
Ref NoMCR/10/16/3
Alt Ref NoMR/531
geographical classification 10.63
TitleGerman East Africa (Tanganyika): Miscellaneous
DescriptionManuscript and typescript letters and reports, press cuttings, illustrations and printed material relating to German East Africa (Tanganyika) [current day Tanzania]. Volume includes papers regarding agricultural development in German East Africa, the cultivation of economic plants such as tea, coffee and cocoa, the sending of botanical specimens, the Amani Institute, and agricultural appointments and training. Includes papers assessing the existing information relating to the flora of Tanganyika [as the territory passed to British control in 1916], including a list of specimens received by Kew 'through official sources from British East Africa, Uganda and Zanzibar between Jan 1890 and Nov 15 1917'.

Volume includes letters to Thiselton-Dyer, Prain, Hill and Chipp, with letters and memorandums by Thiselton-Dyer, Prain, Hill, Skan and Wright. Includes correspondence with the Foreign Office and Colonial Office.

Volume includes the following index:

-- Agricultural Appointments --
(Ff95-107, 110-111, 135-137, 146-148) Papers regarding recruitment, and provision for study at Kew by agricultural officers.

-- Bibliography --
(Ff73-94) Papers, including bibliography, of information regarding the natural resources of German East Africa.

-- Burtt, B D --
(F163) Letter regarding sending of botanical specimen.

-- Haarer, A E (Orchids) --
(Ff112-119, 122-127, 130-133, 138, 140, 150-151, 154-162) Papers regarding sending of botanical specimens to Kew, including specimens of orchids, with pencil and painted illustrations.

-- Muggeridge, Lt C E --
(Ff55-60) Correspondence with C E Muggeridge regarding people with knowledge of German East Africa, for the information of the War Office.

-- Reports --
(Ff5-7, 27-42, 53-54) Papers regarding The German East Africa Company's Report for 1897, a visit to German East Africa, 1904, and the development activities of the German East Africa Administration.

-- Rubber, cultivation of --

-- Rubber Seeds --
(Ff14-26) Papers regarding request for rubber seeds.

-- Sisal Hemp --
(Ff51-52) Papers regarding its cultivation.

-- Sturdy, D --
(Ff141-143) Papers regarding appointment of Donald Sturdy as District Agricultural Officer.
Date9 Jul 1896-25 Oct 1928
FormatManuscript papers
Press cuttings
Published documents
Collection TitleMiscellaneous Reports
Extent1 volume
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