed to have been made in the closet, by two different ministers some time before a late demise, humbly submitted to the judgement of those who are to consider of the renewal of our Prussian treaty
4 - Remarks on the sentence given in favour of E...W...M..., and T... T...,Esq., by the L...t C...l at Paris [France]
5 - A Letter from a merchant of the City of London to W.... P...., upon the affairs and commerce of North America and the West Indies; our African trade; the destination of our squadrons and convoys; new taxes, and the schemes proposed for raising the extraordinary supplies for the current year
6 - The Constitution: with an address to a great man
7 - [Benjamin Franklin] The interest of Great Britain considered with regard to her colonies and the acquisitions of Canada and Guadaloupe, to which are added observations concerning the increase of mankind, peopling of countries
8 - J. Tower, Considerations occasioned by an act of this present session of Parliament to prevent the excessive use of spirituous liquors by laying an additional duty thereon and to encourage the exportation of British made spirits
9 - An historical memorial of the negotiation of France and England from the 26th of March, 1761, to the 20th of September of the same year, with the vouchers
10 - [Philip Francis] A letter from the anonymous author of the letters versified to the anonymous writer of the Monitor
11 - [Benjamin Franklin] The interest of Great Britain considered with regard to her colonies and the acquisition of Canada and Guadaloupe; to which are added observations concerning the increase of mankind, peopling of countries etc
12 - Preliminary articles of peace between his Britannick Majesty, the most Christian King and the Catholic King; signed at Fontainebleau, the 3rd day of November, 1762
13 - [David Hartley] The Budget inscribed to the man [George Grenville] who thinks himself minister
14 - [David Hartley] The state of the nation with a preliminary defence of the budget
15 - [Dulancy, Daniel] Considerations on the propriety of imposing taxes in the British Colonies for the purpose of raising a revenue by Act of Parliament
16 - [John Fothergill] Considerations relative to the North American colonies
17 - Correct copies of the two protests against the bill to repeal the American Stamp Act, of last session with lists of the speakers and voters
18 - [Anstey, Christopher] The Patriot: a pindaric address to Lord Buckhouse
19 - A Dialogue between Sir George Cornwall.... and Mr Flint.... London and ...
20 - A short narrative of the horrid massacre in Boston perpetrated in the evening of the fifth day of March, 1770, by soldiers of the twenty-ninth Regiment, which with the fourteenth Regiment, were then quartered there, with some observations on the state of things prior to that catastrophe
21 - Extracts from the votes and proceedings of the American continental Congress held at Philadelphia on the fifth of September, 1774 ...
22 - [Lee, Arthur] An appeal to the justice and interests of the people of Great Britain in the present dispute with America, by an old member of Parliament
23 - [Dalrymple, Sir John] The Address of the people of Great Britain to the inhabitants of America
24 - The Declaration by the representatives of the United Colonies of North America, now met in general congress at Philadelphia setting forth the causes and necessity of taking up arms ...
25 - The Twelve united colonies by their delegates in congress to the inhabitants of Great Britain....
26 - A Succinct narrative of the proceedings and debates of the Parliament of Ireland, during the fifth session of the second Parliament in the reign of His present Majesty, begun to be held at Dublin, October 10th, 1775
27 - A Narrative of the proceedings and debates of the Parliament of Ireland, during the fifth session of the second Parliament in the reign of His present Majesty, begun to be held at Dublin on the tenth day of October, 1776
28 - A Linen draper's letter to the friends of Ireland
29 - A Scotsman, pseud An Answer to [Edmund] Burke's speech in Parliament in favour of the Scots Roman Catholics residing in Edinburgh and Glasgow, on the 18th of March, 1779
30 - [Sir I Haslet] Cursory observations on Ireland by a member of the Dublin Society
31 - Substance of the speeches made in the House of Commons, on Wednesday, the 15th of December, 1779, on Mr Burke's giving notice of his intention to bring in a bill after the Christmas recess, for the retrenchment of public expenses and for the better securing the independence of Parliament
32 - Edmund Burke, Speeches of Edmund Burke, member of Parliament for the city of Bristol, on presenting to the House of Commons (on the 11th February, 1780) a plan for the better security of the independence of Parliament and the ecconomical reformation of the civic and other establishments
33 - Granville Sharp, A circular letter to the several petitioning counties cities and towns, addressed to their respective general meetings, against the late Proposition for a triennial election of representatives
34 - A letter to the author of the lucubrations during a short recess
35 - [A. Zouch] A few words in behalf of the poor: being remarks upon a plan proposed by Mr Gilbert for improving the police of this country; also remarks upon the three bills which are to be offered to Parliament respecting 1. the Poor; 2. Houses of Correction; 3. Vagrants
36 - [Mary O'Brien] The Glorious revolutions of 1782: a herroic poem in two parts, by a lady
37 - A narrative of the proceedings of the Lords of Ireland, in the years 1703 and 1719, in consequence of the attempt made at these periods by the Lords of Great Britain, to enforce their authority in this Kingdom... inscribed to the Lords of Parliament and the peers of Ireland, by a friend to the constitutional rights of both Kingdoms
38 - The State of Ireland, laid open to the view of His Majesty's subjects
39 - A Key to the Parliamentary debates; being an humble attempt to render them intelligible
40 - Authentic copies of the provisional and preliminary articles of peace signed between Great Britain, France, Spain and the United States of America
41 - A collection of the letters which have been addressed to the volunteers of Ireland on the subject of a Parliamentary reform, by the Earl of Effingham, Doctor Price, Major Cartwright, Doctor Jebb and the Rev. Mr Wyvill ...
42 - The True state of the question
43 - [Alexander Hamilton], (Phocion, pseud) A letter to the considerate citizens of New York on the politics of the times
44 - J. Ridgeway, publishers. Ridgeway's abstract of the budget; on the taxes of the year 1784 ...
45 - Edmund Burke, A Representation to His Majesty, moved in the House of Commons, and seconded by William Windham on Monday, June 14, 1784, and negatived; with a preface and notes
46 - A candid review of the Pitt's twenty resolutions, addressed to the people of Ireland
47 - To guard against misrepresentation: an authentic statement faithfully extracted from the Report of the Committee of the Privy Council appointed by His Majesty for the consideration of all matters relating to the intended system of commerce between Great Britain and Ireland to which are added observations resulting from facts as stated by the Committee addressed to the merchants and manufacturers of Great Britain
48 - Plain facts submitted to the common sense of the people of England
49 - The commercial resolutions of the Irish parliament, in their present session, vindicated; to which is added, an authentic copy of the resolutions
50 - Lord John Sheffield, Observations on the manufactures, trade and present state of Ireland, part 1
51 - Letters concerning the trade and manufactures of Ireland
52 - Josiah Tucker, Reflections on the present matters in dispute between Great Britain and Ireland, and on the means of converting these articles into mutual benefit to both Kingdoms
53 - [James Glenie], (An officer, pseud) A short essay on the modes of defence best adapted to the situation and circumstances of this Island; with an examination of the schemes that have been formed for the purpose of fortifying its principal dock yards on very extensive plans, which are ready to be carried into execution by His Grace, the Duke of Richmond, now Master General of the Ordnance, addressed to the public at large, but particularly to the House of Commons, and the independent country gentlemen of Great Britain
54 - Treaty of navigation and commerce between His Britannick Majesty and the most Christian King, signed at Versailles, the 26th of September, 1786
55 - Convention between His Britannick Majesty and the most Christian King, signed at Versailles, the 15th January, 1787
56 - [R. S. Tighe], (Melantius, pseud) Upon the education of the people
57 - A Discourse on the love of our country, delivered on Nov. 4, 1789, at the meeting house in the old jewry to the Society for Commemorating the Revolution in Great Britain; with an appendix....
58 - Whig Club. Resolutions and declarations
59 - Joseph Towers, Thoughts on the commencement of a new Parliament; with an appendix containing remarks on the letter of Edmund Burke on the Revolution in France
60 - [Brooke Boothby] A Letter to Edmund Burke
61 - Cursory remarks on [Joseph] Priestly's letters to [Edmund] Burke, and strictures on [Thomas] Paine's 'Rights of Man'
62 - [J. S. John] A letter from a magistrate to William Rose, of Whitehall, on [Thomas] Paine's 'Rights of Men' (sic)
63 - Paddy Whiskey's Christmas box for 1792
64 - An Address from the General Committee of Roman Catholics to their Protestant fellow subjects and to the public in general respecting the calumnies and misrepresentations now so industriously circulated with regard to their principles and conduct; to which is added the oath taken by the Catholics of this Kingdom, and the opinion of foreign colleges respecting certain tenets imputed to Roman Catholics
65 - Theobald McKenna, An essay on Parliamentary reforms, and on the evils likely to ensue, from a republican constitution, in Ireland
66 - [Thomas Bentley] A warning to all whose eyes God hath opened to see the disorders which now reign in this Kingdom, or who are in any civil or ecclesiastical office therein
67 - Theophilus Swift, Animadversions on the fellows of Trinity College
68 - London Corresponding Society. At a general meeting held at the Globe tavern Strand; on Monday, the 20th day of January, 1794, Citizen John Martin in the chair, the following address to the people of Great Britain and Ireland was read and agreed to
69 - Sheffield Constitutional Society. Proceedings of the public meeting, held at Sheffield, in the open air, on the 7th April, 1794: and also an address to the British Nation, being an exposition of the motives which have determined the people of Sheffield to petition the House of Commons no more on the subject of parliamentary reform
70 - Henry Yorke [Henry Redhead Yorke (1772-1813)], Thoughts on civil government: addressed to the disfranchised citizens of Sheffield
71 - Sir Richard Musgrave, A letter on the present situation of public affairs
72 - [O'Connor] A letter to the Earl of Carlisle, occasioned by his Lordship's reply to Earl Fitzwilliam's two letters: exhibiting the present state of parties in Ireland, vindicating the late viceroy's administration, and the characters of the persons with whom he associated in council, from the malevolent aspersions levelled at them and detailing the secret causes which led to his recall
73 - 'Fairplay'. Letters in answer to the Earl of Carlisle, and Mr Playfair, on the administration and conduct of Earl Fitzwilliam
74 - A plain statement of facts relative to the administration of Earl Fitzwilliam in Ireland
75 - Authentic statement of the proceedings of the Roman Catholics of Dublin, April 9, 1795, on receiving the report of Baron Hussey, of Galtrim, Edward Byrne, Esq., and Bryan Keogh, Esq., the delegates appointed to present the petition of the Roman Catholics to his Majesty
76 - 'A Member of Parliament' pseud. Letter to His Excellency Earl Fitzwilliam on the rumour of His Excellency's intention of quitting the government of this Kingdom
77 - Protest of Earl Fitzwilliam in the House of Lords
78 - First letter: a letter from Earl Fitzwilliam, recently retired from this country to the Earl of Carlisle explaining the causes of that event
79 - Second letter: a letter from Earl Fitzwilliam who recently retired from Ireland, to the Earl of Carlisle explaining the causes of that event
80 - Butler, ----, Historical account of the laws respecting Roman Catholics - of the Laws passed for their relief; with observations on the laws remaining in force against them......
81 - [- T] Hussey, A Pastoral letter to the Catholic clergy of the united dioceses of Waterford and Lismore
82 - Joseph Williams, An Essay on invasions and defence of the coasts with short tracts on various temporary subjects; particularly a review of the king of Prussia's conduct
83 - Edmund Burke, Two letters on the conduct of our domestic parties with regard to French politicks; including 'Observations on the conduct of the minority in the session of MDCCXCIII'
84 - [John Dillon], Legal arguments occasioned by the project of an Union between Great Britain and Ireland on the exclusion of the Roman Catholic nobility and gentry in both Kingdoms from Parliament
85 - Resolutions of the Roman Catholic prelates assembled at Dublin
86 - Christopher Robinson, A Report of the judgement of the High Court of Admiralty on the Swedish convoy; pronounced by Sir William Scott, on the eleventh June, 1799
87 - Charles Butler, A letter to a nobleman on the proposed repeal of the penal laws which now remain in force against the Irish Roman Catholics
88 - J. J. Dillon, (A Barrister, pseud) The Question as to the admission of Catholics to Parliament, considered upon the principles of existing laws, with supplemental observations on the coronation oath
89 - J. J. Dillon, The Question as to the admission of Catholics to Parliament upon the principles of existing laws; with supplemental observations on the Coronation Oath; to which is annexed a further supplement occasioned by the 2nd ed. of Mr Reeve's considerations on the same subject
90 - [Theobald MacKenna] (A Friend to the United Kingdom, pseud) An Argument against extermination, occasioned by Dr Duigenan's representation of the present political state of Ireland
91 - U. O'Dedy, A view of the laws of landed property in Ireland, of the relation of landlords and tenants, and of the condition of the latter, actually, morally, and politically considered with a mode suggested of attaching the mass of the people to British interests
92 - Authentic correspondence and documents explaining the proceedings of the Marquess Wellesley and of the Earl of Moira in the recent negotiations for the formulation of an administration
93 - Grey, Earl The speech of Earl Grey in the House of Lords, May 12, 1817, on Lord Sidmouth's circular
94 - St Crispin's Day; or, Gotham in an uproar; an historical ballad to the tune of Chevy Chase
95 - A member of the Last Parliament, pseud. Remarks on Lord John Russell's bill for the disfranchisement of the Borough of Grampound [Cornwall]
96 - Observations on Mr Brougham's Bill for better providing the means of education for His Majesty's subjects, shewing its inadequacy to the end proposed and the danger which will arise from it to the cause of religious liberty
97 - New Times and Courier. Letters on the proposed vote for building churches, which have appeared in the New Times and Courier
98 - Crafton Uniacke, A Letter to Horace Twiss, being an answer to his 'Inquiry into the means of consolidating and digesting the laws of England'
99 - The Truth respecting the Revolution which broke out in Paris in the month of July, 1830; its cause and consequence; trans. from the French
100 - C. W. Fitzwilliam, Wentworth, 5th Earl, An Address to the landowners of England on the Corn Laws
101 - [John Lyons], Remarks on the New Grand Jury Bill
102 - Fitzwilliam, C.W. Wentworth, 5th Earl A Second address to the Landowners of England on the Corn Laws
103 - G. O. Corbett, The Red River Rebellion [Manitoba, Canada]: the cause of it in a series of letters to the British Government on the importance of opening the overland route through Rupert's America from Canada to British Columbia, for the introduction of means for the administration of justice therein; the promotion of emigration; and earnest appeals to stay bloodshed in the Red River Settlement by extending righteous rule to that country
13 - Poor Law
14 - Prisons
15 - Horse Racing
16 - Reports etc., of institutions, charities, societies, hospitals, etc.
17 - Sale Catalogues
18 - Sale Plans
19 - Sermons
R - Papers of Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2nd Marquess of Rockingham (1730-1782)
StrP - Papers of Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of Strafford (1593-1641)
StwP - Stewards' correspondence and papers
T - Papers of William Thomas Spencer Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, 6th Earl Fitzwilliam (1815-1902)
Vouchers - Vouchers to accounts - includes estate and household vouchers etc, and vouchers for personal and family expenses
Y - Papers relating to West Riding Militia, Yeomanry and Volunteers
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